Why does this forum focus on cassidy so much?

I LITERALLY QUOTED them saying that Sym in OW2 is getting outclassed EVEN IN her niche.

Like, seriously, the devs literally saying, “We agree with community feedback that the reduction of shields being thrown about the battlefield makes Symmetra’s Photon Projector harder to get value from. At the same time, Symmetra is suffering from increased overlap with heroes like Mei, who possess better tools for close quarters survivability.”

How on earth do you interpret that as “Symmetra’s doing fine in her niche”?

Look, it honestly seems like you’re trying so hard to support your narrative that you’re not actually analyzing what they’re saying. Blizzard was NOT sharing Symmetra statistics to demonstrate how great she is doing in OW2. They were doing it to demonstrate that win rate, as a statistic, doesn’t directly show how powerful a hero is.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have followed it up with:

“If we apply the reverse of this logic to Sojourn and Orisa, we can better understand why their win rates may be lower than one might suspect. Players were excited to play them in the beta, but everyone was unfamiliar with their new hero abilities and playstyles. This led to players picking them even in losing situations where it may have been more advantageous to swap to a different hero.”

And they definitely wouldn’t have prefaced with the statement: “The analysis technique that ultimately makes these metrics useful is a healthy understanding of the context in which they are generated.”

The fact that players ONLY play Symmetra when they feel like they can win, that symmetra is disproprtionately played by people who have a lot more hours on her, the fact that people are willing to switch off quickly when they aren’t losing… All of that contributes to a higher win rate without actually demonstrating that she’s performing well in her niche.

If there was a hero where you could only play that hero in competative after logging at least 500 hours in them, you can bet their competative win rate would be through the roof, but that doesn’t actually say anything about how powerful they are.

A 300 hour Symmetra will beat a 1 hour Sojourn 9 times out of 10, but what does that tell us about balance? Nothing.

They were trying to teach context.


Im not going to go and search 6 years of quotes for you.

Here is one quote about 1 tricking.

Game wasnt designed for people to 1 trick heroes.

And there have been other instances were the devs have stated that some heroes are strong in certain situations and not others. Basically niche.
They sort of talked about this in the recent article about Sym.


Seems to be more correct than you since the devs themselves seem to agree more with that viewpoint than the delusions about it being some other genre of game. This despite the evidence of the contrary constantly.

I love the consistent weeping thou, as I said in another post as well, so must devs’. Coz it really is constant from some people here and it is obvious as DVS pointed out; you are malding over getting ham the fammed. It is good against ball and mercy pockets that suck at the game. Truly insane ability.

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Players are playing Sym in her niche (places she is strong in based on her design). And she is having good results when players play her this way.

Players that understand that you have to swap off of niche heroes are continuing having good results because they understood you cannot stick to a niche hero in places they are weak in.

I know this is what you will try to focus on so lets address this.
Meaning she has a good winrate but good players that recognize that you have to swap in places Sym is no good in, are further pushing her already good winrate to the top.
As she has been #1 in w/r for many many months. And Blizzard own stats seem to reflect this as well.
That quote didnt mean that she has a good winrate ONLY because people swap off of her. I know that is what you are trying to push but it isnt what it says.

And all this is pointless as she is getting a big rework for the next beta.

Coz it makes no sense and it is not what makes people cry like little babies here😂

lemme stop you right there.

because your argument is premised on the presumption that the said heroes are currently balanced which they are not…
I can’t speak for the other heroes, but for sym, she’s straight up not “balanced around TP”, she’s straight up just balanced to be trash rn as explained/summarised below:

you know where other heroes are at if they have entire comps + strats designed around entirely enabling them when played by OWL? they’re straight up meta levels strong on more maps.

the only reason sym is “niche” rn is simply because

  1. devs trashed her orb numbers making her effective range being <=12m
  2. they trashed her self mobility capability on tp with infinite tp nerf making her much less capable of getting in and out of her effective range often enough to get uptime herself.

both of which can absolutely be resolved even in OW1 without even touching her “potential” with team tps that yall fearmonger so much.

And somehow, your second post STILL ignores the part where Blizzard openly said Symmetra is not doing well in OW2.

The “point” is this. You can try and prove that she does well in her niche all you want, but Blizzard themselves said she isn’t.

You are repeating that narrative, and using out-of-context information to support it despite the fact that Blizzard said “The analysis technique that ultimately makes these metrics useful is a healthy understanding of the context in which they are generated.”

I can respect your narrative. I can respect your points. I even agree with more of it than you’d suspect.

