Yep, im going starting a megathread about brigitte, to discuss her issues, her balance point, And respond to some misconceptions about her kit
Lets start with the basics
a lot of people make the mistake of calling brigitte a “support” Which could not be more wrong, Brigitte is a tank support hybrid Meaning her job is not only to heal but also to create space
With that cleared up, Lets keep on shall we?
We know what she is, Now lets discuss
as stated above…shes a support tank hybrid, meaning her job is to create space, and to heal, So how does she do that exactly?
She has two methods of healing, Repair pack and Inspire
Lets start with the healing stuff
Repair pack
It has two separate effects, Giving armor, and healing, Now how do these work?
lets imagine someone has 1 hp, out of 200, That person would be healed for the full 150 hp, leaving them out at 151 hp,
Now, Our hero has 200/200 hp, We give him the repair pack, and then his health would get increased by 75 armor, 275/200 for 4 seconds,
Now lets get into complicated stuff, this is how i imagine it works: The health is applied first, any overheal that happens after repair pack is applied, is both halvened and turned into armor
So what does this mean?
We have a hero that has a total of 150 hp, currently with 100 hp, So 100/150
We give him a repair pack
He gets +50 healing, and gets health back to full, leaving us with +100 overheal, Which is halvened, aka 50, and then turned into armor, so our hero ends up with 200 / 150 hp
(note: this is all how i imagine it works, it needs testing)
Inspire is an aura that acts in a 20 meter radius arround brigitte,
The aura procs on either using her melee attack, and her Shift ability, Once it hits something, the aura activates Healing 16 health per second for 5 seconds
Now, that activation has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds, meaning that if i activate my inspire, the first 1.5 seconds of the activation no matter what i do, Nothing will happen
After that duration, if i get another activation hit, The effects Will not stack rather, it will refresh the duration, Meaning that i can have an inspire active constantly as long as im repetedly hitting someone
Lets go into the space making abilities
Shield bash
ah yes, the demonic infernal creation that causes even the bravest hearts of the bravest crusaders to shake in fear,
Shield bash acts on a 60° degree cone in front of brigitte as shes shield bashing,
Anyone hit by shield bash suffers from 3 different effects (as of the moment of this posts creation and or latest edit)
- 50 damage
- 1 second Stun
- Knockback (couldnt find any specifications on it, Imagine arround 1-3m tho)
For brigitte, It causes her to lunge forwards with a hitbox that travels along with her for 6 meters, Meaning that, if your standing 6m in front of brigitte, you´ll get stunned
The point of this stun is to disuade and punish people from coming in close range of brigitte, effectively, creating space, and punishing those who gets into range
whip Shot
Whip shot, technically brigs only “long range” ability, ith as a 20m range
Anyone hit by Whip shot, Will suffer from two effects
- 70 damage
- Knockback of 5 - 10m
For brigitte:
- It will activate Inspire
Not much to say, She has a shield, She can walk into the action without taking much damage, deny ult charge directly to her (since shields dont give ult charge) She also has her self heal passive, and stuff so she can shield and heal
Now that we know what her strenghts are, Lets get into the Heroes she is good versus, we´ll make it in small groups to make it easier to understand
Close range heroes
Some examples of this are:
- Reinhart
- Winston
- Doomfist
Brigitte space making abilities, can punish this heroes if their not careful, She can stun them, leaving them open to attacks, or just knock them away, getting them off their range
- Reinhart
- Roadhog
- Winston
- Dva
Tanks generally lack good brust damage to finish brigitte off, and their comonly coinciding with beeing close range heroes, meaning brigitte has an advantage over them
- Tracer
- Gengu
Simply, Her armor can deny their damage by cutting it in half, delete their progress with health pack, and she can do a nice combo, either killing them (Tracer) or leaving them stranded and stunned in the back, alone, with all the enemy team arround ready to clobber them
Now on to the uknown, deep deep in the dark, Under tons tons of treasures and hidden behind the hardest of puzzles, Brigittes bad side
Long range
As stated before, her kit posseses Little to no ranged capabilities what sowever meaning that she cant context heroes like snipers
Sustained damage
While brigittes Combo is strong to match certain DPS brust abilities, It is important to understand that Her full combo is on a total 7s cooldown it is only effective at close range and costs more resources than some other brust combos Like, Helix, While helix does 120 damage and brigs combo does 155, its important to know that, helix can be used at long range, is on a similar cooldown, and its only one ability, While Brigs combo requires 2,
sustained healing
Her best healing tool is single target, in a long 6 second cooldown,
and her inspire passive, while AOE and in a long range, is only effective if brig is dealing damage, therefore, she cannot hide in the backline like all other supports
Now, we are going to say what heroes brig is bad against, like before, we are putting them in groups
Long range heroes
- Widowmaker
- Hanzo
- Pharah
- Junkrat
Brigitte has no capabilities to reach to them, and they can safely poke her down to death, while she has a shield, this is only really delaying the inevitable,
High brust damage
- Junkrat
- Doomfist
- Widowmaker
Coinciding with the most common long range heroes, Snipers, and their high brust damage potential, Really all brigitte can do is predict a headshot and try to save a teammate with the extra hp, and this will not work depending on the sniper or hero beeing repair packed
Now into some balance stuff
Belive what you may belive, In my own opinion, She is in a balanced state,
But magy you may say, Look at her winrate! She has like 60% winrate!
