Bronze 5 Placement, bug? - Unable to climb

How you explain isn’t how the ranking system works anymore.
You win 7 games you rank up
You lose 20 games you rank down.
You talk about a gap in ability yet I’ve been playing with my friend and we’re in the same skill ranking according to ow1 ranking.
We played the same games. We won and lost the same matches. You say there’s no way to rank up with that ratio yet my friend has went from bronze to silver and I’ve stayed the same, not even made it to bronze 4 at least
I’m not upset about being b5. I was ok with it. I’m not ok with being placed b5 over and over and it shows 0 progress. You can’t get lower than b5 even if you lose you aren’t losing elo. B5 is worst of the worst, for people who are running about the map and looking at the cup on the counter. I’m genuinely playing and getting POTGs and outhealing& out damaging the other healers in the game, even the enemies. This is not a skill issue this is a bug.