Here's How You Fix Mercy

Here’s how to fix mercy:
Go back in time one year ago and never make res an ability.
Oh, you can also just delete it from the game now and return to 60hps and buff valk a bit-- there perfect.

Phew that took so much brain power! Man, took me a whole 5s to think it, can you believe how hard it is to balance mercy?!

Well let’s see…

This isn’t humanly possible.

This solution would mean that Mercy would only have Valk as an Ultimate, with no E move. We’re back at square one, because the main problem Mercy mains had was that Mercy… Had no E move.

So, how would this be “perfect” for Mercy again?

Seems like Mercy is a bit harder to balance than once initially thought :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I don’t understand why you are very amendment on mercy keeping rez. can you explain please?

I’m not saying you, but most mercy mains like to cloud their arguments with opinion - and then fact, and use them interchangeably. they say mercy is no longer “fun” and “engaging”, but i do not see how anything besides the movement of her was fun to-begin with. that’s what hooked me.

the thrill of flying through the battle field. Not standing still vulnerable while i rez. that’s literally the exact opposite reason i picked up the character

You don’t want to keep rez, and I do. Why is there a need to “understand” an opinion rather than agree to disagree that ones views may differ from another?

If one wants rez removed they are entitled to that opinion. If one wants rez to stay, they are entitled to that opinion as well. Both are subjective views, and one idea isn’t better than the other, so there isn’t anything to “see” as to why someone wants one or the other. It’s literally personal preference at the end of the day, right? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Nobody is attacking you or saying you’re not allowed to have a favorite.

I like old torb, and i’m hesitant to only have the new one moving forward. They are both good in different ways, and the handful of mercy changes aren’t any different

I am not asking why you think it’s right, i am a terrible writer, and i’m sure that is what caused the problem.

I am asking you how you find rez “fun and engaging”

I never said you were attacking nor not allowing someone to have a favorite. I’m just answering your question with a “why not?” response.

People like what they like. Speaking for myself I like how rez brings people back from the dead. I like how it’s an ultimate that is earned rather than on a fixed 30 second cool down. I like the feeling of giving my team a second chance when it was seemingly at a loss. But that is my own personal preference. I don’t speak for all mercy mains, and I understand if that isn’t something you personally like. In fact every reason I gave about it, you could completely hate. And that is completely okay. The important thing is realizing those differences and accepting them. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

My problem with any form of rez is that mercy should be good enough of a character that when someone dies it was a mistake on your part. Not as a result of a terrible, and underdeveloped kit to use. the devs built mercy in a way so that your team would be insufficiently healed, and making Rez on “E” or Ultimate her identifying feature.
Every other healer in the game’s failing point is the player, lack of knowledge, skill , positioning. Mercy was designed with a failing point so her only redeeming asset was the forefront.

You can’t stop all deaths, and most deaths that happen could have been stopped by a player thinking harder.

You seem to have this “everyone is a winner” , mentality so i will leave you be on that, but i really wish i could be challenged by my mercy. I wish i could be rewarded for making smart plays and decisions. Except, no matter if i play terrible today or great, I am still sabotaged by a horrible design (and ironically, my contribution to the team is the same)

Hmm, I overall agree but it needs some tweaks

  1. I like the overheal aspect of it, so thats a yes from me.
  2. I dont think damage should be Mercy’s priority, so thats a no from me, sorry.
  3. I think it would be a bit less tedious if it became into a group ressurect instead of individuals because it might make a single target keep getting ressurected repeatedly.
  4. I think if you just tweaks the numbers a little more like 4s for 15s then you have yourself a good ability. I agree with your changes to it as welll.

I’m down for experimenting with a single target type of rez ult.

Personally I would’ve liked to have seen how things played out with all the various support changes without the HPS nerf on Mercy. Alas, no such luck.

That said, Mercy does need some help rn.

I really dont like the idea of valk on Mercy. she is so mobile as it is, allowing her free flight on a cd just doesnt make any sense. It reduces one of her weaknesses in which she doesnt need and that could make her OP.

The notion of E started to really be a thing when she was UP. Once she got her invul, ana was toned down, and dive was played more, her pick rates and win rates were good enough for her to not need an E. She got an E now because of the rework not because she needed one.

So from this we can infer that all mercy needs is a good ult and 60hps. Valk can be a good ult, it just needs buffs to make it so.

It really isn’t hard to balance her if everyone let go of res.

I’m not sure if that is a fair to all the people who still want Rez. But you are free to hold that view! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I agree. I think Mercy’s identity really features “Resurrect” as an important aspect which is core to the hero’s purpose.

I really miss the days of Mercy being able to make a strong impact with a single ability, and I think moving Rez back to ult makes sense. But I think that chain singular rezzes will catapult her back to being OP, because that’s the thing that can endlessly stall out teamfights.

With one big mass rez, it’s either useful or it isn’t; you lived long enough to do it or you didn’t; the enemy have ults in reserve to deal with it or they don’t. It’s a one-shot use, and the teamfight is won or lost after it’s deployed. Chain rezzes are what prolong teamfights by undoing one key pick at a time, which feels like a stalemate, and is frustrating all around.

Even as an ult, I think multiple rezzes would be much better handled as a one and done use, rather than in sequence.

Or just rework her removing both abilities because they have both shown they do not have a place in the game.

Coming from a mercy main xoxo

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Mercy is fine, I just solo healed a comp match with her and didn’t die once, nor did anyone on my team. And hear is why, my team had great positioning. That’s all that’s needed to dominate as mercy, even with the changes she is still a beast if you know how to play her.

I bet in gold quick play that is true.

I made a similar suggestion about Rez. Though if we’re doing that, it should stay as an ability. If you want to know more of what I’m talking about, feel free to give this a read.

But that’s something that is severely missing in this game.

Like Zenyatta? im right?