My perfectly normal OQ experience Part 15

its end of season time…which i guess means its time for comp again (woohoo)…this time around we are looking at the last full season of a “dying” game…so surely OQ was an even more “unbearable, nobody even cares anymore” mess right? lets find out…

youve learned nothing have you?

welp - we’ve had 15 seasons of OQ since it returned post-RQ and each season i put up my placements (150 matches so far) on here highlighting all the usual (cough BS cough) talking points about OQ…highlights like:

  • how off the whole 5/6 dps thing is (ive had a grand total of 2 so far) - 0 this time AGAIN (for math heads thats a whopping 1.3% of my matches)…MOST of the time its just 222 or 132 (like vast majority)
  • how its never GOATS either (goose egg so far…not even once has it shown up…0% for those counting)
  • that i dont JUST tank/heal - i play PLENTY of dps (but i dont care if i dont)
  • just how little role comps actually influence results (it means next to nothing - “ideal” comps lose all the time to “inferior” ones - often times getting rolled)
  • its just as toxic (same amount of people in comms so not surprising)
  • has just as many leavers (none this time - had 2 in RQ this season)
  • how there is no actual meta in gold/plat - all 32 heroes got used - AGAIN (at least 3 straight seasons now)
  • i usually do them at end of season so any “youre doomed if you play at the end” conspiracies can be placed right where they belong - in the trash
  • my old people aim :sweat_smile:

NOT trying to highlight this at all but if im also being honest…matchmaking isnt an issue…we had one 3-stack with a diamond doomfist (in a lobby that was like all plats) that did pop off this time around but im not sure i would call that “bad matchmaking” - besides we almost tied anyway

why do this? cause i HATE exaggeration/hyperbole on forums…and that most certainly applies any time OQ gets mentioned even though its a perfectly fine way to play the game (and without queue times at that) ….AND it has the HUGE plus of not being the restrictive/repetitive environment that RQ is (both by role lock and community narrative/driven unwritten rules about whats “allowed” to be played)…like I could easily argue it’s a way better experience…

also nowadays i think its important because perhaps it can help ease some of peoples fears with 5v5 around the corner…not 222 or solo tanking/healing is not that big a deal…youll live

but more importantly - instead of claim i rather show (and so you know im not making this up - something which few are ever willing to do)

so here we go…AGAIN…for the 15th time…my perfectly normal OQ experience:

Previous seasons for reference

Season 34
Season 33
Season 32
Season 31
24 & 25 cant find cause i just embedded them in someone elses complaint thread about OQ instead of making a thread - will update if i can find them
OQ season 2
OQ season 1 - just replay codes

and here are this seasons (my team on the left):

Y4F687 - Hollywood - [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - SUPPORT/DPS - zen/mei - we got rolled - not much else to say…tried to call stuff out in comms but seemed like nobody was in them - LOSS

P19NEG - Junkertown - [132 v 222] | [132 v 132>222] - SUPPORT - mercy/baptiste - 132 clearly superior :stuck_out_tongue: … enemy tried to pirate ship us in R2 but we were having none of it - WIN

ZATTYT - Numbani - [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - TANK - orisa/ball/rein - we full held on defense…and then really struggled on offense but eventually got it done…really struggled with ball play this season…eventually went rein for the push - WIN

WVTR23 - Anubis - [222 v 321] | [222 v 321] | [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - TANK - orisa/sigma/winston - enemy went triple tank/solo heal (still finished)…we were pretty dominant in extra rounds though…happy with my winston choice here - WIN

Z1HVQ4 - Dorado - [141>132>222 v 231>321>222] | [132>222 v 222] - DPS/SUPPORT - ashe/zen - switched to zen after a few cause it just wasnt working…what a difference…honestly one of my best ever zen rounds…was really happy with it despite us ultimately losing right at the end (even ended up with gold dmg lol) - LOSS

69AYQW - Ilios - [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - TANK - winston/sigma - we got rolled - not much else to say - LOSS

4Z6VBH - Hollywood - [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - DPS - soldier/cassidy - diamond doomfist was having his way pretty much and we were getting hounded in backline…went cassidy…somehow we made a match out of this despite our widow proudly proclaiming (upon change request) that they would change when they “hit #1”…ended up losing though…gotta love selfish people - LOSS

1X12PQ - Rialto - [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - DPS - sombra/pharah - this was an extremely toxic team (and it showed in r2)…lots of infighting…but i blame myself for this one…i waited to long to change…did great on pharah when i actually changed but too late - LOSS

BSM1PM - Oasis - [222 v 231] | [222 v 222] - TANK - ball/sigma - worst ball game ive ever played - back to back losses on me imho (had distractions but still)…not that R2 was any better…we got completely rolled…great comms though (not that it mattered)…pharah absolutely dominated - LOSS

GY7WXQ - Hanamura - [132>222 v 222] | [132 v 222] | [222 v 222] | [222 v 222] - DPS/TANK - ashe/reaper/zarya - i couldnt hit a god damn thing on ashe (maybe i shouldve warmed up this morning as i played absolutely awful in all 3 games today)…but this team was one of best ive ever had in terms of communication…we switched around…called out enemy sym strats…did way better on reaper…and eventually i went tank and also did great there on zarya - WIN

Overall - 4-6 - -41 SR from previous season…boooo!!! oh well

one day ill have the forum OQ experience…one day…


The amount of 222 there, people probably should have just played RQ.

