Move on from Mass Rez

I was replying to this:

Omg, you didn’t take that jog, did you? I’m disappointed in you.

A state of misery and turmoil. Something that’s almost comparable to WW2.

I generally don’t pay much attention to what the forum thinks about heroes and balance. I do know that there are a lot of players out there that are happy about it as well. But, that’s nothing which is going to be resolved, and certainly not here with the two of us who cannot agree.

So, you are right and I am wrong.

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good post,my man :+1:

But Im a Sym main and I like it…

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I don’t care about mass rez anymore. Valkyrie just sucks, and rez is a burden. I recently made a thread detailing a change to rez that could make it feel more rewarding, and make valk have some use for once.

Same here.

I like Sym 3.0. She’s my most played hero in the current Comp season,even if it’s only 1 hour cause I don’t play Ranked too much even though I should cause I’m close to getting Sym’s Golden Weapon

I can still understand why some might dislike her tho, but I still like her. I just wish she’d get some needed buffs soon.

New sym is super strong, myself and my friends have a 3 stack… that teleporter is super strong when you have teamwork. You can flank a team from a direction they never saw coming. Her ult forces the enemy to engage, forcing the backline [if placed correctly] to have to engage on the point if they want to be useful. Her left click is easy to charge. And for squishy dps you just use right click because it’s more effective at burst. You can combo the teleporter and turrets to throw off your opponent. I think the new sym is hated because she has a much higher skill ceiling than she did previously. And if you want her teleporter to work, you need to communicate to your team.

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They don’t owe you anything. They said the support changes are successful and that they won’t revert Mercy. They don’t have to say anything more. Besides,if they say anything regarding Mercy and supports,people on here will just get outraged cause it wasn’t what they wanted to hear

haha You do realize I play Ana, Moira, Lucio, Sym, Zarya, Orisa, Widowmaker yes? lol

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Imagine defending a multi-billion dollar company that can’t even communicate with it’s fanbase properly. Yikes. :see_no_evil:

The communication has been garbage. This has been a hot topic for a long time an official response should put it to rest.

It has not been successful, it’s a garbage rework go read any Mercy thread, 11 nerfs in counting when we only needed tweaks to Mass Resurrection.

Season 1-3 Ana, Mercy Heals were very fun and balanced.

Love the popcorn posts. It’s the reason I come here. Keep them coming. :ok_hand:


Some people just can’t grasp the concept that players that don’t even play Mercy are in favour of removing Valkyrie. Stating that “the minority of Mercy Mains” want it deleted and then automatically assume that you play Mercy if you say you are in favour of deleting it. So thank you for being one of the many players that don’t play Mercy sticking up for us in favour of removing Valkyrie! We appreciate it very much!

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…Did anyone else just see several posts disappear? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They weren’t even offensive… One was asking a question and the other was answering it with something that had already been posted…

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Yes. I am extremely confused.


The post that I quoted is still up…

So yeah. My point stands. How a character feels is completely subjective and you are gatekeeping

They are telling you how it feels to them. You are upset because you feel that their feeling is unjustified. Which is ironic considering you stopped playing mercy because of her change. And the “feelings” :roll_eyes: of people who have less hours but more playtime in her current form would have more of a say than someone who has 450 hours in a form of mercy that no longer exists.

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I find current Mercy just as fun as old Mercy.
Just to throw my “funness?” into the mix.

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Hey Im a Mercy Main but I love my 27 heroes just as much. Valkyrie was and is the biggest disaster to Hit Overwatch.


Obviously its because you’re a Mercy. In the mean time, a trollbjorn thread mocking Mercys is still alive and kicking. After many hours and mass flagging.