My Open Queue Placements (glad its back)

comp is playable again! :sweat_smile:…hehe, but i do love all the misconceptions people have of this game mode…here are my placements…replays included…i did this last time (in someone else’s thread which i cant find)…my teams on left side (all solo queue)

i did mess up though as i did one MH round in the middle of these so it bumped my first placement…so you only get 9…sue me :man_shrugging:t2:

#1 - lost to the nether - LOSS :disappointed_relieved:
#2 - VN0T5N - 222 vs 222 - DRAW - Ashe rnd1, Orisa rnd 2 (role switch!)
#3 - N21ZFJ - 222 vs 222 - WIN - Baptiste both rounds
#4 - 3705DH - [(141->132) vs 123], [132 vs 312] - WIN - Mercy both rounds
#5 - 8X1726 - 222 vs 222 - LOSS - Zarya both rounds
#6 - H83SWV - [(312->213->222) vs (132->222)], 222 vs 132, 222 vs 231, 222 vs 132 - WIN - Junkrat rnd1, Pharah rnd 2-4 (this match was all over the place)
#7 - HPC4A8 - [222 vs (141->312)], 222 vs 312 - WIN - Sombra rnd1, Ashe->Junkrat rnd 2
#8 - E586YC - 222 vs 222, [222 vs (312->222)] - WIN - Orisa both rounds
#9 - EKKPC1 - 222 vs 132, 222 vs 222(r2-4) - WIN - Ashe->Mcree rnd 1, Soldier next 3 rnds
#10 - 4FAPT2 - [141 vs (??->321->222)], 141 vs 222 - WIN - Lucio solo heal baby! (first round was a wash though as enemy only had 5 players for a good while - honestly not fair…blizz wth!)

Final Score => 7-2-1 and SR = 2736 (~ +200)


so fun to finally not have to play strictly (stagnant) 222 (and no wait times)…still played all 3 roles…switched roles mid match…still waiting on first occasion of GOATS everyone claims is rampant (neither season so far)…still waiting for the dreaded 5 dps comp that ALWAYS happened…and i wish i was exaggerating this next part - NO INSTANT LOCKING - people were actually waiting to see what everyone was doing and discussing…PLENTY of people being flexible

Breath of fresh air


It’s almost like having a competitive atmosphere encourages people to cooperate and take responsibility for all roles equally. Who would have thought eh?


I can’t wait till it’ll be a legitimate Competitive mode in 2 weeks :pleading_face:
So weird we had to fight to simply play the game how it was for 3 years


Its insane it took it this long to come back but

Blizz do be quirky doe :crazy_face:


Like i know it probably sounds cliche…

but it actually felt like overwatch…i honestly dont know what to call the past year…


Of course goats wont be rampant, you play in plat. Higher up, im willing to bet it will turn into lots of comps with 3 supports and/or tanks frequently enough.

But hey, mode is there for ppl who enjoy it, so thats nice.


Even when Goats was around, wasn’t seeing it in high level play kinda rare aswell? I mean it was OWL where it was every game

its effective at all ranks…my guess is people honestly dont want to play that way…so they dont…

and ive said this many times before…i dont think i would ever want to play in high ranks…where i have to be slave to “metas”

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It is effective at all ranks, just like most metas were. But lower ranks dont care as much, and thus dont play a more boring meta to win.

What game are you playing and where can I find it?


I’ll still prefer 2-2-2 lock




Yep, so many claim that this mode is 5x insta-locking DPS with a battle-Mercy, which is absolutely not true from my experience.
3 DPS can certainly be a valid comp, even 4x DPS under some circumstances.
My experiences in Arcade Competitive Open Queue was that the vast majority of games in Gold and Plat (I placed low gold and had to play my way up) were 2-2-2 or 1-3-2 (usually one tank), and as a DPS main I didn’t even have to flex off DPS much, as people were so willing to form a decent comp.

Another takeaway I had from the Arcade version, was that the mode is actually climbable, unlike Role Queue which seems stuck in cement.


That’s a lotta 2-2-2s.

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yeah seriously though I may not play it but the option to do so is truly nice. I’m a strong advocate for 2-2-2 but open que should have been permanent from the start.


And yet people will swear up and down it is nothing by 5 dps. Some of them forget to say 5 dps and accidentally write 6 dps. Real genuine experiences they are sharing!


More like a breath of stagnant old air.

Been there, done that, no desire to ever suffer through the chaos of 4+ Damage team compositions that just didn’t work ever again.

If that’s really the case, why was it never like that before Role Queue was implemented?


You won’t see much of that below Masters, whereas it’s quite common in the high tier.

Because you tend to remember bad experiences far better then the good or average experience. Which allows them to cloud your judgement and create underserved bias.


Can’t wait for the majority of the player base, AKA casual DPS mains to start realizing that this game mode exists so that it devolves to the 4DPS chaos we all used to know and… ““Love””…

At least though a percentage of those players will quit 2/2/2 role - queue, resulting to smaller queues for everyone else.