This will be my first in a new series of RtPT threads, dedicated to celebrating all things positive about Overwatch! And seriously, let’s try to keep it positive, people!
So let’s go ahead and kick it off!
Let’s start with a simple topic, and I do mean simple! Say something really nice about any hero of your choosing. Want to compliment someone’s skin? Gush over how much fun a certain character is? Do you think Reinhardt is a smashing singer??? Sound off!
You’re giving me a weird “We happy few” vibe. No… No I-- NO I refuse to take your joy! You can’t make me! It’s my basic human right to be negative!! Nu–nuu!! Arrrghhh!!!1
Overwatch is perfect. Blizz are so very good at designing heroes. I am having so much fun now that Mercy has been… corrected. Happy happy happy.
That sounded dangerously close to being negative. Didn’t you read the OP? This is a positive only zone. Saying Overwatch isn’t perfect is a clear violation. Either keep it positive or kindly leave the thread.
Speaking of Rein, I tried playing him in qp again last night because it sure would be nice if I didn’t suck at playing him, and no one said anything negative about me playing him. Instead, someone complimented me on using one of his voice lines at the perfect time lol. It was great
Thanks. Tho i dont really mind. I was one of the first to get lvl3 (i even had a semi popular thread about how youd get to lvl 3 back then) and in all honesty i dont feel like im missing out on anything xD. I only ever used to image perks to like help people like posting the image for them and what not
Yeah, I’ve noticed it s a good trend in the forums like if a non lvl3 user tried to posts a link or an image someone with lvl3 in the replies would make it easier for everyone by linking it properly.
Yes! The Cultist skin is one of my absolute favorite event skins, and it doesn’t hurt that I’m a big Lovecraft fan! And Zenthulu is a really good name!
After playing a bit of Zarya the last few days. I’m starting to enjoy playing her now. Haven’t played her since the beginning of the game. I sincerely regret this decision wisely.
Back when the game first came out I played a lot of Symmetra, and would provide my own ult call-out on voice chat the first time I used her teleporter in any game: “I am the Key and the Gate!”
Sometimes I would get lauded for this. Sometimes I’d be told to shut up. Not everyone loves Sym-Sothoth.
Lemme just say that the sound design team is incredible. I feel like the sounds of overwatch are too often overlooked, but recently I’ve been paying more attention to them. The teleporter especially is