How many of you Mercy mains would like this?

Mercy has no other way of preventing death. She has lower consistent healing because she can bring a target back. The only way to remove res from Mercy would be to give her a strong burst heal or anti-death mechanic or she will become even worse than she is currently.

you can simply remove rez and give her a ability that heals more similar to moira and ana

but mercy mains don’t want that, they want rez no matter how dumb it is

But a CD increased heal doesn’t compare to res and continues to make her worse. Especially depending on the uptime of the ability and CD. It wouldn’t work. It would have to be a really strong heal to compare

it would because there is a thing called balancing

they just buff her more on her kit

Again, I’m fine with removing it, as long as there is something good enough to compensate that can actually save a target.

I’d love that, tbh. I know that rez is a part of her identity but it would be better to keep teammates alive rather than bringing them back from the dead. Other supports are able to do so, why can’t Mercy? I like her mobility and the fact that her kit is focused mainly around healing, not dealing damage.

History shows that rez - just like people above mentioned - is hard to balance. It’s just my opinion but I personally don’t like this ability and the idea standing behind it, which is letting your teammates die.

I’d gladly see some kind of rez replacement. Something that would allow Mercy to prolong her team’s lifespan.

Rez is a big part of who she is a character.
For Sym, a big part of her character is the light bending technology that comes in the form of turrets, her primary and her ultimate. She still uses the light bending technology.
Torb is still an angry sweedish man who builds turrets.

For them, changing small parts of their kit did not change who they are.
But rez is a big part of who Mercy is.

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Reaper should have his voice almost silent for teleporting and it should be faster. That’s the one buff he absolutely needs.

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If they make her fun then YES

Or we could rework how rez itself works that would not only make it feel better to mercy’s whole kit, but also help exterminate pocket Mercys.

No, just put it on a meter instead of a timer, so it’s earned.

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How so? Rez (and Zen’s orbs, for that matter) are just gameplay mechanics. Mercy didn’t actually bring someone back from the dead in the lore. She did save Genji, who was on the brink of death, but he wasn’t actually dead yet. So Mercy should be about preventing death. She’s a doctor, not a necromancer.

A way to not get rid of the feeling of resurrect completely would be to give her some kind of buff that you could put onto an ally, that would heal them for like 50hp (or 25-50% of their maximum hp maybe, otherwise using it on tanks would be kind of wasted) if they take lethal damage, so they’re still in critical condition and you have to take care of them. If they don’t take lethal damage, they are healed for a slightly bigger amount. Just an idea though.

Personally, I’d like that to be her ultimate even, an AoE with a small cast time similar to Lucio’s ultimate, which would finally make sense for her to yell “Heroes never die!”.

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I would like it, but I will not be hyped though. Some of their reworks didn’t go well

I’m a Mercy Main and I would. If that could stop people to think Mercy is BrainDead and that Mercy Main have 0IQ.

I would be sad to lose rez, but I would love anything that enables Mercy to make decisions that have a tangible impact on the match.

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I have a lot of time on her and I would 100 percent rather Rez be put back as an ult or removed entirely so mercy can actually be a FUN and balanced character.

Problem with that…

I’m not necessarily opposed to an ability like that… I’ve seen abilities like that work in other games. Thing is… those other games are mobas. There are two things about mobas that make that sort of ability far more useable.

  1. Heroes don’t die in the blink of an eye in mobas.
  2. The isometric view found in most mobas makes it FAR easier to both spot when your ally is in danger and to see if the enemy hero who has that ability is anywhere nearby or has used that ability.

I really can’t see an ability like that functioning well in an FPS.

I’d like that. As long as her heals are brought back to a reasonable spot, I’d be happy to see resurrection go.

If they approach the rework the same way they approached balancing Rez (all or nothing) then no. I’d rather Mercy not be made wicked OP and break the game’s balance again, and if she’s going to be left as trash, I’d rather she not be butchered any further.

If they approached Mass Rez sensibly and tried different itterations where she had damage reduction, or other limitations, or other vulnerabilities with other counters in the game to it, it likely wouldn’t be so much of a problem that it required the rework we got in which case it could have been balanced. If that same ineptitude is to be demonstrated again, then just leave her alone.


Resurrection is still a sorely needed ability to have a counter to all these garbage oneshots that this game is currently littered with, otherwise nobody would ever use anything else but hanzo, widow and doomfist as they can just snipe and punch away at your team one at a time and even if they traded their life for support, they’d always have an advantage since enemy teams cannot push without supports. Or with the old resurrection, a counter to bad ultimate spam where enemies can’t simply gather bunch of ultimates and pop them and storm point for free.

It’s quite possible to balance resurrection if they stopped being so insanely stubborn about it and stopped using alpha mercy ultimate.