What Happened To The Forums?

What happened is people complained about a Mercy that was a complete joke of a pick the higher up the ladder you got but people said she was op anyway. In exchange they got a truly OP Mercy, but rather than realize this people have decided Mercy should not be fixed in fear of her being OP again, despite her being OP was a direct result of their complaining that Rez as an ult was broken. Ironic becuase 2.0 was the one that was a problem.

The forums would never have devolved this bad if balance had been done on facts rather than the complaining.

toxicity is rampant in-game and on the forums. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

What else is there to talk about?

No lore, little hero depth it is just a combo or timing.

So much CC I ccan’t even get through 3 QP’s before I just play something else.

But I get what you are saying, my old favorite thread was “Journey through the bronze inferno”.

Sad to say, that has been the state of the U.S. forum since i started.
The EU forum is more civil.

That said, there have been some really decent threads.
Just to mention a few:

It is just that they have been drowned out by the unhappy players.
It is easier to hate than to love.

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Disappointing game design leads to drastic increase in player frustration, which ends up on the forums.

Nothing gets as bitter as the forums for a game that started amazing and then turned sour.

Trust me, I should know. I played HEX.

I was playing Pokemon Moon a long time ago.
I was trying to find Necrozma, waddling around grass.
I (think I) was low on Pokeballs
To try and be conservative, I throw a standard Pokeball (also for sh*ts and giggles)
MFW 1 shaky shaky
MFW 2 shaky shaky
MFW 3 shaky shaky
MFW I caught Necrozma, a legendary pokemon, with a standard Pokeball.

Nothing has changed. Forums are literally for people to come here and voice their complains. I’ve been on forums for years and they are always the same. Perhaps you have a different perspective because you haven’t been on forums for that long.

Forums were always complaining, where have you been?

short answer The systems in the game pander to bad players… i mean after all matchmaking thinks everyone deserves a 50% win rate…

because of this all the players that in a traditional matchmaking system would be way below this 50%… develop this ego that they are way better players than they are… because matchmaking sets them up to get carried to keep their win rate around that 50%… once that ego sets in… any time they get confronted with a situation, that makes them face they arent as good as they think they are… they resort to Crying OP… hacks or just any excuse they can come up with to avoid personal accountablity because holding themselves accountable would be the same as admitting they arent as good as they think they are… and they will never do that.

As for the “mercy mob” consider what i just said… then bare in mind shes the lowest skill floor and ceiling hero in the game comparatively speaking. i mean sure they could play a diffrent support… but that would mean they would have to develop skills that mercy can get away with not having or being poor at

Lol trust me I did NOT miss downvotes

because it was just thrown around

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Zero progression in the game overall. Art team does an amazing job other than that everything else falls short. This leads to a community full of unhappy individuals expecting more out of this game. Since there hasn’t been anything which has changed drastically.

I know that it was always complaining, but now, instead of about 50% complaining and 50% other threads, it’s pretty much 99.99% complaints

Most everything I see not directly addressing lore or balanced get’s 404’d apparently?

It’s weird isn’t it.

404’s left and right.

but waluigi is not in smash.

I was genuinely upset by that. I really wanted him, he’s my favorite Nintendo character :\

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What kind of alternate universe was this where the forums were actually good at any point.

Please transfer me to this universe immediately.

In other news, water is wet lol. :clown_face:

I think I make some decent topics, if you want some reading material.
Profile - GreyFalcon-11737 - Overwatch Forums

Also I got my scratchpad for ideas I got cooking:
Stuff grey is thinking about

I think anyone who’s maintained their level 3 the past half a year has noticed a sharp increase in forum toxicity and reduction in positive/original threads in General the past month or so. I think moving Lore out of General is one contributing factor. But I dunno if there’s any magical solutions.

Personally, I do my best to not go for “cheap bait / likes / activity” and really try to come up with original content. But it’s pretty sad how hard you have to work to keep those threads afloat.

I just took a solid hour digging up all the OWL team branding from the web and posting it in one play for people to compare–something even Blizzard hasn’t done–and at the end of the day how much interest did the post get?

In 2 days: 5 likes. ~20 replies. 500 views.

I could make a zero effort rant post and get 100 replies in an hour.

The forum as a community just doesn’t care for intelligent discussion, by-and-large. And certainly not as much as it used to.

At the end of the day, it’s not surprising the devs private profiled their forum accounts and are just replying to the Reddit now…