For anyone who wasnt aware reinhardt got his animation cancels removed in the recent patch
These animation cancels were absolutely crucial to reinhardts playstyle, They worked by baiting out things such as the enemies reinhardts earthshatter, roadhog hook, burst damage etc, without them, reinhardts counterplay, effectiveness and quiet frankly skill ceiling is absolutely crippled
I dont think blizzard actually realizes how much these simple things effect reinhardts playstyle, but let me tell you it leaves him SO SO vulnerable.
Being locked into something like a firestrike animation without the ability to put his shield up was a huge risk factor for reinhardt before, but now by making it that his shield deploys much slower and cannot cancel out his melee firestrike whilst also preventing proper shield jumping, you have removed almost all counterplay for him and made him even more vulnerable than he already was with the constant cc, damage buffs and powercreep.
you classify this as fixing a bug??? how about you fix his real bugs such as earthshatter not hitting people directly infront of him and vaccume charge still being a thing! this is pathetic and absurd, genji gets to keep his animation cancels because it “balances him” whilst an already crippled hero like rein gets his removed? nonsense…
Aswell as removing his animation cancels. Theyve also nerfed his ultimate, one of the most balanced, counterable and fair ults/cc in the game and its been nerfed. great. as if reinhardt wasnt frustrating and unfun to play already
Yea, I’m really loosing faith in the dev team, normally I would stand by them because I know their trying their best but this was completely uncalled for and will make him even worse to play…
Us Reinhardt mains have a lot of patience. We like to represent our favorite big, German man’s personality. You know he’d just take it as long as he could still protect and shield his team. He’ll take the hit as long as others didn’t have to.
But I’d be lying if I said I was thoroughly enjoying it.
I agree, I love Reinhardts play style and design but he’s just so god damn awful to play, I wouldn’t mind it so much if I was actually able to use his kit but will all the stuns and such how can I protect my team while spending most of the game 50ft in the air, stunned, or dead because of all the powercreep
People just have it out for Reinhardt because he’s got a really high-pickrate right now, and they don’t take 5 seconds to consider why that is, and instead assume he’s OP and unfair.
Lol, but all the other “meta heroes” were mentioned in the patchnotes. Reinhardt wasn’t. There is clearly something very wrong that makes 0 sense. Reinhardt is an outcome of his environment. Even Jeff himself stated that Reinhardt is one of those heroes that isn’t in need of nerfs or buffs because he’s so easily influenced by other heroes who are picked a lot.
How does the lion on his shield have anything to do with MORE Earthshatter bugs, animation delays, shield+jump movement ability taken away, and much more? Something is jacked.