What Happened To The Forums?

This post is everything. EVERYTHING!


You forgot “I had one game where the enemy Tracer rolled us, and even though her stats are mediocre, I would like to suggest a nerf to her blinks”.

Expect to see a lot more threads like that now that Brig is getting nerfed.

No stats or evidence will be provided. just a lot of emotions and one liners.

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I feel you astro, i quit overwatch but wanted to visit forums from time to time in the end.

Nowadays all i see is pointless whining about half-dead game, even more then when whining was actually important and there was still a chance for the game.

These funny threads, story threads, jokes, satires or just positive threads are nowhere to seen anymore :(.

Someone sounds a little grumpy. :thinking:

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They häve always been like this unless you always logged on to the forums at midnight. I can still find a lot of friendly people here and I think the Forums have improved the last three or so months…while the game has gott en worse​:relieved::relieved:. But I think the complaints you have about the Forums now Gould be solved by simply adding a category for “balance”. That would also maaaybe make the drevs listen Möre to the people posting on the Forums since they usually are on reddit.

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Why woudl I? It is just the truth. Don’t you know others who also play it?

We must play the game for different reasons. I play to get better at playing it. Whether or not I’m getting stunned or countered doesn’t matter. I have access to the same tools as the other players.



He could save others from death

I remember a few days ago I tried to make a fun little thread and take some negativity away from the forums, but people just made it about the state of the game anyway.

It’s a rollercoaster here; sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down, and sometimes we hear kids crying if they are not tall enough to enter the ride.

Meanwhile, if things get heated up here, the Story section is the place to experience tranquility.

Well over an year ago, the forums where an rough place overall but not as it is now recently. The forums were only great to me back before Sombra got released into Overwatch.

The forums at one point stopped talking about the game and started talking about itself.

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This game has turned into trash is what happened. I only come here to feel better about it because everyone else is also complaining about how bad it is, that’s how I know it’s not just me.

As in every game forum.

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you know they added a little glimmer to lootboxes now. not something i like but its a nice little detail that goes unspoken of. I love all the little details this game has. From different sounds a unique skin might make. Or a cat in a window on Halloween maps.

Coming to the forums is depressing. i wish it was positive here but almost all the post are misguided or misinformed people asking for changes they want.
Just wish is was a bit different here. Helpful and Positive.

people in general got worse -> players got worse
the game got worse -> players got worse
(players got worse * 2) -> (forumgoers got worse * 2)

I honestly 100% agree. I’d love to come to the forums and have a decent debate, or look at someone’s suggestions for the game. But I always seem to get dragged into those threads due to the sheer number of them.
I hate Mercy’s current state and all, but I’m real tired of trying to debate with people who won’t listen anyway. Blah, why do I even show up anymore?

I’ve tried doing something along those lines in the past. It always got ignored or something along the lines of what you get

it was always a cesspool

If it wasnt for complainers things would only get worse in the world, you need that balance.