its end of season time…which guess means its time for comp again (woohoo)…and this time i did in right in the middle of a beta…which of course means it was just unplayable right? oh you silly silly person…you havent learned have you?
welp - we’ve had 14 seasons of OQ since it returned and each season i put up my placements (140 matches so far) on here highlighting several things:
- how off the whole 5/6 dps thing is (ive had a grand total of 2 so far) - 0 this time AGAIN…MOST of the time its just 222 or 132 (like vast majority)
- its not GOATS either (goose egg so far…not even once has it shown up)
- that i dont JUST tank/heal - i play plenty of dps (but i dont care if i dont) not a lot this time around but it was there nonethless - think this might be first time i didnt pick sombra (i always try at least once
- nor baptiste for that matter…maybe something was wrong with me this season)
- just how little role comps actually influence results (it means next to nothing - “ideal” comps lose all the time to “inferior” ones - often times getting rolled)
- its just as toxic (same amount of people in comms so not surprising)
- has just as many leavers (only 1 this time)
- how there is no actual meta in gold/plat - and im pretty sure everybody got used - AGAIN
- i usually do them at end of season so any “youre doomed if you play at the end” conspiracies can be placed right where they belong - in the trash - and as mentioned already during the beta this time
- my old people aim
NOT trying to highlight this at all but if im also being honest…zero issues with the matchmaking…they all seemed fair - which is a common feeling for me as well when i do these
why do this? cause i hate exaggeration/hyperbole on forums…and that most certainly applies any time OQ gets mentioned even though its a perfectly fine way to play the game (and without queue times at that) ….AND it has the HUGE plus of not being the restrictive/repetitive environment that RQ is (both by role lock and community narrative/driven unwritten rules about whats “allowed” to be played)…like I could easily argue it’s a way better experience…
also nowadays i think its important because perhaps it can help ease some of peoples fears with 5v5 around the corner…not 222 or solo tanking/healing is not that big a deal…youll live
but more importantly - instead of claim i rather show (and so you know im not making this up - something which few are ever willing to do)
so here we go…again…for the 14th time…my perfectly normal OQ experience:
Previous seasons for reference
Season 33
Season 32
Season 31
24 & 25 cant find cause i just embedded them in someone elses complaint thread about OQ instead of making a thread - will update if i can find them
OQ season 2
OQ season 1 - just replay codes
and here are this seasons (my team on the left):
RM8FAG - Gibraltar - [222 v 222>321] | [222 v 222>132>222] - TANK - honestly one of my better orisa rounds…hard fought but we just couldnt make final push/hold - clutch echo ult / c9 - LOSS
M50W29 - Hollywood - [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - TANK - Sigma/Rein (tried rein but i didnt like how i was doing on 2nd point att…went back to sig)…back to back holds on 2nd point? go fig - WIN
QAXC6Z - Busan - [132 v 222>132] | [132 v 132>042] - SUPPORT - went ana but honestly i didnt do a damn thing this match…they couldnt handle our very aggressive team…i threw out an occasional heal here and there but i was unneccesary - WIN
DR4V5W - Route 66 - [222 v 222] | [222 v 114] - SUPPORT - on the monk…they TRIED to hardcore “el presidente” in round 2…NOPE lol - WIN
ZY7KBB - Numbani - [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - TANK - winston/sigma - couldnt handle pharah in r1…and almost miraculously full held them in r2…but ultimately failed…i didnt like my play in this one - LOSS
D7AA93 - Numbani - [222>212 v 042>132] | [122 > 222] - SUPPORT - and first quitter of the season!! woohoo…LOSS
ZWYVQN - Anubis - [132>222 v 222] | [222 v 132>222>312] - DPS - reaper/pharah - i DESTROYED them…especially on pharah…easily one of my best pharah rounds - WIN
N6VKS5 - Dorado - [231>123 v 222>231] | [222132>222>321] - SUPPORT - ana/zen - switches galore but we prevailed - WIN
YGEFBY - Ilios - [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - DPS - gotta get an Ashe round in - some really good and some really bad moments on her but we prevailed - WIN
SPMYAE - Eichenwalde - [222 v 222] | [222 v 212] - Ball/Zarya - just an awful ball round lol…yet we “forced” a leaver…so easy clap - WIN
Overall - 7-3 (first time no extra rounds???) - +88 SR from previous season - oh wow - a legit gain!!!