Ahem, back to the balance idea which will fix the reinhardt problem.
Also being one shot through the use of 3 different abilities which doesn’t even one shot you unless you are tracer and outside of that combo her damage can be considered trash.
She is by no means a dps because of that and because of that damage combo it kept flankers from killing her directly, she presented a threat to flankers so they tried to avoid her but that’s no longer the case.
And as said above that change would help the dps who weren’t supposed to be countered.
how are they even remotely similar?
Also as said above (i feel like you’re just skipping all of my points because of bias towards this point)
Or better explained here
Remind me how the ptr changes help in this area in anyway? they are direct nerfs that just cut her skill ceiling off from the top instead of the bottom.
She’ll just be good at low ranks and trash everywhere else.
They should instead increase her difficulty while maintaining her skill ceiling.
I do feel like you have a large bias against the character because a nerf like that is completely overkill.
Let’s see, in terms of 1v1 all tanks besides winston and hammond can beat her.
For dps who counter or have the upper hand
And characters like mei or symmetra aren’t necessary contered ether.
I’ve also never had a problem with her as lucio.
looks at lucio, moira and zenyatta in confusion
Also outside of her one combo that makes her use all of her abilities and is on a 7 second cooldown her damage is trash.
Let’s also not forget that besides those healers, every tank also has ways of dealing damage.