Resurrect 3.0 idea

So for the past few months, I’ve seen threads that are complaining about Mercy’s rez being OP because it’s not earned. Instead, it’s on a cooldown. A reset every 30 seconds available as soon as the match begins. But what if that’s not how you got to use rez?

What I’m thinking is that we implement Torb’s scrap mechanic into Rez. Instead of getting the resource from the enemy, however, you can only cast one rez after x amount of healing done. If you do anymore healing beyond that x, it doesn’t count until you use that first rez.

This solves the problem of wanting your allies to die so that you can use your rez. In addition, this makes it to where her lack of healing is acceptable (compared to Ana and Moira) because now she has an ability to compensate for it. Poor Mercys (like pocket Mercys) will not get that many rezzes, thus this is kind of a skill floor raise that requires you get as much healing as possible. My third reason for this is that by removing the cooldown and cast time from rez, she won’t have it at the beginning of matches; she will also have a more viable way to use it in the middle of later team fights where rez tends to be more of a burden. This also gives valkyrie a use other than being a glorified spectator mode.


  • Remove the 30 second cooldown for rez
  • Rez no longer has a cast time, but she doesn’t have invulnerability either.
  • Mercy can only cast rez after x amount of healing is done. This could be indicated on a meter similar to Torb’s current scrap meter. If you fill the meter, it will not go over to count towards a second rez.

Of course, this idea is open to suggestions. What do you guys think?

Edit: Changed the title. I feel it works better.