Top 500 4.4k peak moira main speaks about the nerf

You misunderstand what I’m saying. Zen is a perfect example of a balanced support: He’s supposed to do a lot of damage but he is a glass cannon and can be easily killed himself, as he has no sustain. He also requires great positioning, aim, and gamesense to use effectively, and has to be in constant communication with his Discords. Moira? She can throw a death orb at a squishy and do half their health or completely heal all damage with her heal orb, all while continuing to sustain and damage at the same time with her beam. See the difference? Moira can’t be punished as easily when she is out of position, and that’s not good design. That’s an imbalance in power, and “git gud” isn’t really relevant in this argument.

I think everyone defends this character because you’re complaining when the problem is you and not the character.

If you get beat up why are you sticking around and letting yourself get killed? I had a Genji today, arguing profusely about Moira’s orb but the minute I asked him “don’t you have deflect?” he just stopped arguing. Maybe you just need a different approach or to step back from your problem? I have been completely unable to kill a lot of good Tracers.

I wanna give you advice but I don’t know where you’re at as a player and I don’t want to insult you.

Also, I am not an “OMG MUH SKILLS!” guy. Like that won’t hurt me a bit. I’ll take the training wheels. Heck give me a push to start while you’re at it?

But seriously how do you approach fighting a Moira? Let’s see if we can help you out. You know what might help too is playing more Moira and seeing what other Tracers do that vexes you. When I want to find out how something can be done or is being done in a game that is a go-to method for me.

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Because you can’t run from Moira, you kill her or you die. There is often times not an escape option because you have to burn so many cooldowns just to kill her. With no cooldowns you’re dead. Also you’re assuming Genji’s deflect even works lol, it doesn’t even work half the time and the hitbox is so small that you often miss, and Moira can still be draining you enough to finish you off THROUGH your deflect. Like I said, it’s an imbalance of power. It’s not what I’m doing wrong, it’s that the Moira doesn’t have nearly enough consequences for being out of line. She needs a check, and this nerf was the perfect method to do so. It actually punishes Moiras from seeking out squishies to kill instead of playing like a healer should.

Only 4 characters can’t run from Moira. 3 are in the support catagory.

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Okay. I still think you should play her some though. Particularly if you still find yourself having problems. Walking a mile in somebody else’s shoes is always instructional.

I play her all the time, and that’s the reason I think she’s so overtuned. I mean seriously, she can escape Grav AND Flux? And she has lots of self sustain and the highest healing output. She just gets way too much value for the skill required. Fade is the best mobility tool in the game as it is! Get caught in Flux or Grav? Nope. Hit by Dynamite? Nope. Getting frozen by Mei? Nope. She just has too much, so this nerf is totally justified IMO, she needs a more consistent way to be countered other than snipers (who counter everybody)

What’s a top 500 Moira main?.. is that like a person that’s willing to always play the meta hero that requires zero aim so the rest of the team doesn’t have to…

And they just continually win because they are never selfish with their pick, they realize they can’t aim, and just pick out the heros in the mats that require it and sacrifice their time and fun to make the team complete?

I cant believe a support main is being told on the OW forums. What dimension is this?

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I just find it hard to believe you think you couldn’t beat her with Tracer before or that you can’t run from her because I’ve found that Tracers can certainly do both. I don’t think supports should just be free kills though and that’s the natural order of the universe but that’s me. We all will tend to look at things from the perspective of the role that’s closer to our hearts you know?


I enjoy playing Moira the most out of any support, but I see this change as an opportunity to buff her elsewhere. The last buff she had made her way too difficult to kill, and that affected 1 on 1s a lot.

If they nerf her 1v1 viability a bit, perhaps they can add an affect to her orbs or something.

Not a crazy effect, of course…maybe a 15% speed buff/debuff depending on the orb? Would that be huge? I don’t know.

Gonna stop before I start wasting time with thinking things up.

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Im a support main, and in low elos genjis/tracers were repalced by Moiras. The fact that she is a support doesnt mean that some people abuse of her as a flanker. Just that she needs less effort to kill the rest.

Rmemeber Genji tracer have mobility, the rest of the characters also can suffer her dps

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It’s funny 'cause despite the nerf there’s been 2 every game I’ve played so far tonight. Even if there aren’t any by the start of the match, there’s always 2 by the end.

Hence why I am talking about the updated stats instead of how the game was before.

I just hope this discourages DPS Moira play styles from this nerf


Jeff said they started working on the 222 a year ago, long before saying Moira could use some buffs.

This is absolutely what is happening, they know as well as we do that Dive should be countering the current meta.

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Those two and sombra are the only ones she’s effective against, and by effective against I mean she can survive long enough for help to arrive but isn’t able to beat them =\ how is that countering the majority of the Damage class? 0_o

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Yes, I love that drag race reference.

Ana and lucio are the only support heroes allowed to be viable, don’t you know? =p

They’re high skill and used in owl

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If people have problems with Moira self-healing 10HPS less they’re a terrible support and probably cries about not being able to take stupid positioning to duel squishies.

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