Remove Widowmaker or give her hard nerfs (Serious)

im sick of widowmaker ruining this game, she can play at range and not be contested by anyone.

widowmaker requires an equally as good hanzo, a better widowmaker, or an entire team composition swap (i.e deathball to dive/quad dps) to properly counter in high levels of play.

that is bad game design. if an entire team needs to swap to counter one hero that is purely bad game design.

im also sick that people say “LUL SHE TAKES SKILL THO” no, no she does not. widowmaker takes as much skill as every other aim based dps.

im sick of this broken hero ruining the game, nerf her or get rid of her

  • a tired grandmaster player

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.


How can you be gm if youre saying things like this?

Shes here to stay no matter how much people hate her. Same with Brig.

Stop complaining about how broken this hero is even shes not.


prove it to me, why is she not broken?


Its interesting that across all tiers, we are hearing a slew of Widow complaints lately… it nonsensical and a bit childish to demand she be removed, so staying within the bounds of reality, what realistically could be done to fix her? Increased charge time? A change to a projectile with fall off? I’d like to see her scope waver around due to breathing a good bit, maybe the same for Ana and Ashe… and Spamzo… wow, that would change things up a good bit wouldn’t it :laughing:


she cant be nerfed without ruining the character so she needs to go, realistically what would you nerf?


Nah. Im not wasting time to tell why shes not broken with trolls like you though.


because you cant tell me lmao, shes broken and ruining the game, she needs to be nerfed (somehow) or just go


If you get this mad & whining over a hero who isnt broken & somewhat balanced maybe this game isnt for you.


Are you implying that aim does not take skill?

God I wish I was as unskilled as I need to be to hit shots on Widowmaker.



And we just ended any attempt at rationale conversation. Good day sir, good day. Please close the door on your way out.


i mean if you “remove” a character from the game you’ll just complain about the next best thing.
you can’t please everyone and it took 3 years for the devs to realize that


she is broken and your refusing to tell why she is not broken, i told you why she is broken so you share


Switch to Winston and the problem is solved…next!!


it might be bad but it’s still the core mechanic Overwatch was designed around (informative)

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winstion does not counter widowmaker by himself, that goes back to my switch the entire team comp


So… the Junkrat main thinks widow maker should be removed because she is overbearing. The irony.


No, she’s not.

Don’t stay in her line of sight for too long, because that’s what gets you killed. Same goes for Bastion, other snipers and basically all heroes in the fricking game.

Taking down Bastion is a team effort, same goes for a very good Widowmaker.

And by the way, aren’t you the “top 500” Junkrat player?

This post just says that you hate one-shots. I sure hope that you don’t use the nade+mine oneshot combo on squishies as Junkrat, then. Hypocritical.


anyway tired gm player. - thats ur problem.
if you play with the best players they’re obviously going to destroy with dps.
remember doom nerf? genji? roadhog?

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whats wrong with maining junkrat? there’s pretty much nothing he can do to kill her. he has projectiles and he’s loud

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i stopped playing junkrat since the speed change, i play ana now

junkrat needs to be at close range and use one of his cooldowns to do it, which makes it balanced

widowmaker on the other hand can be half way across the map and doesnt need to use a single cooldown, provided she hasnt used hook ofc