Remove torbjorn (serious)

im sick of torbjorn ruining this game, he can play at range and not be contested by anyone.

torbjorn requires an equally as good bastion, a better torbjorn, or an entire team composition swap (i.e deathball to dive/quad dps) to properly counter in high levels of play.

that is bad game design. if an entire team needs to swap to counter one hero that is purely bad game design.

im also sick that people say “LUL HE TAKES SKILL THO” no, no he does not. torbjorn takes as much skill as every other aim based dps.

im sick of this broken hero ruining the game, nerf him or get rid of him

  • a tired grandmaster player


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Definitely the better of the two threads.

Wait what… did i miss something.

I wonder which one is more worth of Moira popcorn thread though. :thinking:

These forums are just full of bunch of trolls running around like a bunch of headless chickens.

prove it to me, why is he not broken?

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Idk man. People are just too stubborn to stop these kind of threads.

No wonder why devs wont never take us seriously.

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because you cant tell me lmao, hes broken and ruining the game, he needs to be nerfed (somehow) or just go

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Factually, Torbjorn cannot be OP unless he has wallclimbing. Only then can he ascend to god status

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You want me to flag this thread as trolling or you want someone else flag you?

I think people already got it that you like to be same kind of troll what this 1 guy was earlier.

Lighten up its a joke

So serious, not on my forums how dare you



reported for reporting

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reported for not reporting a clear violation

And? I do know its a joke man. But he couldve been more creative than just copy someone else.

But I guess if people wants to be childish they can be. It aint my problem.

Am I the only one who dislikes parody threads thst don’t clarify it’s a parody in the OP >_>?

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You’ll love my remove moira thread

it’s very (serious)

my thread was not a troll, this is quite an obvious troll

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