Just disable Role Queue for the last month of Overwatch 1

is it nostalgia when you actually record it not happening though?

i remember the game before RQ…i remember all the complaints…i remember the hyperbole regarding how the game was played that even jeff himself pointed out didnt happen…

but im not talking about the game before RQ here…talking about OQ since it was added back to the game…there is no nostalgia…its my actual exerience over the course of the past 2 years…

and i have zero reason to believe it wont be the case yet again when i do placements next week

14 seasons…not 15…my bad

that 33 ended up being the meta doesnt mean people didnt think the game should be played 222…hell most viewed 33 as OP and a reason why something had to be done…

pretty much since the get go TONS people have been of the mindset that the game should be 222…constantly requested in the several year lead up RQ (since before GOATS)