Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

They only ever acknowledge error LC-208 with this last maintenance, and although someone in their team did fix it already (before maintenance) as we all could play yesterday, they then introduced the bug again and said ‘we’ll fix it in a future update’

To me this sounds like more deliberate than not unless they have monkeys working for them …


Server problems shouldn’t freeze or give fps drops. It might be a driver issue. I had a similar problem years ago and what solved was replacing my old HDD for an SSD. A friend had the same problem on OW2, then he bought a SSD yesterday and the problem is gone. Windows is a disk blackhole nowdays.

The option for me to merge my accounts isn’t even showing up, hope they can do something about that but as of right now it’s unlikely.

Overwatch 2 the gift that keeps on giving not sure if this has been reported yet but i’ve noticed the weekly challenge progress has been resetting i’ve been busy with the one challenge that requires you deal/boost 125k damage and i got up to 100k just for it to reset back to 4k and now its jumping around the whole time how do you guys expect people to complete challenges and level up the BP when it cant even keep track of basic things like a challenge progress.

Apparently they are aware, but as with everything else going on, they are “looking into it”

What about characters stuttering or rubberbanding when there are no MS issues? I’m facing big issues with this. Like in this post: -

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I was just looking at the comments from the last few minutes on the Blizzard CS Twitter account (them commenting back to people’s tweets) and when someone mentions the LC-208 error - They keep saying “We are aware and there is no current work around at the moment” soooo that’s them saying they can’t fix it for a while - But also, they fixed that issue with maintenance the other day, and last nights maintenance reverted it… So how can they say there’s no work around and don’t do another maintenance
Tonight to fix it !!! We need an actual answer. that’s not good at all if they really decided to wait for their patch or regular maintenance to fix it… That’s a few days away.


Anymore updates? I can’t believe the LC 208 error is still happening and there’s no resolution, this is ridiculous. They have a broken product with no accountability and they continue to promote the game as normal. Please give an update or fix now!


Some of the weekly challenges are bugged. I think they are The Best Defense and Defense Line. They reset after a certain time.

Hey there,

I and some other people have been encountering a bug on Xbox since the beta where the controller randomly disconnects while playing.
Been reported since the beta and it’s still in the main game.
It’s really annoying as it happens every 10min.

I got a thread about it there : OW2 | Xbox controller disconnecting mid game - #22 by ZaeKoZ-2908

My theory is that it’s the 120hz setting paired with a headset plugged in the controller. Because as soon as i unplug my headset, it starts working again.

Can you please look into this issue ?


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they recognized its a problem, I have had it since last night. I tried again and the issue is still ongoing.

It’s tied to your account, some people are reporting same household but dif accounts where one can hop on but the other cant


Guys I really don’t think they’ll make us wait until the next official patch day. The patches they’ve done thus far have been emergency hotfixes. I know they have a weekend crew working (anyone with a sense of how to run a business knows to have an emergency crew for emergencies like this.) if they find a fix, they’ll roll a patch that same day. I have a feeling it will either be tonight or tomorrow. It’s currently still late afternoon for blizzard they run on PST

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love being in a competitive game and finally getting kicked out with the dreaded lc-208 🫠 never had it prior to my 2nd game of comp.

I’m getting LC 208 error from 12 hours ago! Blizzard? You spend months and months improving the game but the most important thing in this ONLINE ONLY game is the ONLINE SERVERS and you decided to not fix your awful servers?


Don’t think its happening any time soon or it would’ve been done when it first started getting reported :slight_smile:

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They’re probably still working on it. Seeing as we’ve had 3 server shutdowns in 2 days for patches, I am optimistic that it will happen today or tomorrow. They’re getting too much heat about it to take the weekend off.

I paid money for the overwatch pack so i can have access to the battle pass but every since they did that maintenance I haven’t been able to even log in once. When is this going to get fixed the longer this goes on the less time we have to work on the battle pass and will be forced to miss out on unlocking things. I’ve sent in tickets and i see that they open them but won’t give me any replies about whats going on.


LC-208 Error. Over and over. I am probably going to refund my watchpoint pack at this point it isn’t worth what I paid for it.


I’m still experiencing it as of this post, tried on every one of my consoles and on PC.

Hoping I can get some games in with my buddies tonight…

Compensation? Who cares. Can’t compensate the weekend time that is gone and for those of us in Canada - thanksgiving weekend (long weekend).

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