To the "tanks are not fun" people

oh wow shroud has an opinion so i must believe in it :open_mouth:

placed in plat because he understands the game extremely well.

No one cares what a CoD/Battle Royal streamer/pro had to say in a game that isn’t either of those. His opinion isn’t really valid here.
That’s like asking my pediatrician if I should worry about something regarding an 80 y/o.
Probably not their area of expertise.

It varies from person to person. I love playing support, even if I get frustrated. Moira, Ana and Mercy are fun for me. Sometimes tanks can be fun, but they’re not my cup of tea (though it’s fun to get a good D.Va bomb :wink: ). I tend to like DPS like Mei, Junkrat, Torb, Symmetra and Sombra. Soldier, Hanzo, Genji all bore me.

But that doesn’t make the heroes I enjoy inherently fun for everyone, or the heroes I dislike boring. It’s just a matter of preference and playstyle.

People like different play styles. I actually love playing tank, but I don’t enjoy some heroes like Pharah, Hanzo, and Doomfist. To each their own. Just don’t try to fundamentally alter the tanks so that people who currently enjoy them stop enjoying them and we’re good.

I will say that I much prefer tanking in a 2/2/2 comp. It can be rough if you don’t have enough heals. And solo tanking isn’t great unless you are wrecking ball.

…Am…Am I being shamed into like tanking?
just what

I used to think tanks weren’t fun, and then I played on the ptr.

Is begging to have competent DPS and healers to help you while you eat all the CC in the game and bounce around the map.

The only fun tank right now in the game is Roadhog because he doesnt need a healer following him around or DPS because he can 1 shot almost all the Damage Caster

I personally havent pick a Tank since season 10

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He said he “LOOKS” fun, not “HE IS FUN”.

It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for 'em.

As if Shroud somehow became the basis of whether tanks are fun or not.

You could have probably picked a dozen other players and their opinions would have been more valid.

If you ask a pediatrician something regarding an 80 y/o they’re going to have a greater understanding of what is happening to the 80 y/o because they’ve got a lot of experience in the medical field and I’m sure that knowledge will float over

Just like if someone who has played of a lot of shooters makes a comment about a game that involves shooting is more than likely going to know what they’re talking about.

As far as i watched him play this game he doesnt even like to play against shieldtanks. He said multiple times in his stream that playing against Orisa, Bastion and Babtiste is the worst thing ever. And the times he played tank he played mostly as Hog and Hammond.

Sure it doesnt matter in the end what one streamer says. But its a good window of opportunity, because if you just simply make a post about Orisa and Bunker beeing broken then nobody will listen, but when you say: “Shroud doesnt like it either” then people will strangely start to take notice.

And people should take notice, because Orisa was broken since release. A shieldtank without any noticeable cooldown after shieldbreake is just pure broken and leads to really unhealthy gameplay comps.

It’s kinda funny that you failed to mention the game that he was actually a pro in.

I think that his opinion is quite interesting because he’s mechanically more gifted than the vast majority of all FPS gamers.
If someone who is so good at pew pewing can find heroes fun that don’t do it at all then I think others can as well if they give it a chance.

I like playing Tanks except for one problem. Knock back, it feels terrible to be playing a Tank and get knocked around like a beach ball in a crowd. Sure they finally addressed this problem exists with Reinhardt by giving him knock back resistance. But they didn’t give him enough he still feels like a beach ball.

I’ve suggested it plenty of times before. It might even be where blizzard got the idea.

Besides that I think all the Tanks should have passive knock back resistance. Never got around to names for the passives of the other Tanks.

Besides knock back I couldn’t care less about the other CC abilities. I’m not asking for CC immunity just knock back resistance that’s high enough to be noticeable. Other then knock back being a royal pain I enjoy playing Tank even with all the other CC in the game.


I don’t like them because they’re the worst of both worlds. Isn’t as solo as dps heroes and doesn’t have the self sustain of a healer.

Tanks and supports are a lot of fun but their enjoyment is also very much tied to your team, if you have a well rounded comp and the team is working with you they’re a blast, but if you’re solo tanking with a solo support or worse no support and your dps refuse to work with you and instead wonder off for kills or don’t commit with you it’s miserable and you’ll just get punished over and over again. I think 2/2/2 will help quite a bit with this, not everything of course but it’ll be better and hopefully that will work towards ending the stigma against tank play because it is probably the most complex and least understood role in the game

Reinhardt in my opinion is the most fun character to play in Overwatch. I don’t know why, but there is no other feeling that can match that of when you outplay an enemy Rein and land a huge shatter on him and his team.

The Rein v. Rein mind game is honestly the most amazing experience I have had in a video game.

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I doubt if it’s even that. They probably haven’t even tried. There’s just pervasive attitudes in the community that tanks are boring, healers are no skill, and DPS carry.

It’s a lot more to do with ego than anything mechanically in the game. We only get to boring as a denigration because anything else is just so easily dismantled as an argument against it.

Zarya is one of the most mechanically demanding heroes in the game requiring arced projectile aim and good tracking. That’s before we get into bubble use. D.Va is an aggressive, mobile bully. Orisa is an absolutely intractable wall.

I don’t even know how you can paint a whole class as boring when it’s so varied.

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Tanks are fun. I love playing them (have 50% of my playtime on tanks across accounts).

Here’s something from my perspective:
Playing main tank is extremely stressful. Largely since if you make a mistake, it generally results in a lost teamfight against a competent team. The amount of cc doesn’t help either.

The biggest problem of tanking in lower elo: healers would be Moira or Mercy (mercy isn’t a main healer unless you run dive tanks. Even then she struggles). Most Moira mains I’ve seen are busy dpsing while I die. You could argue why I don’t play healer then. I did but i don’t find Moira to be fun. But tanks below 3k don’t seem to understand they’ve to play slow/play in LOS to get heals from Ana. So it’s more frustrating for me.

But if I’m dpsing, I don’t have to worry about others doing their jobs. I can rely on health packs+ can win 1v1/more control on the general outcome of a match.

I wasn’t toxic until I started maining tanks. Just got out of 2 weeks suspension. So yeah. No tanking if I want to chill.

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