But you’re arguing in bad faith. You’re deliberately ignoring anything that doesn’t support your narrative, and you continue repeating things that you KNOW are not correct.

You know that Blizzard said Symm is in a bad place because her “niche” is overcome by other heroes who do it better than she does, and you know that Blizzard makes changes for reasons other than balance changes.

Please, stop parroting those two points. You know better.


look up dunning kreuger effect to understand this forum.
all the complainers think they are better than they are, this produces cognitive dissonance and to relive that they all come here and blame the game. then they see other karens also blaming the game this reinforces their faulty reasoning and makes them feel even more justified to keep complaining.
proper forum moderation and ghettoising complaint spam would solve the problem but this is too hard for a multibillion dollar company apparently.

It’s because they have zero awareness, don’t notice when Cassidy disappears for 30 seconds and don’t hear his enormously loud footsteps approaching them as he flanks and flash/fans them… :rofl: :upside_down_face: :thinking:

Jan '20

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whew, anyway…

Also Jeff:

“Well, just speaking for myself here, but I expected 1 to 2 tanks and 1 to 2 supports with more variance,” Kaplan wrote on the forum post. “I also expected more hero switching. Naively, I didn’t expect ‘maining’ and ‘one-tricking’ to be so dominant.”

Kaplan explained that when Overwatch was first developed, he imagined players would use some heroes more situationally, rather than playing the same hero on attack and defense.

“We like the direction things evolved and in hindsight, it seems obvious that they would evolve that way,” he added. “It’s not that one direction is good or bad… they’re just different directions and we adapted to what the playerbase was doing, rather than fighting against their instincts.”

But since we’re on the topic of one-tricks: Isn’t it odd how nobody talks crap when people one-trick tanks or say, Soldier or McCree? :thinking:

And also on the topic of switching heroes… Guess you McCree mains best start swapping off instead of requesting buffs to your hero, huh? Gotta learn to swap when it ain’t working just like everyone else! Oh wait, you think McCree should be good in every situation and against every hero. My bad.

Niche heroes can’t be niche if they take away everything they excelled in. Mm’kay? You can’t keep buffing other heroes while leaving certain heroes to be trash just because. That is NOT good game design. Period.

And the only ones defending this rubbish in this thread are the freakin’ McCree mains. Your bias is definitely showing.


Because they are generalists.
The fact that you are still confused about heroes that are designed to be generalists and heroes that are designed to be niche is surprising.

And heroes being niche in a certain situations, does not mean they should have 100% the advantage versus everybody else.
That’s not how it works. Fights should still be determined on the skill level of the player regardless of the hero they are playing.

Niche should have an advantage but not a 100% guaranteed win.
But based on everything that developers have been saying ,niche heroes are going to be tweaked and reworked until they are less niche and better in more general situations.
But some will always stay niche based on their designs, like junkrat will always be a close quarters hero and never meant to fight off long-range threats.

And I doubt any new heroes we will see in the future will be niche.
Good riddance to that.


They pretty much complain over every popular character.

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No, no, no we are talking about one-tricking. If McCree ain’t working in every situation, you need to learn how to swap. I’ve already said as much but you’re too stubborn and too damn bias.

You think you should get to play on every map all the time, and you’re wrong.

And if you believe this, then you’d also believe that the other “niche” heroes should be buffed so that they are viable all the time instead of next-to-never like now, but especially in OW2.

I swap all the time. I don’t 1 trick any hero

I believe their designs should be changed as damage numbers are not the issue it’s the designs that are the issue.

But some heroes are always going to be niche.
Like my junkrat example. It would make no sense to make junkrat be able to deal with snipers or long range heroes when his whole design is base on close quarters combat and controlling areas.

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It is just not the heroes designs that are the issue. You are forgetting maps. Maps are the issue. WIDE OPEN MAPS.

because alot of players place him in top 10 strongest dps of current overwatch

Moira main here. Couldn’t give a crap less about Cree. Flashbang is easy to dodge. Orb and asd are equal combat to good aim.

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Wide open maps are not the issue.
Lol, what a zero IQ take.

If I’m playing Reaper or Sym in a wide open map and I don’t switch to another hero that works better in that map it is 100% my fault.

For wide open maps I switched to the appropriate heroes and for closed in maps I switched to the appropriate heroes.

It’s a very simple concept that people shouldn’t have any trouble understanding.

Yet for some reason they still don’t understand it.

I can’t play Echo on every map all the time…though I do try to :wink:

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Am I crazy or does Toronto and Rome not have plenty of cover/flank routes. Especially Rome.