My completely normal OQ placements part 12

Another season…another post with my OQ placements….

we’ve had 12 seasons of OQ since it returned and each season i put up my placements (120 matches so far) on here to highlight several things:

  • how off the whole 5/6 dps thing is (ive had a grand total of 2 so far)…MOST of the time its just 222 or 132 (like vast majority)
  • its not GOATS either (goose egg so far…not even once has it shown up)
  • that i dont JUST tank/heal - i play plenty of dps (but i dont care if i dont)
  • just how little role comps actually influence results (it means next to nothing - “ideal” comps lose all the time by “inferior” ones - often times getting rolled)
  • its just as toxic (same amount of people in comms so not surprising)
  • has just as many leavers (1 this time around - for reference i had at least 3 in my RQ placements which i do right before these - 15 games instead of 10 to be fair)
  • how there is no actual meta in gold/plat (unless i miscounted every single hero was used in these 10 matches - AGAIN)
  • i usually do them at end of season so any “youre doomed if you play at the end” conspiracies can be placed right where they belong - in the trash
  • my old people aim :sweat_smile:

NOT trying to highlight this at all but if im also being honest…zero issues with the matchmaking…they all seemed fair - which is a common feeling for me as well when i do these

why do this? cause the exaggeration/hyperbole is annoying (forums in general)…and cause OQ gets a bad rap even though its a perfectly fine way to play the game (and without queue times at that) ….AND with the added plus of not being the restrictive/repetitive environment that RQ is (both by role lock and community narrative/driven unwritten rules about whats “allowed” to be played)…like I could easily argue it’s a way better experience

but more importantly - instead of claim i rather show so you know im not making this up… - something which few are ever willing to do

so here we go…again…for the 12th time…my perfectly normal OQ experience

Previous seasons for reference

Season 31
24 & 25 cant find cause i just embedded them in someone elses complaint thread about OQ instead of making a thread - will update if i can find them
OQ season 2
OQ season 1 - just replay codes

and here are this seasons (my team on the left):

NN93PR - Lijiang - [222 v 222] [222 v 222] [222 v 222] - started off with support (lucio/baptiste) - good rush to begin and then enemy tried some sym shenanigans (hit and miss) - R2 bastion in first game?? go fig…we almost came back in this one and somehow failed to cap (i had a really unlucky rollout on lucio at the end) - R3 they pretty much owned us - VERY close to a win…but ended up being a - LOSS

90JZMP - Gibraltar - [231>321>231 v 042>132>222] [231 v 231>222] - tank (sigma) - tankless comp managed to take first point before adding some tanks…stopped right before 2nd point - definitely some turnover in round 1 - we then demolished them on attack - WIN

MB7RPY - Hanamura - [222 v 132] [132>222 v 132] [132 v 222>402] - DPS on def (mei/pharah - i did awful) - switched to tank after round 1 (hammond/sigma/rein) they owned us with sym strat first round…we REALLY struggled to take both points on attack (both in OT)…LONG heroic 4 min hold to force draw in R3 - easily one of the worst games ive ever played…not proud of it at all - DRAW

MAZ9TW - Anubis - [231 v 222] [222 v 222] [132 v 222] [222 v 222] - tank (winston) then dps (cassidy) then tank again (winston/hog) cause there was no way i could dps given circumstances - i basically threw the game through no fault of my own after round 1…my 2 yr old niece came in and used me as a jungle gym trying to see what i was doing…she wouldnt stop (unplanned “you watch her for a bit so its not like i could kick her out”)…complete throw away match…i apologized profusely to team - its a miracle i hit anything (gold dmg actually lol) - shame cause we had good comms - LOSS

JR9PZJ - Ilios - [222 v 222] [222>321>222 v 231] [222 v 222] - dps (reaper/junk) - once again i just cant get my dps footing (embarassing) - switch to tank (rein)…nope…heals just werent there…hammond…CHA CHING!!! they couldnt deal with me (especially R3)…and clutched the win too (feeling better) - hard fought WIN

YH8DP0 - Dorado - [222 v 132] [222 v 132] - dps (Ashe/Sombra) - finally a decent dps round for me - not much to note here… correction - first round I accidentally turned on net graph and I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off so I had to play with lines all over the screen (managed to find it in options between rounds) - good WIN

98B1M0 - Junkertown - [222 v 132>222>231] [222 v 222] - support (baptiste/brig) then tank (zarya) - but basically…TOXICITY TIME!!! - people arguing about dps outputs…oh look we lost…go fig - LOSS

6HVYKQ - Blizzworld - [132 v 222] [231>222 v 222] - support (zen) then tank (sigma) - absolutely got destroyed first round - no contest - few switches we then rolled them all the way to last point where we were eventually held - tough LOSS

KNHE9D - Oasis - [222 v 222] [222 v 222>122] - dps (soldier/sombra) - we were dominating pretty well…enemy had a leaver mid R2 - good comms - WIN

DG9TC8 - Volskaya - [132>222 v 222>132] [222>312 v 132>222] - dps to end night (echo/ashe) - smooth attack and toughed it out on def - WIN

Overall 5-1-4 - +33 SR from previous season (WOOHOO!!) :sweat_smile: i wasnt happy with my support play…but i did finish strong…think this is the first time ever i dont use orisa…welp…be back for season 13 where we’ll see if i finally have the forum OQ experience everyone keeps mentioning


I’ve noticed this about both OQ and QP Classic, but I’ve also noticed that if the matchmaking is off in these modes, it’s off by a mile. I get some of the worst stomps ever and they usually give me the feeling, “Well, I’m playing my best hero and getting instantly deleted. I can’t switch because then I’ll probably end up with a hero that I suck at and my team will flame me for “throwing”.” Other than that, most matches in OQ have the best matchmaking compared to the main game modes.

Of course the first reply is about the 1 part I said I wasn’t trying to highlight :sweat_smile:

But yeah I usually don’t have issues with the matchmaker…my RQ ones were fine as well…but it shouldn’t be surprising…it gets exaggerated on here just like everything else

Thanks for taking the time and provide the details, including the replays so people can see that even without RQ, people in OQ are still playing the game like it is supposed to and at the end of the day, the team that coordinates better wins.

… not the one that has 222 more.

Still a lot of dudes will be in denial and think that splitting the queues and forcechoking 222 on the entire playerbase for a year was the best change we had.

… like it didnt bring more queue times, way worse and uneven matches and didnt solve anything besides “well … at least we dont have 4-5 DPS”.


Oops. Guess I misread that part.

I’ve actually won matches where I was playing D.Va and I had 5 dps on my team. When people say she can’t be a good solo tank I just tell them this and they stop complaining. Granted I’m in gold in OQ so it might not be a good strategy in other ranks, but it works for me for the time being.

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That last round the enemy team was being CARRIED by their dva tank…and she was solo tanking for a bit

Another thing I didn’t mention….but my OQ experience is another reason why the idea of 5v5 doesn’t bother me come OW2


Nice! I haven’t watched the replays as I’m not near my game at the moment.