Remove Widowmaker or give her hard nerfs (Serious)

the whole point of the post is that it shouldn’t take a team effort to kill one person.


So rework half the hero roster then.

But it doesn’t require any mechanical skills, unlike Widowmaker does.


Because, widow is absolutely busted in the highest levels of play. I didn’t think she was that bad when I was in diamond, but a GM/Top 500 widowmaker is one of the most disgusting and nearly impossible to play around. It gets to the point where you pretty much require a better widowmaker to outplay her


they reworked a heroes people hated and many people quit the game. not to mention reworking just means make them stronger.

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1: the speed change made him better so out of all the times to abandon a hero doing it when he was actually made a viable pick is odd.

2: if you main ana there isn’t a reason a widow should be killing you that often unless you’re trying to contest her which isn’t really your job.

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There is no other hero that requires as much team effort. There’s a reasons you see GMs saying this and not low Elo players


as ana you are a priority target, everyone not just widow will do their best to kill you. ana is the best healer at high levels of play right now

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It is a team based game if you don’t like team work play call of duty or apex legends.

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he got worse, but this isnt about junkrat is it?

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Bastion in bunker says hi.


No I meant like this guy was a junkrat 1 trick right? In top500 & playing a squishy hero against widow what I remember from ages ago.

But you can easily avoid even a good widow if youre staying behind walls, shields, etc & if your team is working together you can easily kill enemy widow if you wanted to.

you mean someone just goes sombra farms emp and presses q?


there is tons of spots where junkrat can go not on the open field, without been in sight of widowmaker at all… and winston counter her pretty much, making her leave her best spots- already is a big deal. + wile diving turning away- preevents headshots- after landing she have 2 choices- leave or die

i understand it’s a team based game but when it takes an entire team to swap to kill one person while the other team is free to do whatever it’s not fun/ not to mention people dont listen


That’s a team composition vs a single hero. Bastion needs the rest of his teams support and them to play certain heros for him to attain this


Stats mean nothing since the devs don’t release actual stats of heroes you can only get them from overbuff or similar websites and they are all wrong since private profiles became a thing.


It’s good to know that you guys don’t like individualism (a good Widowmaker carrying games), but you also don’t want picking off enemies to be a team effort (contradicting individualism)

So, what do you guys really want?


When on earth was junkrat ever overbearing? Even at his best he was only ever C tier, maybe low B.

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He spams bombs that fall from the sky and do 130 damage along with 2 mines that give him great mobility to escape any dive onto him and a CC trap to defend against flankers. His ONLY counter is range and this person wants to remove that? What a joke.


For you to face a Top 500 widow :slight_smile: