please tell me they weren’t referring to these recolors.
That would be really embarrassing and extremely misleading, to frame recolors of existing skins as tons of new content.
Frankly, it’s not.
I’m hoping these remixed skins are a “holdover” until they release the actual new content, and it means they’re dedicating their attention towards OW2 legendary skins (i.e. legendaries based on OW2 redesigns). Because if this is it…yikes.
I mean, I agree but MAGE MERCY LOOKS SO GOOD 
It’s referring to OW2 coming out and by extension adding a lot of legendaries to the base game.
What skins are they making recolors of?
The most skins ever. You’re not gonna believe how many skins you’re gonna get. People have been calling me. They’re saying, “Blizzard, you can’t give people this many skins. It’s crazy” But we’re just gonna keep giving these wholly original and not lazy skins
Imagine the amount of content that we could have got if OW2 wasn’t standing on the way.
I would put money on it being just the recolors. The playerbase been explicitly lied to and misled in the past so it’s hardly an impossibility.
I always wanted and suggested for them to do recolors of some of the skins as a means to have more skins released in events and that some skins have colors i didnt like.
And in case people missed it…
Expect nothing new or very minimal new things till OW2 drops. How hard is this to understand.
I bet we will have a bunch of threads before the Anniversary event and Summer games event with the same threads wondering if they will only get scraps.
When they know they will till OW2.
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As far as I know, Mercy, DVa, Genji, Zenyatta, Reinhardt & Reaper so far.
I want recolored skins, too. They’re “easy” content to make- 90% of the work is already done, they should be pumping these out. This game has no excuse for getting in one year as much content as other live service games get in one patch. It’s a travesty a game like Animal Crossing Pocket Camp gets more assets in a month than OW gets in a year. Full stop.
But that’s my point- this is easy, simple, should’ve-been-there-to-begin-with content. Framing it as “Wow so much more than usual!” is misleading at best and willfully deceptive at worst.
The devs already told you that expect little to nothing till OW2 drops and all their focus and man power is focused on trying to release OW2 as soon as they can.
Yet people seem to still be confused.
Every game that is getting a sequel ready to drop with the same kind of business model as OW stops releasing new content for the previous game. OW isnt a free 2 play game or has a subscription based model.
We weren’t just talking about the remixed Legendary skins. That said, we agree with what many have already shared here and think that lots of folks are going to appreciate the new look of fan favorites (seriously, did you see the remixed Cultist Zen skin?
Are we getting 1 remix skin each week?
6 per event, and each event lasts for 3 weeks.
Yeah but this is not a new content. They are just a recolors of already existing skins.
That is cool
But also one question, will this event replace all the other evens till ow2, and each time its up will we be able to play all the modes?
Zen looks okay, but I would hope they would add a darker version too. Like black and red.
I would like that for Mercy for sure.
So by “We weren’t just…” does that mean these recolors are included in that count? Because the normal amount of skins + recolors still does = more than ever, and that’s still pretty misleading.
Are we still getting “more than ever” even if these recolors aren’t counted?
Thanks for clarification, also what are gonna be the lootboxes during those remix events? how are people gonna get voice lines, sprays, emotes during those remix events?
As stated in the original post, it will be replacing in game events while we focus on the development of the OW2 PVP Beta. We’ll have custom brawl lists for each Anniversary Remix.