Another OQ season…another post with my placements…
we’ve had 11 seasons of OQ since it returned and each season i put up my placements on here to highlight:
- how off the whole 5/6 dps thing is (ive had 2 so far)…MOST of the time its just 222 or 132
- its not GOATS either (ive yet to see it)
- that i dont JUST tank/heal - i play plenty of dps (but i dont care if i dont)
- just how little role comps actually influence results (it means next to nothing)
- its just as toxic (same amount of people in comms so not surprising)
- has just as many leavers (2 this time around - for reference i had 3 in my RQ placements which i do right before these)
- how there is no actual meta in gold/plat (unless i miscounted every single hero was used in these 10 matches)
- i usually do them at end of season so any “youre doomed if you play at the end” conspiracies can be placed right where they belong - in the trash
- my old people aim
i rather show than claim…
why? cause OQ gets a bad rep even though its a perfectly fine way to play the game (and without queue times at that) with added plus of not being the restrictive/repetitive environment that RQ is (both by role lock and community narrative/driven unwritten rules about whats “allowed” to be played)
Previous seasons for reference
Season 30
Season 29
24 & 25 cant find cause i just embedded them in someone elses complaint thread about OQ instead of making a thread - will update if i can find them
OQ season 2
OQ season 1 - just replay codes
and here are this seasons (my team on the left):
Season 31 OQ placements
NQ5X2Q - Nepal - [222 v 141][222 v 042] - starting off with DPS!..tried sym…didnt like what i saw…switch to torb (mostly cause of that tracer)…easy peasy…WIN
76KG1C - Hollywood - [222 v 042][222 v 132] - baptiste in this one (tried some brig at the end)…YOU CANT PLAY WITHOUT A TAN-- nvm…got owned pretty much despite our “superior” comp - LOSS
S9FXNC - Ilios - [222 v 132][222 v 222][222 v 222] - mei/ashe in this one…hard fought - LOSS
02SC5X - Anubis - [222 v 222][222->312 v 222->132] - baptiste/brig/lucio in this one…pretty straight forward…we couldnt break through at the end - LOSS
NTVEBK - Havana - [132 v 222][132->222 v 222] - tanking…orisa/sigma…this was one of the most toxic games ive ever been in…genji and cassidy arguing the entire time (you know exactly how the conversation went)…not surprisingly fullheld on attack - LOSS
2XVNK5 - Nepal - [222 v 222][222 v 222] - Brig here - same 2 guys on enemy team…easy WIN (go fig)
KHF8GG - Busan - [132 v 222][132 v 141->131][222 v 131] - Zen/Ana in this one - enemy had a leaver round 2 and yet won that round anyway (they TOOK and held that way)…round 3 we remedied that - WIN
JX6H85 - Hollywood - [123->213 v 222][222 v 213] - got rolled…played rein both rounds - LOSS
RGZFFP - Hanamura - [141->132 v 222][132->231 v 132] - brigitte lindholm again!..though we were getting dominated…credit to team we made wholesale changes…switch to tank (orisa) and bunker strat - enormous difference…great hold! - WIN
JX1AFX - Havana - [141 v 141->221] - dominated point one and forced someones connection to accidently “dc” - baptiste in this one - easy WIN
overall - 5-5; -3 SR from previous season ( WOOHOO!!! )