Sombras LoS isn't staying like this... right?

My hack is getting canceled when someone runs behind their teammate, or a street sign if I’m close to it, or the light posts on Blizzard World, or when a Tracer blinks my hack gets canceled when I can CLEARLY see her still infront of me… she literally just shifted from right to left, or If I try to hack a Reinhardt, he barely gets behind the payload only to cover his waist and below yet my hack still gets canceled, or if a Lucio on my team boops an enemy, my hack gets canceled because they flew across my screen even though they’re still in my LoS perfectly…

The LoS checks are way too strong and are even taking effect if someone moves quickly across my screen, that’s not breaking LoS, that’s called nerfing a hero to the point where it turns into overkill, which shouldn’t be happening.


Sorry sombra got hacked.

I think I’ve seen it break when Genji jumps. Another time, I think it broke because an enemy turned their head.

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They won’t change her back, Sombra is broken, just accept it. Everything breaks a hack, she is becoming useless against Doom and Tracer because all they need to do is move a little away and the hack breaks. They made a mistake, but I doubt they will change her back. I rather have 0.8s back than this mess.

I think it is really hard to achieve in code wise. Too lenient, and you will see Tracer getting hacked while recalling. Too strict, you will see Sombra not able to hack opponents within enough distance and LOS.

Tracer should just suck it up like she did for the past 18 months without whining.

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Because apparently buffing Sombra involves somehow making her worse than she was before the buff.

Yeah, her hack is honestly retarded now, I can’t even take two steps while hacking a healthpack or it gets canceled, I have to stare directly at it or only walk backwards while still facing it…

Everything is breaking Sombras hack now, it’s so dumb.