đŸ‘ș Revert Sym's Primary (A lot of Links)

Lol dude. I literally never said her current state was balanced. In fact, I just said this on this very post.

Even then your post doesn’t make any sense. Her damage output was increased. It just wasn’t increased enough to account for the fact that you have to aim now. It needs to be increased further.


Never once said it wasn’t.

If you leave a group of people out of consideration when balancing heroes, then it is not balanced.

If you balance the game around only people with great aim it will be balanced for them only and people with least than great aim will suffer.

I am not saying it would be easy to do, but the idea of ‘the game shouldn’t change to make it more accessible to everyone’ is wrong.

People with no aim know they don’t have good aim, so to leave those heroes in poorly balanced state is not only bad for the game, but makes the people with poor aim feel worse because neither they nor their hero are performing well.

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Why are you quoting me on this? I was agreeing with your earlier post, I quoted you to show you what I was agreeing to. I was throwing an idea out to “balance” her beam and make it easier to maintain lock, but not add the spaghetti noodle of death back.

Reverting it will be a nerf, her kit now is in mid range and sentry is now throwable so she doesn’t have to be in close range and without photon barrier ability she is vulnerable in close range, WHY would we nerf her?

Actually as i said in my post,

She actually dealt more damage and more often!

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This is a sensible proposition, one I agree with. That or alternatively raise her survibability somehow because currently she is a 200hp hero with no sustain, no mobility and no escape ability of any kind (teleporter takes too long to setup to actually help you escape vs. a decent player).

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I don’t care about aim or no aim or “accessibility” or whatever, but I think reverting Symmetra’s primary will give her the self defense she’s still lacking after the rework. The old version was functional, the new one isn’t; so to me this is about going back to what actually worked. GM sym mains can use their faster orbs for aim outplays anyway.

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That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.

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You missed my return post. Sorry, idk if you’re for or against me, sorry.

What? Anyway. Nobody who knew me knows I’m here and in a way, I’m not so keep my return between me and you cuz I haven’t officially returned.

To be honest, having her old primary fire with a few tweaks would be absolutely excellent with her current kit, giving her a more powerful way to get guaranteed close-range damage instead of just spamming balls.

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K, tired of making links

I’m not sure why you linked my thread, I don’t think Sym should be reverted. I was just commenting on the number of revert threads.

I was just pointing out how many revert threads there are
 yours is a shortcut basically. (Also was kinda a theme of the thread
 but then got too bored.)