Another season…another post with my OQ placements….
we’ve had 12 seasons of OQ since it returned and each season i put up my placements (120 matches so far) on here to highlight several things:
- how off the whole 5/6 dps thing is (ive had a grand total of 2 so far)…MOST of the time its just 222 or 132 (like vast majority)
- its not GOATS either (goose egg so far…not even once has it shown up)
- that i dont JUST tank/heal - i play plenty of dps (but i dont care if i dont)
- just how little role comps actually influence results (it means next to nothing - “ideal” comps lose all the time by “inferior” ones - often times getting rolled)
- its just as toxic (same amount of people in comms so not surprising)
- has just as many leavers (1 this time around - for reference i had at least 3 in my RQ placements which i do right before these - 15 games instead of 10 to be fair)
- how there is no actual meta in gold/plat (unless i miscounted every single hero was used in these 10 matches - AGAIN)
- i usually do them at end of season so any “youre doomed if you play at the end” conspiracies can be placed right where they belong - in the trash
- my old people aim
NOT trying to highlight this at all but if im also being honest…zero issues with the matchmaking…they all seemed fair - which is a common feeling for me as well when i do these
why do this? cause the exaggeration/hyperbole is annoying (forums in general)…and cause OQ gets a bad rap even though its a perfectly fine way to play the game (and without queue times at that) ….AND with the added plus of not being the restrictive/repetitive environment that RQ is (both by role lock and community narrative/driven unwritten rules about whats “allowed” to be played)…like I could easily argue it’s a way better experience
but more importantly - instead of claim i rather show so you know im not making this up… - something which few are ever willing to do
so here we go…again…for the 12th time…my perfectly normal OQ experience
Previous seasons for reference
Season 31
24 & 25 cant find cause i just embedded them in someone elses complaint thread about OQ instead of making a thread - will update if i can find them
OQ season 2
OQ season 1 - just replay codes
and here are this seasons (my team on the left):
NN93PR - Lijiang - [222 v 222] [222 v 222] [222 v 222] - started off with support (lucio/baptiste) - good rush to begin and then enemy tried some sym shenanigans (hit and miss) - R2 bastion in first game?? go fig…we almost came back in this one and somehow failed to cap (i had a really unlucky rollout on lucio at the end) - R3 they pretty much owned us - VERY close to a win…but ended up being a - LOSS
90JZMP - Gibraltar - [231>321>231 v 042>132>222] [231 v 231>222] - tank (sigma) - tankless comp managed to take first point before adding some tanks…stopped right before 2nd point - definitely some turnover in round 1 - we then demolished them on attack - WIN
MB7RPY - Hanamura - [222 v 132] [132>222 v 132] [132 v 222>402] - DPS on def (mei/pharah - i did awful) - switched to tank after round 1 (hammond/sigma/rein) they owned us with sym strat first round…we REALLY struggled to take both points on attack (both in OT)…LONG heroic 4 min hold to force draw in R3 - easily one of the worst games ive ever played…not proud of it at all - DRAW
MAZ9TW - Anubis - [231 v 222] [222 v 222] [132 v 222] [222 v 222] - tank (winston) then dps (cassidy) then tank again (winston/hog) cause there was no way i could dps given circumstances - i basically threw the game through no fault of my own after round 1…my 2 yr old niece came in and used me as a jungle gym trying to see what i was doing…she wouldnt stop (unplanned “you watch her for a bit so its not like i could kick her out”)…complete throw away match…i apologized profusely to team - its a miracle i hit anything (gold dmg actually lol) - shame cause we had good comms - LOSS
JR9PZJ - Ilios - [222 v 222] [222>321>222 v 231] [222 v 222] - dps (reaper/junk) - once again i just cant get my dps footing (embarassing) - switch to tank (rein)…nope…heals just werent there…hammond…CHA CHING!!! they couldnt deal with me (especially R3)…and clutched the win too (feeling better) - hard fought WIN
YH8DP0 - Dorado - [222 v 132] [222 v 132] - dps (Ashe/Sombra) - finally a decent dps round for me - not much to note here… correction - first round I accidentally turned on net graph and I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off so I had to play with lines all over the screen (managed to find it in options between rounds) - good WIN
98B1M0 - Junkertown - [222 v 132>222>231] [222 v 222] - support (baptiste/brig) then tank (zarya) - but basically…TOXICITY TIME!!! - people arguing about dps outputs…oh look we lost…go fig - LOSS
6HVYKQ - Blizzworld - [132 v 222] [231>222 v 222] - support (zen) then tank (sigma) - absolutely got destroyed first round - no contest - few switches we then rolled them all the way to last point where we were eventually held - tough LOSS
KNHE9D - Oasis - [222 v 222] [222 v 222>122] - dps (soldier/sombra) - we were dominating pretty well…enemy had a leaver mid R2 - good comms - WIN
DG9TC8 - Volskaya - [132>222 v 222>132] [222>312 v 132>222] - dps to end night (echo/ashe) - smooth attack and toughed it out on def - WIN
Overall 5-1-4 - +33 SR from previous season (WOOHOO!!) i wasnt happy with my support play…but i did finish strong…think this is the first time ever i dont use orisa…welp…be back for season 13 where we’ll see if i finally have the forum OQ experience everyone keeps mentioning