Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

love being in a competitive game and finally getting kicked out with the dreaded lc-208 đŸ«  never had it prior to my 2nd game of comp.

I’m getting LC 208 error from 12 hours ago! Blizzard? You spend months and months improving the game but the most important thing in this ONLINE ONLY game is the ONLINE SERVERS and you decided to not fix your awful servers?


Don’t think its happening any time soon or it would’ve been done when it first started getting reported :slight_smile:

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They’re probably still working on it. Seeing as we’ve had 3 server shutdowns in 2 days for patches, I am optimistic that it will happen today or tomorrow. They’re getting too much heat about it to take the weekend off.

I paid money for the overwatch pack so i can have access to the battle pass but every since they did that maintenance I haven’t been able to even log in once. When is this going to get fixed the longer this goes on the less time we have to work on the battle pass and will be forced to miss out on unlocking things. I’ve sent in tickets and i see that they open them but won’t give me any replies about whats going on.


LC-208 Error. Over and over. I am probably going to refund my watchpoint pack at this point it isn’t worth what I paid for it.


I’m still experiencing it as of this post, tried on every one of my consoles and on PC.

Hoping I can get some games in with my buddies tonight

Compensation? Who cares. Can’t compensate the weekend time that is gone and for those of us in Canada - thanksgiving weekend (long weekend).

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This is ridiculous fix your game blizzard I’m tired of waiting


lc-208 for overwatch 2. my battle.net is linked. All of my other games connect perfectly. ETA?


The saddest part of this LC-208 debacle is that its the existing customers/supporters who are impacted. People who gave their money to Blizzard. The new F2P’ers who have never spent a cent on OW, and who will never spend a cent on OW2 are playing merrily while we look in from the cold.


they haven’t communicated anything other than they know its an issue and
there is no ETA.


Fix your game already man


This right here. My daughter can get in, but since the patch last night I can’t. I’ve tried disconnecting and re-linking my xbox account which is a common suggestion but that hasn’t worked either. Can’t log into the PC version either. Different error and an infinite loop of prompting for login credentials. Halo Infinite was the last multi-player game I can remember that had a bad launch
but at least you could log in and get into games. Their problems were more related to specific game modes. This stuff we are going through right now is the worst
literally not be able to log in and play at all.


and the support has a lot of info that suggest the problem is on the user end.

just saw that blizzard cs replied that the dev and QA teams are working on it. take that with a grain of salt but its better than the copy paste response we’ve seen all day.


It’s pretty bad. I’ve seen MANY Blizzard releases. Was there for everything on the OG WoW, recently Diablo 2, and now OW2.

OW2 is by far THE WORST roll-out I have ever seen.

Would love to see them communicate some form of update rather than continuing to let us speculate.

Look, if you don’t think you’re going to fix this tonight - let us know. Don’t string us around and apologize tomorrow morning.


I still can’t login in the game, neither in ps5 (in which the lc-208 error appears) noir in pc (where i get asked to login with emai and password over and over again), i imagine it happens because of the merge i did before overwatch 2 launched (in fact i never played on pc prior to the launch, since i only had the game for ps4/ps5, so maybe trying to login first on pc caused issues)
i’m positive this isn’t an installation or network problem, since i managed to get in the game once in pc on the wednesday’s morning, also i created a new account yesterday to test if it would work (i found here that it’s allowed, but if it isn’t i will gladly delete it) and have been playing with it normally while this issue doesn’t get fixed, i have no idea of what is happening but i really wish i could play in my usual account (this one) from over 1 with my cosmetics, ranks and friends :frowning:

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Fix the lc-208 error please or give us an eta


> gamerant.com/overwatch-2-error-lc-208-still-happening-post-maintenance/

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my game crash randomly in games i already verified my drivers and every oter things ! i do’nt know what can i do now