As a Symmetra player, I'm so livid

If team TP is the drag that’s holding Sym back then now’s the best time to cut it loose. I actually assumed that TP was going to become Sym-only as part of the meaty changes but here we are.

As for turrets, it must be very low level players that are being stomped. I’m pretty damn bad, but Sym turrets aren’t really an issue in the games I play in. You’d be better off noobstomping with Torb’s turret imo.

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4.0 is a very big leap. Look at the massive changes from 2.0 to 3.0, that’s what it takes to warrent the next point up.

Infinite TP was 3.5, I guess this is more like 3.8 lol

I don’t even consider infinite TP as 3.5. It’s still the same kit but the TP works a bit different.
So beta Sym is maybe 3.5 for me but it’s still Sym 3.0 overall.

Infinite TP was better. They need to do best of both worlds and have TP start cooldown when it is deployed and then freeze the cooldown until TP is destroyed.

Infinite TP had so much great defensive set-ups. I loved abusing the Double Orb Combo on Anubis Point A defense and Lijiang Garden.

I’d rather call this Sym 3.5 since she did not gain or lose any new abilities, only had significant changes done to her current kit.

And they’ve absolutely destroyed her with this change, as much as I love her as a DPS I’d much rather have them make her a support and a healer instead of this crap. I’d rather have Sym 2.0 (I also agree this was the most fun to play!) back than this crap. I miss her shield- and enemy-piercing orbs as well, I feel like most people forget that her orbs used to be able to go through shields and enemies!!

Sym is my most-played hero since launch, but I do have other mains and favourites and I’m glad those ones are still good, so even if Sym is destroyed I can still play. But I will be extremely sad and disappointed if my most-played hero does not remain my most-played hero. :tired_face:

Oh no. Not owl. Anything but impacting them. Please no. They are so important.


What type of sym main were you? (not as a insult) personally as a mainly tp bomb sym player i dont mind the rework/big changes the only thing i feel like they freaked up on was the primary fire and a little bit on her secondary it should be atleast 100 dmg other than that it was mediocre not that terrible for me personally

Look, I think they should just ignore both the really low level players who can’t shoot her turrets AND the OWL players who gripe about her TP…

But I know that’s not how this works.

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no it goes

1.0: release sym in 2016

2.0: 2016 rework

3.0: 2018-2019 rework

4.0: not existent because this isn’t a rework it’s just changes

I wouldn’t consider OW2 Sym to be 4.0, it is more like a soft character delete.

Remember the whole “Delete BRIG from the game!” “Delete HOG from the game!”. It always seemed silly that people demanded it but the devs pretty much did it with Sym.

She is there but she is a trap, a waste of space now. It is like selecting the Viper birthsign on Elder Scrolls: Morrowind.

Sym isnt allowed to be good, much like reaper, too good against low tier console players.

I want her to have 3 moderately durable turrets that will shoot laser shots at range, but Sym can tell them to switch into close range laser tether mode if the situation calls for it.

They need to give her a self tp , it’s about time

Yeah scrap the turrets , the tp. Renew her with fresh new abilities .

In fact, nerfing turret is at the right way, but nerfing teleporter is a bit too much.

What Symmetra need is a handful defend skill (like Brig or Orisa) or greatly increase her HP. If not, then just move her to the support role.

Disagree, teleporter and it’s theoretical potential in high end play is holding Symmetra’s personal power back way more than turrets.

Frankly I would remove team tp entirely. Either make an ability purely for Sym (and change it accordingly) or replace it. Anything but having her hamstrung by an ability which is theoretically broken if your entire team plays around it.

Put her secondary orb back where it was before this patch. The new speed doesn’t justify the nerfs. I’d rather have the old slower orb back with higher damage than this orb that’s faster but does less damage/is smaller/takes more ammo.

I think making her secondary orb able to charge her main weapon would be pretty cool. Like how Sojourn can charge her secondary but for Sym it can be the opposite where here secondary can charge her main.

no-one has been saying to buff turrets, but rather her weapon and the individual mobility side of tp. both aspects being desperately in need of help for years.

straight up a fallacy for 2 big reasons.

firstly :point_down:

compare this with another hero having a comp and strat as specifically designed to enable them, they’d be meta levels strong on more maps.

2ndly, the elephant in the room about team tp is that it’s inherently being nerfed a lot from the OW2 tank direction.

1 tank only + tanks being made to be more yolo press W aggro means teams are often going to play much more spread out, and there’s inherently less shielding resource available to use to shield for tp in order to play team tp strats —> costs of team tp being shot up astronomically yet still having the same “potential” that’s not even all that high for needing to play a very specific comp + strat specifically designed to enable her.
not to mention the strat itself a whole less viable without a 2nd tank to provide more team sustain to lengthen the brawl.

this fearmongering needs to stop.


They should either revert her to her ow1 state (she was better in every way back then than how she is rn) or just rework her in the right way

Changing Symmetra to support:

-Bring back her danger noodle primary, but cap the damage at 140dps and shorten the range, increase the ramp up speed.
-Let her alt fire penetrate barriers again.
-Make her alt fire pass though allies and heal them instead of dealing damage.
-Lower the cooldown on her Turrets and give them a slow healing AOE (like 15hps) that works even while traveling in the air. This should stack with any other healing/gradual healing. The beams now reduce damage by 10% each to whomever they are targeting.
-Give the teleporter a shorter cooldown when self-destructed if it’s at full health (Full 10 second cooldown if there’s even 1 HP short)
-Teleporter now grants 100 overhealth to allies that pass through for 10 seconds (only works once per player per 30 seconds)