Please Rework Symmetra For OW2

And it wont be that for as long as she keeps being hamstrung by team TP potential.

My biggest worry is how abysmal the current ‘‘acceptable’’ power level of Symmetra is, and that Blizz will ignore the multitude of nerfs to keep her as a taxibot when they unavoidably remove team (and likely construct) TP too.

She is niche in her gameplay.

She is powerful in some situations. Weak in others.

In a full match I can find great points for her to be played during the match.

She is a hero that struggles to be played for like the whole map like in escort. But she does get great value at certain points of the match. A good character to have in your hero pool. And a good character to switch off of if being countered if you develop some other heroes.

Like playing her and forcing enemies to go pharah. You can swap to hitscan to counter that pick.

Her kit allows her to protect her supports and help get some team mates at ideal points in the map.

Her value fluctuates based on the como but this game allows hero switching. Her value is really good to have for one of several heroes to play during a match.

objectively speaking, you can’t even justifiably use her “potential” to “hamstrung” her. like look at where she’s applicable now even in OWL: only applicable in like 1~2 maps and that’s completely conditional to a comp + strat that’s entirely about enabling her.

like at that point that’s not being “hamstrung” fairly by any aspect of her kit, it’s just bias balancing against her.

there’s legit a way to buff her rn for OW1 (and can be scaled up for OW2 via numerical tweaks) which wouldn’t even touch her “team tp potential” and still have her not oppressive at all (i.e. changes whose benefits are entirely mutually exclusive away from her “team tp potential”) which I’ve listed multiple times and defs you know the list Ranulf.

the problem is the devs being unwilling to go that way despite being entirely in line with ever other hero, and the community are either too fixated on trying to send sym back to old sym state that’s already obsolete for OW1 years ago let alone OW2 or are too biased/scared/ignorant to see it work.

Because thats where they want her or find her acceptable to be used. I am not excusing their bad decisions, I am trying to find a reasoning to the constant nerfs to a hero that chronically has been underperforming for years. And team TP gimmicks in OWL are right there being the best reasoning for the clownery that has been Sym nerfs.

And they did mention textually ‘‘we are nerfing personal TP to make Sym a better taxibot’’ in the ITP nerf patch notes.

The problem is that the devs put themselves into a corner. They focused her rework too much on making her an ‘‘active’’ OWL pick and not enough on making her a viable dps hero for 99% of the playerbase. They put a very volatile gimmick on her cooldown abilities and balanced from there.

Its not that they are unwilling. Its that they value watchability for a minority over playability for the playerbase.

She can be really good. Stevo shows how she can be played and be effective. She can be really lethal.

In competitive though she will be outclassed by heroes that can kill from safer distances. High end she falls off.

But she is pretty niche and counters heroes like Orisa, Rein, Winston sometimes, Sombra, Lucio etc.

The opinions of pros and streamers are literally useless for the gameplay of the 99%. Literally worthless and completely devoid of any insight to the reality of the playerbase.

They play in cloud nine. Even ML7, who made a very good support climbing video, is utterly clueless about what Symmetra lacks or what her playerbase wants.

Her being a mild inconvenience for bad players of those heroes doesnt excuse how utterly dogpoop she is against other heroes OR how much she has been nerfed over nothing.

doesn’t mean it’s reasonable or a valid reason. I’m saying to not buy in, cosy up, enable nor allow their objectively invalid reasons. if it’s BS treat it like the BS it is.

did you not understand what I meant about how her “team tp potential” objectively cannot be a justifiable reason for how badly undertuned/underpowered she is?

making her more viable as a general dps IS making her more watchable. sure, team tp strats is hype (or was at least), but also making her capable outside of just taxiing is also making her more watchable.

like why wouldn’t making her being more capable of doing the following + making it more frequenct make her more watachable for OWL?

like at this point, team tp isn’t actually what we should blame, it’s the ignorance and stupidity of the devs + community.

That kind of doesnt matter in the end. Whatever we think it is or not doesnt matter, what matter is whoever is pulling the levels and writing the script behind the scenes thinks.

Some random dumb corporate Blizz executive might think that ‘‘Team TP makes Symmetra an OWL pick, but The Viewers™ dont like her, so nerf her until she is unusuable in serious OWL matches’’. Its a completely stupid and unjustifiable line of thought, yes. But its something I can very much someone from Blizzard saying.

99% of my posts that are about Sym reworking mention the removal of team TP.

I am not ‘‘buying in’’ anything. I just think that construct and team TP should be removed while keeping personal TP.

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The devs are led by corporate interests.

The community, as much as it pains me to accept it, shouldnt have to deal with the half a dozen caveats needed to make Sym viable, since most her viability comes from your team performing certain actions (picking the right team to protect Sym, taking the TP at the correct time, performing in a certain way to keep Sym alive, etc) that no other hero needs to be viable.

Symmetra needs a rework 100%. She was already struggling back in OW1 and now with the increase in mobility in OW2, she’s doing even worse. Anyone who disagrees has either not played as or against it in the beta.

Even against heroes who she should theoretically be good against such as Sombra, she struggles. I’m a mediocre player and even I find Symmetra easy to deal with or just ignore and focus on supports.


That is just the reality of OW1 tenfold.

