Thank You, Overwatch

My wife wanted to express her thanks to Overwatch and its developers for helping her through some of life’s most difficult challenges. She had a rough time last year and wanted to share her thoughts and feelings with the rest of the Overwatch community.

Thank You, Overwatch
It was a cool November evening. I was watching play-through videos on my phone as Overwatch installed on my computer. I had never really played a first-person shooter before, but I wanted to give this game a shot. I honestly got it because my husband didn’t always have someone to play it with, and I knew how enthusiastic he was about the game. When I told him I would play, he perked up and bought it right away. He started showing me what the game looked like, and I was intrigued enough. Never having played anything like it, I wasn’t sure what would happen, but I tried to be open-minded. “Let’s see how this goes,” I said as I loaded the game for the first time.

I was quickly sent to the practice range where my husband picked out a few characters he thought I would enjoy (I specifically remember Reaper, Junkrat and Torbjorn). I had a lot to learn; more than the average gamer, anyway. It didn’t come to me naturally since I hadn’t played many games like this. I had a hard time remembering the buttons and each characters’ abilities, but the colorful cast of characters kept me captivated. Their individual quirks and personalities held my attention. I was pretty horrible at the game, but I didn’t want to stop playing. I was eager to give competitive play a try; since I had never done anything like that before, I wanted to see what it was like. My husband refused to team up with me until I got better, so I did what I could to learn. I watched videos of people WAY more skilled than I, and I was determined to mirror their movements.

After about two weeks of playing Overwatch, it began to consume a sizeable portion of my free time. I had put the other games I had been playing aside to build a completely new skill set. I was enjoying the new world to which I had been exposed.

Over Thanksgiving holiday I took a break from gaming for family time. I was very glad I had done so, as my father had a stroke the following weekend. He was hospitalized out of town. Because I, like most people, have to work, I couldn’t be at his bedside as often as I wished. I spent the first couple of days with him and spent every weekend with him, but during the week I was confined to hourly phone calls with my mother. I couldn’t be with him, and that separation produced overwhelming anxiety, as his condition was critical for the first few weeks. The first few days in particular were crippling.

When I came home distressed after long days at work trying to do my job along with making preparations for my parents, Overwatch was there for me. I’m sure that sounds silly, but I needed to escape from my own thoughts. I couldn’t be at the hospital, and I desperately needed some kind of distraction. I couldn’t focus at work and nightmares filled the time I should be sleeping. My few hours each night with Overwatch were the only times I wasn’t completely consumed with endless dread of the inevitable phone call that my father had taken a turn for the worse. D.Va and Mercy became my sisters. Rhinehart and Soldier 76 gave me guidance. I could go to the Temple of Anubis and forget the frustration at the hospital too far away.

My father remained hospitalized through December. The Christmas holiday event was the best part of Christmas for me. Seeing the Christmas skins brought me holiday cheer. King’s Row and Hanamura covered in snow were my cozy nights by the fire. Christmas lootboxes were my presents under the tree. I had to leave the hospital on Christmas wondering what the next year would hold, and Overwatch cleared my mind of the uncertainty.

January began with a second stroke hitting my family, and resulted in the sudden death of my grandmother. My father was still in the hospital, and I took my mother’s place as her representative at the funeral. I was consumed with grief for both of us. When I returned home, Overwatch was there for me yet again. If only for an hour or two, my troubles could fade away as I pushed the payloads in overtime and held control points as justice rained and rip-tires rolled.

Overwatch is a game. It is a way to amuse oneself and connect with friends and strangers. It is a way to pass a few hours of free time. To me, though, it will always be a little more than that. Overwatch got me through the worst months of my life. When I needed a way to get out of my own head, I could transport myself to a world of Blizzard’s creation full of color and excitement. I could forget IVs and burial plots for a few hours when I needed somewhere to go. My mains were always there waiting for me as a source of stability and comfort. No matter how bad a competitive match goes, no matter how bad my “off” day is, no matter how OP the new character is, Overwatch will always have a special place in my heart. It was my home away from home. It was my family when my own was out of reach. Thank you, Overwatch.


Thank you so much for this thoughtful and wonderful post, Arkahios.

It literally choked me up and i hope that every thing works out in the end for you and your family.

Thank YOU.


My condolences for you and your wife’s loss.

This was an awesome post and nice change of pace to what we see on the forums all the time. Its nice to know the game is impacting others in a positive way.


Yes, indeed.

As many have pointed out, it is just that the negative ones, naysayers and those who have too much time on their hands to put to good use are flooding the forum.

OW has brought my daughter, my son and i closer as we play together and chat together. It has also brought me a few new friends in game / online.


Beautiful post. I’d love if one of the devs pinned this. It’s really heart-wrenching to see video games bring so much positivity into people’s lives.

After I met my boyfriend, Overwatch was how we really bonded. We don’t play it together anymore, but Overwatch is still one of the best things to happen to me. Helping me find love and helping me through my depression.

I’m so glad Overwatch was there in your wife’s life and I’m so happy we can all be a part of this community.

The world could always use more heroes.


Did your wife’s fathwr recover from the stroke in the end?


Yes, the impact of the game on the lives of its players have been and can be positive.

I would love for some way to have posts like this and others to be consolidated.

If nothing else, it would rise the morale of the Dev Team and keep them going.

Heroes Never Die.

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Based on my personal experience with stroke as in my friends and relatives who have had them, unfortunately they never fully recover. It is just how severe it was, what areas of the brain and nervous system it impacted and how one deals with in the long term. /sigh

This is the kind of thing I’d rather see so enjoy the bump and my belated condolences.


You have shedded light too my day.


Thank you for sharing your story with us.

I legit have hardcore feels right now.


That was a wholesome post


I am unsure if the Thread Starter would see all the wonderful replies thus far, i hope that he does.


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Lovely post sorry to hear about your family troubles, good luck in the future.


This is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your story.


My condolences to your Family Arkahios and i hope you and family gets better with time…

This Post Your Experience is something i believe would really make a difference for some people who may went through similar circumstances and really feel the same
but they didn’t have the chance to share it yet…

i my self have a 2 works one of them at home and every time i want to start my home work i always do a game or two to chill out then start working with a nano boost XD

anyway thought i would share my experience too hope the best for you…


Such a great story :smile:


I really do hope that the Thread Starter would come in and read all the wonderful support from the forum community here, despite being sparse as it is.

Everyone gets their +1

…and thank you all for sharing and supporting as well.

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A very wholesome post :^)


Oh thats nice, Overwatch was a major factor when it comes to my alcohol addiction. I dont mean, it helped solving the issue but brought me closer to it because comp wasnt playable sober.