To the "tanks are not fun" people

“You don’t like the thing I like, it’s because you don’t understand it”

What kind of dumb logic is that? Everyone likes different things, it’s not because they don’t understand it.


Or you know, people do not find playing tank fun, you know, opinions and subjectivity and all that .

I think tanks are fun. Doesn’t mean others have to. What I don’t like is when people say “TANKS ARE DYING AND UNFUN AND MY OPINION IS THE ONLY ONE”.

So Shroud’s opinion is more valid or something?

It is possible just not to enjoy the play styles of the current tanks :man_shrugging:t4:

Sigma looks fun to me, I like casters. But no I don’t enjoy the tanks currently available.

I agree but its a complicated situation. Tanking isn’t fun because the majority of the playerbase below Grandmaster doesn’t really understand the game, and even the ones that do don’t actually have the skill to actually apply it. I don’t think you can really go into Overwatch with no previous high-level gaming experience and expect to intuitively learn Tanking, because Overwatch is honestly one of the hardest games out there and Tanks personify use of pure game-sense to win. However, I feel Blizzard could encourage learning of the games true rules and mechanics better than they do. Dota has the “guide” system and I feel that Overwatch could use something like that. Basically, Tanking IS fun if you actually learn the game and don’t blame everything on overpowered heroes and stuff, but Blizzard could certainly do more to encourage and facilitate learning the game.

It’s why I enjoy playing support, and in particular Brigitte gave me a good mix of it all. But the reason I don’t play tank because it’s unfun is not because I have no idea what I’m doing, or that it’s somehow less flashy than clicking heads. It’s mostly just because the amount of CC in the game makes it impossible to even walk down a short corridor without getting pinballed around.

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Off tanks are certainly fun. Main tanks, however, are often frustrating. Yes, you can have that one game as main tank where you hard carry your team and it’s amazing, but other games, you are a cross between a pinata, and ult charge.

Well this is good and all but the average joes like ninjas who moves fast and deals tons of damage.


I would like to mention that he hasn’t played a single second of Reinhardt up to that point…

But I guess you still got a good point.

I had no idea what I was doing on Genji for like a month, and yet I still found him fun.

Likely because it’s more to do with the type of gameplay, not how well you understand it.

Crazy how people have gameplay preferences.

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I hate tanking but it isn’t because of the “lack of skill” involved in tanking. I like Mercy, I also like Widow, they’re just different heroes. Honestly I don’t really like any of the tanks’ playstyles.

I tend to like heroes that play towards the backline, and tanks don’t really do that by design.

I don’t care if he’s high rank, the reason i find one of them unfun ( is because she’s barely a tank anymore, just a chunky dps but not by design like roadhog.

For the rest besides hammond they don’t have a appealing playstyle for me.

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But thats different, because people fundamentally understand that the point of a DPS hero is to do damage and get kills, its fundamentally mechanically rewarding.

If there was a 5 minute explainer video when someone picked Main Tank for the first time (This is purely hypothetical, I’m not actually suggesting this happen) that explains what making space is, and so they understood in some way from the getgo the point of tanking - I think they’d enjoy it more. “Tank” is just a much vaguer and complicated role than Damage.

Nobody cares what Shroud has to say about anything.

Enjoying a role is up to the player in question finding a playstyle that they enjoy. If there are no tanks that a given player meshes with, they’re not going to enjoy tanking.

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I fundamentally understood Reinhardt’s purpose and still thought he was boring.

Stop trying to make people feel intellectually inferior for not thinking tank is fun. It isn’t going to work on anyone who holds that opinion.

As a Tank you are the damage “taker” as such you need a wide knowledge of damage values, not just how to dish out damage but how to take damage and what you can actually take with the healers you have available. Reins my #1 fav hero to play and alot of time what gets me killed is people overestimating me. There’s only so much damage I can block if I stop you should walk through where I made an opening, if I move you better move with me or find cover cause I know I cant tank whats coming. People expect reinhardt to be able to block everything and thats just not true.

Also being a melee you need to know when to swing and when to shield, any time im not on rienhardt and I see him swinging I’m trying to kill whatever he’s swinging at cause he knows it’s gonna kill him or he can kill it. One main reason I also play Soldier 76 is because he’s a good foot soldier for rienhardt. Everyone says “soldier take the high ground” but you can backup reinhardt and be way more effective in alot of maps. When he swings you drop your heal for him and shoot, when he shields you focus the nearest threat to him and when it’s weak he can usually kill it in one or two swings. They are a good pair if you ask me.


I mainly play tanks and what makes me flat out log off and contemplate uninstalling is fighting against CC-heavy compositions. There is just too much of it, and it gets stacked up too easily. Then a lot of it gets thrown at tanks because they are big, easy targets to hit. Some games I just feel like a glorified spectator for as much interaction I get to have with the game.

I think all the tanks are fun in a way. Now with Sigma in PTR, he will be another one I will gladly learn.

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Different people have different tastes. You couldn’t pay me to play Rein and Orisa, but I will pay you to play Ham and Sigma.