[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Lucio/Junk Main right here and her state it just abysmal right now. She’s a pocket without perks (ie Medic from TF2 was a pocket but he got and gave perks)


She currently doesn’t. Or rather, she cannot.

She’s not.

Jeff once talked about 10 differents things to try.

What about trying any of them ?

Or was this a smokescreen too ?
Like we’re reading it daily ?


Because people ‘dont like their hard work undone’, no seriously thats one of the poor excuse for mass rez to not come back.

I’d say its good because its both a balance of an ult that saves from a teamwipe AND punishes players for not thinking before pressing Q.


^^ exactly! it was the perfect punishement for players wasting too many ults. if anything it made them think a lot more. “is there a mercy? maybe lets not use every ult we have”


You know whats another worse excuse?

“Mass Rez didnt had a counter!” It frickin. DID. Ults like D.va and Junkrats can wipe them out. AGAIN. People conveniently forget that when Mercy rezzes her team, you CAN wipe them out again. I cant tell you how many times I managed to wipe out Mercy’s team because I just riptired them after they got rezzed.

If the complaints were reference to how she can just be behind a wall and rez or to prevent it, I would be inclined to agree. But nope, thats the general rule of mass rez, because they apparently there were no ‘counters’.


My idea on a rez change that would honestly feel better for everyone.

Now there are a fair amount of counters. Hammond, Torb, D.Va, Reaper, and even grav + dragon can work if you bait out the rez beforehand.

Exactly, people say mass rez cant fit and there are ‘no counters’ but legit there are now. Its just peoples dislike of the ability that clouds the balancing of mass rez.


I posted a link to my suggestion for the current rez. I honestly hate current rez. It’s worse than Sombra when she first came out.

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peoples dislike for the ability, and not being good enough to kill mercy before she rezzes, so we have to suffer because of it lmao, what a world


The thing is. Rez on an ability cooldown is just a terrible idea. No matter what way you look at it.


That is almost entirely the Idea that EeveeA_ brought up. Don’t steal something and say it was your idea. Thats plagiarism.

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First, this is an online forum, not a formal event or an English Class. I don’t see a problem with people having similar ideas.

Second, giving Resurrect a resource requirement isn’t an idea first thought up by EeeveeA. There were posts about this almost as soon as the rework hit the PTR.


Is this thread still getting randomly locked? Haven’t seen it in a while

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I mentioned plagiarism, because if people try doing it here, they’ll most likely be doing that also in real life. I know I was a bit overreacting, but I’ve only seen these pop up after I’ve seen this mentioned by EeveeA_. It was my personal experience, if it’s otherwise, I greatly apologize.

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I don’t even know who that is. I don’t devote all of my time to these forums. I was just playing torb, shot a Mercy down as she was rezzing, and the idea popped into my head. It would be plagirism if I copied the post word for word. You’re thinking of mimicry; which again, I couldn’t have since I don’t know who EeveeA_ is.

Edit: No wonder I don’t know who that is. I looked up the name on the forums, and apparently the Mercy idea thread was locked. Therefore, I couldn’t have seen it. Chill bruh.

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Plz Buff Valk. All I gotta say.

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I would rather they took valk out back, and shot it with Torb’s new gun.


I have already apologized if you didnt see it.

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I see an apology to Titanium, but not to me.

I lowkey don’t care about an apology btw. It’s not that big of a deal now that none of us really care.

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