Simple, Looking at her strenghts and weaknesses, you can conclude in one thing
Shes utterly usless and heavily countered by what she is bad against, and shes really strong vs what she is good against, Meaning just like with the old sym / torb situation, When things go right, and shes played where she is meant to, She wins, But when shes pitched against her counters, people jsut switch off since they literally have no reason to keep playing her
But shes unfun to play against, She has to be changed!
Fun is subjective, And it is in no way a fact to change a hero, you, person reading this thread, find completly different things Fun, And its affected by the heroes we play
Now thats out of the way, What Would I do with brigitte? I would give her a few minor nerfs
Yes, She is, But what im looking for with this changes is to make brigitte less strong in the low ranks and increase the windows where she can be punished if people play correctly against her a
First, The “normie” stuff, The ideas that are actual changes, with actual numbers and stuff
note: The numbers here are subject to change, mostly i add them for context of the idea, Not as hard, pre-meditated, numbers
- Barrier shield regeneration reduced from 100 to 75
- Barrier shield time until regeneration starts increased from 2 to 5 seconds
Simply this changes look to punish brigittes who lose their shield often, and those who block meaningless damage, this change encourages more shield managment, and makes the loss of a shield more punishing overall
The more, “farfeched ideas” just some i could come up with
as you know, Brigittes weapon works in a cone in front of her, dealing 35 damage a swing in its range, What i think of, that would be an idea, is to make certain part of the hitbox a “good” hit, and the other one a “bad” hit, This is what i mean is explained in this image
(sorry that its not exactly symmetrical, i have no pulse :p)
The green part of the hitbox is the good hit, if you hit someone there, it deals more damage, if you hit them in the red part, they take less damage
Simply, This removes what brigitte is good at, Creating space, If your not scared of her combo, and beeing stunned, This also makes brig unable to kill a tracer who gets caught in her range, And this tracer, while the armor and the inspire passive can reduce her effectivess, she can still one clip people, by going into close range, and even if shes caught by the stun, She wont die and can freely recall back to safety
The increased duration is meh really, most of the times you have already refreshed the duration by then, or you were too far to make that count, Same for the cooldown decrease,
Her total healing is also really Meh in total, For the same reason as before, Most of the times, by then, i have already refreshed my passive and gotten more heals, It only matters when i have no one arround to proc my passive on them, and come on, wee 20 extra hp, thats such a difference
If you read this far good job
Now everyone feel free to DISCUSS below,
Please leave your pitchforks and torches at the entrance
if you come here to make ironic comments or to be toxic, please leave,
just since i have time, some responses to the most classic arguments i hear about:
“Brigitte is a DPS, Tank, and Support, she does everything at once”
Not at all actually, While she can do some good brust damage, she has to commit all her abilities in a single target to perform so, Its limited in range, and doesnt even archieve a kill except on 150hp heroes,
For more information check the “What is brigitte bad at” section
“Too much reward for the little skill she requires”
Mainly, i touched this in a Old thread of mine Where i explained why i say all heroes are equally as hard to master, its my opinion on the matter, but i do keep it up, But i still want to add a few changes to make her shield managment requirments similar to that of rein
“She still counters tracer even after the bash change”
Sure she does, nobody said she doesnt, But the thing is, tracer is a hero that you have to kill, Shes not like a sombra, or a bastion, or a widow, which you can disrupt their effectiveness without killing them tracer will farm her bomb if you let her free, and she will keep bothering your backline and your healers constantly, until she can get the kill
" shes a dps tank support!"
No, shes not, Let me answer you with a question, Is Zarya a dps tank? or Roadhog? no, their bruisers, Cant rein do damage? Or orisa? yes they can and their still MAIN tanks
In Overwatch tanks to damage, thats a thing, they do medium - high close range damage, as you have seen, hence why we have a tank meta right now, and their survivable, While they do not match the DPSs actual damage, and even if they do, their limited by certain things on their kits (Roadhog spread, Zarya energy, Rein slow swing speed,etc )
This is why brig can deal “good” damage, Her beeing part tank, which gives her extra 50 armor, her shield and her crowd control, and her damage beeing “Meh” at close range,
But in fact, brig LACKS the ability to deal sustained damage, and her only damage is brust on a really long cooldown, any dps, EVEN the ones that do the least amounts of damage, can do more damage, or the same, in the same amount brig uses her shield bash stun combo, and after that, they can still keep doing it, while brig just locked herself out of her mayor crowd control abilities to secure the kill