comp is playable again! …hehe, but i do love all the misconceptions people have of this game mode…here are my placements…replays included…i did this last time (in someone else’s thread which i cant find)…my teams on left side (all solo queue)
i did mess up though as i did one MH round in the middle of these so it bumped my first placement…so you only get 9…sue me
#1 - lost to the nether - LOSS
#2 - VN0T5N - 222 vs 222 - DRAW - Ashe rnd1, Orisa rnd 2 (role switch!)
#3 - N21ZFJ - 222 vs 222 - WIN - Baptiste both rounds
#4 - 3705DH - [(141->132) vs 123], [132 vs 312] - WIN - Mercy both rounds
#5 - 8X1726 - 222 vs 222 - LOSS - Zarya both rounds
#6 - H83SWV - [(312->213->222) vs (132->222)], 222 vs 132, 222 vs 231, 222 vs 132 - WIN - Junkrat rnd1, Pharah rnd 2-4 (this match was all over the place)
#7 - HPC4A8 - [222 vs (141->312)], 222 vs 312 - WIN - Sombra rnd1, Ashe->Junkrat rnd 2
#8 - E586YC - 222 vs 222, [222 vs (312->222)] - WIN - Orisa both rounds
#9 - EKKPC1 - 222 vs 132, 222 vs 222(r2-4) - WIN - Ashe->Mcree rnd 1, Soldier next 3 rnds
#10 - 4FAPT2 - [141 vs (??->321->222)], 141 vs 222 - WIN - Lucio solo heal baby! (first round was a wash though as enemy only had 5 players for a good while - honestly not fair…blizz wth!)
Final Score => 7-2-1 and SR = 2736 (~ +200)
so fun to finally not have to play strictly (stagnant) 222 (and no wait times)…still played all 3 roles…switched roles mid match…still waiting on first occasion of GOATS everyone claims is rampant (neither season so far)…still waiting for the dreaded 5 dps comp that ALWAYS happened…and i wish i was exaggerating this next part - NO INSTANT LOCKING - people were actually waiting to see what everyone was doing and discussing…PLENTY of people being flexible
Breath of fresh air