Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Blizzard CS on twitter is saying they know its an issue and are working on it so its just a matter of time now


Not many issues for me but Sombra highlight intro hacking is playing in reverse instead of showing a hero then Sombra hack it’s showing Sombra hack then hero image. Otherwise runny great good job😀

I am missing the Day 1, Legendary skins from OW1 release. My accounts merged successfully and I have everything else, but those skins appear locked on the PC, but when I log into the Nintendo Switch, the day one skins are unlocked. Tried putting them on and then logged off the Switch to see what would happen on PC and all heroes went to default skins. Weird.

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Still getting LC-208 and unexpected server error

Was working fine before last night maintenance

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Hello, First post on the forums, but i have been placed Brozne 5, the games where not hard at all, i normally ranked Gold in OW1, is this a bug or something? it’s really demotivating lol…

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same for me its mad annoying and i tried logging in on 3 different platforms

Don’t know if anyone has experienced this but my account was in the que to be merged ,and I log back in an hour later and the que is no longer able to be accessed and I do not have my items from the merge is it still in the que or was it canceled?

When will the next maintenance be? I ask because my Overwatch 2 was working fine until after the maintenance from last night 10/7/22. Now I’m stuck with an infinite login bug and cant get into the game because of it. I’ve tried all of the troubleshooting stuff and nothing is working to solve the problem.


keep having error LC-208, yesterday the game was working and now i cant play.


Same problem here, I never added my phone number to another account but it’s telling me “Already in use”… And they respond to my ticket’s with the most robotic and unhelpfull response.

how this can be explained if thousand of users were playing fine and a maintenance patch make the game unplayable? Its hilarious after the disaster of the first days.

My stats are completely messed up compared to OW1.

There was a small MMR reset. Most players are placing two ranks lower than their actual rank. You should have no problems going up when the season progresses and people climb to their intended ranks.

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To everyone saying blizzard is at home and off this weekend. I guarantee you they’re forcing people to work until this is fixed. That’s how these businesses work. Especially if they’re replying to folks on Twitter and merging posts on here relating to the same issue. They need players this weekend as it’s opening weekend. Stocks are also going down. They’re working on it. I just wish they’d make an official post or update breaking news.


I am getting the “LC-208” error. Any way to fix?

I tired all the normal things… restarting router, game, Xbox, etc. Checked NAT to moderate.


been getting error LC-208 since last night’s maintenance. was working just fine before that.
it also lets me enter the game with a different account but not my main for some reason.


Am I correct in assuming you were a gold player in OW1? Soft mmr reset makes you place a few ranks lower, usually two.

Im getting LC-208 error and ive tried everything restarting my console and my Internet router, and i have also tried disconnecting my xbox account from my battlenet account and re connecting it again.


I’ve had the same server issues since the very bad launch of this game, not many comments on it, absolutely no mention of it from Blizzard and still happening.

I’ve played 5 or 6 games only out of 20 or so started because on the first death ping just goes to 1000ms and stays there, the only option I have is leaving and starting another game.

yesterday i played with my all skins in every hero. today when i open OW2 the system said tha i have to put my cell phone number. i did it. the registration was successful and now i dont have nothing, no skins, no coins, nothing.