Top 500 4.4k peak moira main speaks about the nerf

Good! Moira also has needed a range nerf on her damage since her inception!

Why is this guy saying hes 4.4 and then acting like a clown ?

Smh …

I mean, that’s exactly it. The average player, who isn’t great was getting dumpstered by her in 1v1’s. Now dps moira’s who depend on that lifesteal in the backline of enemies can get punished easier by them.

Bruh. Ana wasn’t even meta during goats. Ladder had her played a lot but ladder was playing a lot more than goats.

Can someone post the patch notes? I just can’t seem to find it.

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Thank you for the link. I appreciate it.

Imo, she needed a small nerf. I don’t think it’s a bad nerf either. She has way too much survivability.

No. They wanted to buff Moira’s survivability with the Fade buff in the Role Queue Patch:

Please get your facts straight before you speak.

Anyway, this is classic Blizzard. They want to buff her, suddenly she’s thrown into the meta because of double shield with no changes to her whatsoever, and suddenly she needs a nerf. To her life-steal. As if that was actually enabling her to be in the double shield meta. This nerf lowers her survivability which was the only thing she excelled at before Role Queue (and still wasn’t enough to justify picking her before). I had low expectations but nerfing Moira is just really stupid and disappointing.


You can heal yourself with orbs or ask your support, the nerf is mostly for her dueling power, plus it will discourage DPS moira.

is being a t500 as moira one trick some sort of an acheivement.
You diyam well know, u get flamed every game being called boosted trash :rofl:

Does literally nothing to her team healing. This is almost entirely predicated on Moira’s who do flanking on enemy backlines. Moira’s who play more grouped with their team are not as affected.


I don’t think this nerf changes anything except for 1vs1 fights, but it feels like an unnecessary change, slapped at the last minute, for…reasons.

They were trying to increase her survivability last patch (another ridiculous change thrown without thought) and now they are nerfing it? Sense? None!

Moira is fine as she is, she doesn’t need changes imo.
Once double barrier comps are no longer viable, she will “fade” away!


You could use this for frequent updates:

get’s updated with PTR and Live patchnotes as they hit.
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Doomfist and Orisa: Welcome in the club!

She can duel almost everyone in the damage class with a very high success rate, as they have no self sustain, and she has basically unavoidable damage, and she is very hard to kill with her small hitbox, invulnerability ability and self heal.

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I mean, that’s a blizzard thing. Nerfing heroes that don’t need nerfs and mostly nerfing parts of the kits that don’t need any sort of nerf.
That’s just symbolic to calm down people like " hey look we nerfed her so stop complaining now"


Im more impressed that you made it to 4.4 with Moira lol

I think it’s less for the people complaining about Moira, and more for the people who have been complaining that dpsers playing her because their queue is 10+ minutes long who refuse to use any of their healing buttons.

This way, they might be a bit more inclined to toss out a healing orb.

They might accidentally heal a teammate.


Dps Moiras, will still dps, no matter what.
They will just be a bit less effective at it.

But here is the thing, it does not really matter. The nerf was negligible. It is the headscratcher of an otherwise amazing patch, but only garbo Moira are going to feel the pain.