No Word On Reinhardt's Issues -- Still

This is really disappointing and very frustrating. Ever since the last patch went live, Rein has been rendered clunky to the point of near un-playability.

I’d be happy simply being told “this is the way it’s supposed to be” rather than all of the Rein players (as well as others) being ignored. What’s more, is the fact that the community has been quite vocal about this:

Lootboxes got addressed and fixed within a few days. Not a single word regarding Rein :frowning:


Also let’s not forget:

They introduced so many bugs this patch it’s unreal.
What’s even more disappointing though is the lack of any comments.


They found so many bugs in shatter they reworked it. Ironically, it introduced more.

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I’d be happy with the cover-all:

“Hi, Jeff here. We wanted to say that we’ve heard and seen all the concerns revolving our favorite German juggernaut and wanted to let you know that we’re looking into a number of those issues. We don’t have anything definitive or concrete just yet but, when we know more we’ll be sure to let you know. Honor and glory!”

I wouldn’t. Don’t give em any ideas.

That is sad thing about bug fixing.
Squish one bug, two or three more pop up.

It’s not out yet. These are animation cancels that were removed for the most part.
It definitely takes from reins skill ceiling now tho. Not cool.

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When I first pick him up after the last update, it does feel slower after Firestriking.
But then, I quickly got used to it.


Yeah I adjusted too just alot ov missed opportunities and junkrat tires that could of been dealt with lol

Well I am the king of getting solo ult anyways.

This. A million times this. Just RESPOND Blizzard.

Bumping. We need a response, Blizzard. We respect you, and love your games, but we’re finding it near impossible to play our favorite hero. This is a two-year old problem.

We’d appreciate returned respect, and would like some form of acknowledgement about this.