Good job shutting all the RQ apologists down. Like many of us have said before, 5/6 DPS is a myth.

Maybe they prefer the option of swapping roles if it’s not working?


or waiting in like 10 times the queue…my average wait time was probably 2 minutes…for (as i keep highlighting) essentially the same experience…

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On paper that would be sound logic.

Sadly in practice that is rarely the case.

Doesn’t matter the mode, people will always find away to force either Hog Genji or Mercy. People outside of the highest highest levels don’t truly care about comp, or even know what works. This is why RQ is a necessary evil so that even with peoples lack of understanding, they can have some base structure.

RQ wouldn’t be needed if everyone read the patch notes and figured the comps that offer the best paths… down side of that would be only about 6/7 heroes would ever get played.

This happens in RQ literally every match. Locking yourself into a role does not improve match quality and it doesn’t mean you know how to play the role.

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1 persons experience does not equal the rest of us.

Plus this does nothing to show how many switched mid match to dps.

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It neither improves or hampers it. It just offers one less variable for people to mess with, thus increasing the possibility that there will be favourable conditions for better match quality.

Also makes balancing heroes a little simpler.

i like both open queue and role queue but i did resent the fact that they decided to create role queue and balance off that…

i always hated how before in the open queue days people screamed at you on what you should play or how you should play so I BELIEVE THAT CAMP OF PEOPLE WON when role queue was implemented. i never cared if i had 6 dps and i didnt go telling someone to play tank or healer. also there was plenty of times my 6 dps team stomped on the enemy team with 1 or 2 healers or 1 or 2 tanks. i can see maybe a meta in higher rankings but for your average game any comp worked even 6 dps

The last time I tried Open Q I got 4+ DPS in 5 out of 5 matches (also provided screenshots).
Initially planned on playing at least 10 matches but I couldn’t take it anymore after more than one hour of misery and chaos.
I have no idea if I was just unlucky, but I quite honestly don’t care.
I don’t have this kind of problem in Role Q, so that’s where you will find me.

The only thing to be learned here is, that different people will have different experiences and that both modes have a place in the game because there are people who prefer them.


i marked all the comps during the round…you cant see exactly who switched to what but you can see if a team gained or loss a dps, tank, w/e…if you REALLLLLLLLLY must know the replay codes are there as well

i think this is also heavily influenced by the person themselves though…like if youre someone who refuses to play anything but dps…well…youre probably going to have 3+ dps comps more often than others…

ive said this many times before…but i think OQ is really only a problem if youre just not flexible or completely intolerant to anything other than one role yourself (which basically makes you part of the problem really) or the idea that anything other than 222 is a problem…like my teams will NEVER have 6 dps for example…cause ill more than likely play a tank or a dps there…

but before you jump on that as proof that my “experiment is BS”…i dont play on the enemy teams and they dont do it either…that 2 total (and 0 goats) is for both teams (300 of them - so far…)

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I considered myself to be a flex player in pre Role Q times and always picked what I thought was needed.

Though the reality was, that I ended up playing Tank or Support over 90% of the games - which also showed when they finally implemented Role Q.
My Tank and DPS are still nearly 1200 SR apart and there where times when it was even worse.

Now with Role Q I am able to play DPS whenever I want without unintentionally sabotaging my own team because we already have 3+ DPS and/or me performing way below the average skill level of the lobby.


I can count the number of times open queue worked out to be a “let’s all swap and actually win” exactly one time. Out of, uh, 22 seasons played?

Just because the open queue games generally gravitated towards 2-2-2 in your experience doesn’t mean that role queue was a mistake, it means role queue is working and most people just play what they’re familiar with. If you spend most of your time in role queue but you want to play whatever without the wait time, you’re going to generally prefer 2-2-2 since it’s the most familiar format for you.

ps, you could absolutely play GOATS and dunk on everyone but playing GOATS does require a little more than “pick all the heroes” to be effective


not a myth. When there was just ONE QUEUE type you had all the people that are clogging the dps queue proportionally distributed.

People who play OQ do it for the flex. The DPS madness from OG queue stays on RQ because they want tank and healers.

Think it through.


If anything it proves RQ was never actually needed. Which I’ve always said is true because as someone who only plays QPC, my experience is basically exactly as illustrated by Baja. 5/6 dps is exceedingly rare, GOATs just as rare despite how strong it is.


except you still hear complaints about this all the time from people about OQ today…so its very much still a thing people claim happens

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I wondered who played that mode… lol.

Honestly. I don’t really care which is preferred (its clearly RQ), or which is better (opinions). They should just pick one and stick with it. The game doesn’t need both for ranked and unranked.

Just decide which one is Overwatch and run with it.

That may still be possible though. I’m saying off the top of my head what I believe could be the case for 2-2-2. But i’m gonna assume the same that happens on QPC is happening on OQ. A streak of matches with perfectly sensible formations, and then one where 4 people instalock dps and refuse to change.

If there should only be one then it should be open queue, since as has been illustrated there was no real need for role queue.

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