I expect something like the term “Triangle Jump” to pop up.
Where you can fly in, look backwards at an angle, then fly backwards, then wait for the cooldown, and do it again.
Especially since the beam can be out of range without breaking for 2sec, but the GA timer is 1.5sec
Guardian Angel behavior
- Slingshot = Press the Jump button near teammate
- SuperJump = Tap the Crouch button near teammate (More lenient timing window)
- Reduce SuperJump Height = Hold crouch or jump after SuperJump
more accurate spread pattern and fix bugs, also cancel momentum with hook, pull hook in sooner, reduce hook cooldown by 2 sec, don’t change the shotgun damage..
Hook should pull enemy players 0.5m closer.
- should have her intial slow reduced from 30% to 20%, the slow duration should be lowered from 1.50 to 0.75
- Mei Freeze duration should be lowered from 1.5sec to 1.3sec so she can’t doubleheadshot off of a stun, same goes for McCree, and they could shave down the stun durations a bit on all the other stun attacks.
- Mei Icewall should be nerfed such that you can break one pillar and a Tank can squeeze throuh. (Although I was thinking less pillars that are wider)
- Mei ammo should be reduced in half, and Mei secondary ammo cost should be reduced in half