To the "tanks are not fun" people

Yeah, playing main tank has certainly made me one salty person. I never have been banned or suspended, but if things don’t go your way, then it’s very noticeable and it’s very easy to get angry. So easy to get tilted as a tank player.

And yeah, tank is probably the least mechanically demanding role, but it makes up for this in being the most intensive gamesense-wise and in terms of positioning.

That being said, when things go right in a game as a tank, the feeling is absolutely amazing.

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Fun is subjective. You cannot paint a broad brush on why people consider some heroes more fun than others. Reasons vary from one person to the next.

Ok, Why do you link to shroud? he has played the game for about a week now. yes he is incredibly skilled but I don’t know if you are going to convince a lot of people if you link to a player that is new to the game.

Nothing more rewarding then smashing my hammer into the ground, dropping the entire enemy team and watching my team basically shoot training bots.

maybe its new tank heroes feedback suggestion heroes should be fun to play in overwatch