Well that is what happens when they not only nerfwork a hero to be an OWL gimmick first and viable dps hero second, but also nerf that shaky dps performance every time there is even a whisper of her being used outside meme matches in pro-play.

I wouldn’t mind if she’d be the shield support hero once again. However dps Symmetra remains to stay due to what be has become though anything is possible *cough * Doomfist career changing. Her Teleporter will always be crucial to her kit, but the beam needs to be stronger than Zarya’s at max damage. Her channeled damage needs to charge even faster or bring back auto lock though we know the chaos in the community that would create.

For Symmetra DPS:

Symmetra really isn’t a hard fix or rework at all, but one thing that does needs to be worked on is her turrets. Reduce the turret cool down to 15 and grant her 3 more turrets making it 6 total at max. That way breaking her defense can be challenging and supportive to the team. Her right click ability at max should have more effect on a enemy by slowing them down and whoever is in that radius, but only at max damage this can happen.

Increase her health pool up to 250 because she needs it with what she’s always up against. Buff her teleporter to whom ever enters it gains a movement speed increase making it more useful than it what provides now. Buff her ultimate where even Winston weapon can’t penetrate through it and negating Genji’s dash slash.

That right there can be useful for her DPS side.

For Symmetra Support:

There isn’t much work that needs to go into this. Her auto beam has to come back, but the damage reverts her old support before 2018 rework. Right click going through enemies and barriers. Unfortunately her ultimate can either stay or revert to a shield generator not only providing shields, but regenerate them at a very fast rate. The teleporter will have to be scrapped meaning her E will provides 100 hp shields to herself, allies and it regenerates during combat, but at a moderate pace unlike her ultimate.

Technically this makes her a very defensive support and to make it better. Her shielding can’t be countered by Ana’s grenade meaning the shield hp will still regenerate.

There’s not much work that needs to be done for Symmetra. She’s always been a half completed hero and still is to this day. The closest to completion was Sym 2.0 before rework.

Hmm. I tend to enjoy my games with Symmetra. And can find good ways to deal with just about all heroes.

But I do struggle with certain comps. But then I switch if I feel that is best. I dont play competitive though so I can not base my opinion from the high end players. But I understand people complain for there comp experience. In quickplay I find her to be very playable. She may struggrle against certain skill match ups but that is something you can improve over time with aim.

All I can say is I love my laser chick Symmetra. I found games where channeled lasers critting is fun. And I would like to see that as a gun change or pve talent.

Alot of dealing with Sombra is knowing the map and knowing where to place turrets that will interfere with her hacking you or team mates, and hitting her with your primary so she doesnt get the hack off.

They also nerfed her ult vsing Symmetra. It used to erase like 80% of her health as shields. Now its only 40%. And Sym shields generate. So ideally playing Sym around areas she can fall back to and regen her hp is something you may want to consider. Defensive turrets are a hassle for heroes like Lucio, Sombra and Tracer.

hence why I’m saying the fault of where she is, is due to BOTH the stupidity and ignorance of the devs AND the community.

the community and devs should be pulling through to slap the reality and objectivity back into each other when 1 side is askew/lacking.

That’s the problem. neither side should be trying to settle or enable either side’s bias for bias balance.

Hence my point as to it’s wrong to blame team tp potential and it’s wrong to feed that lie.

  1. it is feeding into the lie that somehow it’s actually team tp “potential” causing her current state when it actually isn’t
  2. when most people read it, esp those that want old sym back, they only read it as “remove tp entirely”

and making sym better as a dps independently as my list of changes does goes around those caveats AND improves sym as we all want.

The issue with this is that 1.0 was fundamentally broken in several ways (Sym was a shield hp bot if she wasnt constantly pocketed because she lacked the ability to survive at the range needed to do dps.) (And other issues but also relevant to that).

And then she was reworked into 2.0 who… wasnt a support. At all. She was closer to Mei and Torb than she was to any support.

‘‘Shield support’’ Sym has been either an unviable concept or no support at all.

Fully agree.

2.0 took the issues that 1.0 had and solved most of them. The extra HP and personal shield solved her survivability and Shield gen solved the TP conundrum.

Then 3.0 came in and just… reintroduced the same issues all over again.

3.0 took away the extra HP and personal shield and left Sym as a sitting duck at close range, while TP was back to having no alternative and being useless in many maps and many circumstances.

If anything lacked was the developers determination and potential to figure how to work out a shield support. Perhaps they did found a way and thought it would be OP for the game. If anything we just got the hollowed form of it when she displayed for the first time with her abilities.

Funniest thing they did try the healing turrets and we saw what wonders on how they performed. Healing Symmetra just ain’t going to work and seeing how her kit is. They can do whatever they want to her though like I really don’t care what direction she goes. I’ll continue to play her anyway.

I want my noodle beam back, my 5 turrets + Rework teleporter and ultimate.

They tried and the result was an utility defense dps that made them accept that ‘‘non-healing supports’’ are ultimately just utility dps heroes.

Then they decided to move her into that direction because to make a her a viable support you could have needed to demolish her entire kit and replace it with Mercy But Immobile healer kit.

Yup. She is similar to Mei, Torb, Sombra snd other utility supports. She skews defense oriented with area denial. And her teleporter allows for aggressive plays or escapes.

I love that she can switch up the flow of fights when she sees openings. And her ultimate allows her to take space. Much like an offtank.