So are we admitting yet

Well there are a few problems with that

  • It’s a 21d old post with 0 replies. They probably never even saw that.
  • 1st link - As far as I understand, LoS checker is meant for small breakable objects like signposts. That’s an unbreakable thicc lamp. I’m not even sure they want that to be listen in the LoS checker.
  • 2nd link - The player hacking Mercy had horrible aim at that time. His crosshair went too far away from the target. It’s not due to the LoS checker.

It was definitely not unnecessary. That hack is way too effective to be able to pull off as easily as she was able to before the nerf. There was no opportunity for counterplay at all. Now there is.


It is a repost, the person has made it multiple times to keep it alive and updated it periodically.

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We’re not allowed to bump threads, so the only way to do information posts like this is to keep reposting it. I’ve lost count of how many times that threads been reposted.

There’s actually another thread that’s even more detailed, but the author for that one isn’t active in the forums anymore.

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There are plenty of them. Others are posts in threads about Sombra, rather than a topic dedicated to just that.

Just FYI. :slight_smile:


Well, I would argue that her being the only character in the game where her defining ability is cancelled by .01 damage is a pretty big counter play; and there are plenty of abilities that are stronger than hack. But, the 2 second cooldown was never a problem for me, it is all the bugs introduced into the new LoS checks.


Alright, fair enough. The Doomfist bug post proved that there needs to be a huge post listing proper bugs to get Blizzard’s attention though. The most I saw was in

And 2 of them weren’t even bugs. To add to my previous comment, the lamp is big enough to hide behind.

Sym turrets are canceled by .01 damage also. I’d say they’re her defining ability. Are there abilities stronger than hack, though, if hack can disable all of them? I do with the LoS thing wasn’t an issue, but I get it. It doesn’t feel very consistent when using her, but I understand why they were added. /shrug

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Then how come this “Insignificant nerf” made it so that Master and GM Sombras have a hard time staying above 50% win rate? And cut her pick rate in more than half?

It’s almost as if you are making stuff up…


Proof that Master and GM Sombras have a hard time staying above 50% win rate because of the 2s cooldown? Maybe it’s because Sombra doesn’t work all of the time and they play her all of the time?


What did you think the 2S nerf was supposed to accomplish?

Um, having one of the most powerful abilities in the game no being spammable after being interrupted?

Well, its 10 damage, but yes, negligible damage. The main difference there is that she can have 6 of them out and no CD. Also, her defining ability is Teleport, Or Shield Gen, that is the only reason people want her.

Also, there are plenty of abilities that are stronger. You can’t say they can be cancelled by hack because sombra isnt in every game (she has one of the lowest pick rates) Their skill by themselves are much stronger. She may restrict use of abilities for 6 secs. but people can still run and fight. You cant do with against hook, freeze, stun, shield bash, halt, sleep, etc. These CC abilities shut you down completely. Not to mention one shots from widow and Hanzo and that is just in their normal attack.


its powerful, but not in the “most powerful” tier of skills.

I honestly didn’t think she needed the nerf, if anything I felt that her Ult the emp was a bit underwhelming as Sombra literally needed to body hump the enemy tank to get any value I think it should be about as large as’s mech explosion.


Were absolutely necessary.

People complaining about sombras LoS hacks beyond a wall and comparing it to roadhogs hook.

  1. Getting hacked doesn’t put you in an almost 100% situation to die.
  2. Why can tracer still get her recall off or blink after being hacked. Thats fair right, ever thought of that?
  3. What about people who escaped behind a wall after getting hacked.

The argument goes both ways. It’s also was unnecessary to nerf her based on her holding right click when it’s a lot of things that are not reactable. Even if positioning was the factor, not all places are available every corner.


when the logical response gets upvoted far beyond OP…a little faith restored


Lol. You can still hold it down when available, this dynamic hasn’t changed only the 2 second cooldown was added. I would be more comfortable with the cooldown if they gave us a “Hack Fail” sound when it happens. Heck, sometimes we don’t even get a “Hack Confirmed” sound!

Sombra is playable, I’ve already adjusted to the changes, but she does have some bugs they need to work out and the Devs rushing her patch without using PTR was a mistake.


You do realize that in an actual team fight Sombra is useless because there’s so many bullets and so much CC flying everywhere that her “small 2s cooldown” is never ending, it leaves her with nothing to do but shoot her water gun at people to barely try and get EMP.

Hack is too luck based now and if you actually played Sombra you would know that, not to mention her new LoS changes are completely broken and nearly everything is breaking Sombra’s hack now when it shouldn’t.