Please Rework Symmetra For OW2

These were some great ideas. My only thing is her ultimate…that needs to be scrapped completely at this point.

I think if she was made into a support her heal ability can be a copy ability. Allow her ability to be the same heal ability on her team since she can create anything at will. For example: if she is playing with a mercy, her heal ability will give her a rod to heal, if it’s Moira on her team then she can throw a healing orb, if it’s lucio she’s also have a healing aura, etc. So it’ll be similar to Echo’s ultimate except, she automatically copies the other healer and only has their healing move.

But if she was kept as a dps, then she would need to lose her teleporter and maybe buff her turrets.

… i just find these kinda posts so funny, i cant even explain whats wrong with them haha

just how disconnected are people from the game?

No to support sym. Don’t throw me into the worse role in OW2 please.

They can either
A. Buff her current state with more range and speed
B. Another DPS rework


I mean Orisa got deleted this patch so it’s really not one of their concerns.I’m not advocating for either support or DPS Sym but they will do pretty much anything in the name of balance.It’s not guaranteed they won’t give her an Orisa rework even if she stays DPS.


i mean… orisa did get reworked from the ground. however shes still tank. when it comes to the healer sym gang they want to change everything, the gun, role etc in the end. not even the role stays the same.


I don’t think a copy ability would be great because often what you want is different niches filled with your healers. And what would she do if the other is Ana?

I have a few alternative thoughts for her too.

I think if she’s a healer - replace the turrets with a placeable aoe heal generator that lasts like 10 seconds. She has multiple charges and they stack, so you can do a big burst of healing by placing multiple turrets, but then you won’t be able to do more for a while. Also the construct is destructible.

replace the teleporter with a hardlight barrier that blocks enemies and projectiles. make it about as tall and wide as winston, but it only lasts 3 seconds before collapsing.

I would make her ult a teleporter again, but give a bastion ult like view where you get to place the other end anywhere and the other end in front of you (instead of spawn like the original) So she can reposition the team ANYWHERE.

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I like your idea. But to answer your question, if Ana was on her team then her orbs would be able to heal enemies for the duration just like Ana’s shots heal enemies.

Hey can you name the four supports we had at launch?

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Photon Barrier is kind of better than the infinite wall for most scenarios due to the nature of cooldown ability vs ultimate.

In fact both of those were better that wall is right now for Sym herself.

So a Zarya without tank HP? Surely you understand how utterly awful that still is.

TP cant just stay untouched.

Sym’s DPS has gotten destroyed by nerfs since OWL understood the potential of taxibotting.

Team TP is nearly useless in OW2.

Construct TP is a gimmick that breaks sentries and is used as an excuse to pigeonhole them into sentrybombing which is something no one really likes.

Personal TP is greatly underpowered to the point its not a combat ability due to Blizz nerfing it several times to buff team TP.

It DOES need changes at best. At worst, it needs a complete removal and replacement by a combat focused skill that allows Sym to actually survive without needing pocketing.

Symmetra’s rework (3.0) aimed to make her a taxibot first and a DPS second.

In fact it made her worse for combat as she lost several crucial things for a close range hero to perform, like survivability and worthwhile damage. She only became better in 1-2 maps at the cost of becoming worse on every defense map.

Her area denial and her ability to deal damage/survive to deal damage go hand in hand.

Sym 3.0 became worse as they nerfed her damage.

Her damage is simply not ‘‘great’’. Max charge beam deals the same amount of dps than Soldier’s primary fire bodyshots. Soldier doesnt have to deal with bodyshots, instantly and from almost triple the range. With an aimbot ultimate and an instant supplemental burst rocket. Oh and less survivability.

There is literally no comparison. Almost every dps has easier damage, higher burst, higher survivability and/or higher sustained damage.

Launch Symmetra was reworked away from the attempt at support she was released as because not only she didnt work at all (all she could do without a constant pocketing was to spread shields with her old E, and her ult was useless in half the maps) but also Blizz understood that non-healing supports are just utility dps and ultimately wasnt moved to defense just because they had literally very few supports.

How do I know this? Because I have mained Sym since launch.

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no because a zarya can’t instantly teleport 30m into someones backline and instagib two supports… obviously symmetra is not the same hero as zarya lmao


In what world is Symmetra, the hero with the worst DPS ttk in the game, ‘‘instagibbing’’ supports.

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The big flashing teleporter is neither subtle nor instant. And as mentioned below Symmetra has the worst ttk off all the DPS in the game.

But if she really is this backline instant kill menace, why is she not used that way? Why is her effectiveness limited to 1-2 maps heavily dependent on her teleporter?

Because she on her own is garbage, hamstrung by the theoretical power of her teleporter.

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I have had some good matches dominating as Symmetra.

She is just very niche.

I would like her primary to be able to crit and charge faster with crits.

Sojourn also is good against a Sym even when ults. That piercing effect is really powerful.

The new weapon sounds are also nice.

I hope they keep her in dps, can’t wait to see her pve talents.

crits at max charge would basically insta kill anyone nto a tank.

You have to be so close to even get at lvl 3 beam. At that point its 180 dps. She has no way to crit.

And with modes like push she rarely gets her 3 turrets.

A sojourn can crit across the map at 260 damage through shields.

A symmetra should be able to crit at least in close range.

I’ve played a few games, while I think Sym still does well on certain maps and specific locations, issues still shows up, but…

There are insane things on Sym that I never cared to bother doing in OW1 that seems to work really well in push maps, hyper-aggressive teleporters has worked pretty well for me, and sentry-blocking abilities as well (this could be a bug).

and? have to be close to use mei’s beam too.

heroesarent meant to be always great at a fight. Hence we can swap.

and requires aim.

again even at lvl 2 charge her damage 120 and crit would be 240…again already enoghu to kill nearly any hero who isnt at full hp.

The crit isnt instant. Its her dps. So right now she has to do that damage 100% with bodyshots.

Her critting would be 100% aim on the head until you die.

The body shot would be 100% around 1.2 seconds at that beam after switching to land a kill currently to a 200 hp target. If she could crit at close range it would change to like .6 seconds kill time with 100% aim.

And her being able to crit could come with number tuning. Right now she has to lvl up her beam with her aim. If she can crit to make it go faster that would help out so much in her close range.

Also mei’s beam is aoe. If players stack that can go from 100 dps to 500 dps.

yall (including devs) keep ignoring what tp was supposed to be:
her mobility tool to get in and out of her effective range whether it be to flank, get an offangle to harass at midrange and/or access enemy territory to zone.

You dont know what is niche.

Other heroes are niche in that they fulfill a certain role within a team comp, but ultimately most heroes are viable.

Symmetra is ‘‘niche’’ in that she works in 2-3 maps and awful everywhere else. And she doesnt even perform well enough on those maps to excuse being so dogpoop in the rest. And that list of maps is going down in OW2.

She isnt really niche. She is just a map-dependent and team-dependent gimmick.

Soldier does that already. Instantly, from triple the range and with additional finishing burst, while also having access to more personal survivability AND a literal aimbot ultimate.

So what is your point again?