Top 500 4.4k peak moira main speaks about the nerf

That’s just not true… =\

AD/no movement acceleration is obnoxious though, as is using hitscan over projectiles for weapons. She’s really not a threat unless you’re alone in a room and you mess up your shots (which I’ve done plenty of times playing McCree, but, you know, that’s on me for screwing up so many shots…).

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Yeah I don’t agree with the change; it clearly wasn’t necessary.

The patch otherwise is a positive step although a few little things I’m sad they went the wrong direction with

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Ironically the reason why they nearly gave her that insane fade buff was that they WANTED her identity to be ‘incredibly damn hard to kill’


Ana was meta during GOATS; theyre are multiple forms of that comp, and Ana GOATS is actually a counter to Moira GOATS.

Because her new design was OP until they had to gut it because single rezzes are broken and yet her playstyle got boring because Valkyrie takes a lot of player agency away.

And again, she had been OP, like when she released, etc.

Being OP is different than simply just being slightly overtuned or just having really good synergy with certain heroes that make for a better team composition.

Mercy and Ana in those times were broken by design and ultimately have been made less fun to play because of all the punishments that playing them comes with.

Mercy before her rework was never meta, even during hide and rez she was not even considered good or meta and the actual act of hiding and rezzing was:

  1. a huge detriment to your own team
  2. only really existed as much as it did because of an sr bug that allowed players to gain so much competitive SR through large amounts of people rezzed in a single mass rez that a loss didn’t matter
  3. many people often tempo rezzed or picked smaller groups to rez

To this day, even with a more garbage version of the single rez can still rez more people than I ever did with Mass Rez and yet I am more bored of playing her because Mercy is that much easier to play in her current condition.

And there is still too much Ana possesses in her design that fluctuates her heavily between OP and UP.

Much like Widow in the aim department, she has very little that is designed to offset and train a player for her skill ceiling.
Especially due to the versatility of her kit, the grenade doesn’t end up doing much to help an inexperienced support to heal because she doesn’t have much that allows a learning/slower player to spread their focus around, they don’t have that same level of speed.

Eg. Moira’s after heal effect on Ana would do wonders for lower ranked players and would combo better with the healing traits of her nade, allowing a player to spread focus and better main heal with her.

However, her nade’s strength is still so incredibly strong simply because it stops all healing rather than being a healing reduction. That is brokenly strong and yet that has not been adjusted to this day.

Ana’s self sustain is also problematic in the fact that she has very little and sleep dart is expected to make up for that and I can’t really say it always does. Strong but on a high cooldown leaves her at a much greater risk. Not to mention as a sniper in any shape, she has not vertical tools to gain the high ground she needs to do her job better.

Ana needs to be redesigned in a way that makes her skill floor a bit kinder.

I mean, even Moira needs adjustments. Her orbs could be so useful as dual utility if you weaken the traits they have now and add something to them:

EG. If your healing orb ends up toward the enemies side, it often becomes useless to you, what if it could debuff some enemies with a firing speed decrease?
What about the damage orb? Damage is nice, but often you lose someone in between that orb. Maybe a damage reduction as well?

So that the orbs serve a purpose beyond just damage or heal and can actually have an impact to both sides.

I don’t think it helps that all supports heal as opposed to having healers and then supports that just assist the team without actually healing.

She needed the nerf get over it. If your as vood as you think with tbe easiest character in the game you shouldnt even notice it.

Then why complain about it? Why so afraid that you’re gonna get affected, if you claim it doesn’t matter at all?

I honestly think the nerf wasn’t needed. But it really doesn’t matter that much. If it means you’re not gonna win easy duels with people that actually need to aim, then so be it.

Most of CD times, Bullet capacity and so on, are completely arbitrary/random for me… This is an asymmetric game, u can’t really balance it but u can lose any compass easy… and for me OW has lose is direction - whatever it was - long ago…

How would she not be a threat? Unless you get healed, or way out of range, she can kill you in a guaranteed set amount of time. Regardless of the Moira player’s skill.

Everything else will kill her much faster unless you miss your shots.

Hang on, you’re in masters your concerned about Moira’s DPS. I don’t understand =\

you remind me of those salty sym mains who infested the forums when sym lost 5% of her ridiculous 10 seconds to infinity of holding lmb beam.
This is an attempt to stop moiras from flanking (mainly on lower ranks were they are never punished enough), this WON’T affect you at all if you are 4.4k since flanking with moira at 4.4k is definitely not a thing
Also how is this a nerf? she can still do stupid amounts of healing and damage same as before, the only thing that changed is that it’s now SLIGHTLY harder to take dumb risks to flank and survive, her fade is still unchanged so this will literally change nothing

It’s time to add some skill cap for braindead heroes like her, it’s not even fun to get killed by someone who auto connects shots WHILE self healing, can hold rmb infinitely, orbs do the job alone even if spammed randomly and if you are taking dumb risks you have the mobility to escape

You have any idea how many moira mains were diamond just a season ago???
Now GM!
Yet he still starts to cry!

Proven best 1 trick in this meta for past season much like sym, mains are just salty to be salty and don’t give an f about fair game

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Humans are inherently inconsistent, the potential that they can kill you faster is less of an issue, that the guarantee that you will die in a set amount of time regardless of the skill of the enemy player.

In the first case you only have to be better than the enemy player. In the second you are forced to play far above their skill level.

That’s what makes Moira a huge problem. And it doesn’t just go away in high ranks, your supports just tend to be better, and actually heal you instead of letting you die.

I don’t see it but to each their own I guess.

Issue is, if you do increase her power level and skill requirements accordingly people are just gonna get back to calling her braindead the moment she becomes a decent pick lmfao. Happened with Sym’s rework, going from “YoUr JuSt MaD ShE HAs To aiM nOW” to “SyM M1 iS oP anD DoesNt NeeD SkiLl.” No matter what you do, people will give excuses.

You mean you didn’t know nerfs/buffs revolve around the mata? It’s the only reason anyone gets nerfed/buffed.

Oh, it’s just as I was playing the game right now.

Look pretty public to me.


Mercy moth meta was exacly 8 months dummy dum
‘‘OvEr A yEaR’’
Ana meta was 9 months
moira is still going to be meta even after the nerfs bc double sheild will live