Where are the 10 Mercy fixes?

Sure, that idea is fairly common.

But you know what isn’t common?
An entry level hero having a 90+% pickrate in every single tier, including the pro scene.

I think it’s safe to say that it was appropriate to just do flat nerfs until they find a good basis to work with. When it takes almost a year to balance someone, you don’t really want to slap on a couple random comp-buffs until you know for certain the nerfs were enough to begin with.

00f then


The problem with damage amplifiers not stacking that I can foresee is that one will always be used and one will never be used; whichever is better. I mean, I agree that part of the problem was that Mercy became the best Zen support peeler and both had damage amps, but would I nerf Zen? No.

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A +90% turned <50%.
But keep the nerfs comin.

<50% between three main supports sounds desirable?

Exactly my point…

What do you mean? Why would she need compensation buffs when <50% sounds desirable. Sorry my punctuation made my post unclear hahaha

OH, I thought you were being sarcastic.

Less that 50% is undesirable.

Wait what?
No one is asking for her to be nerfed anymore?
Not even people known for hating Mercy are saying that anymore.

All I’m talking about how we got to where we are now. When she was completely OP, they had to nerf her down to a reasonable level. Now that they know where the “too far” line is, they can start working around that line.

Ana’s pickrate steals more from Moira’s than Mercy’s.

I made a rework suggestion for mercy and I wanna know if you like it:

Well of course, because she’s too weak to be nerfed. She needs buffed! And that’s why the forums are blowing up with Mercy posts!

Perhaps you’re new to forums…forums have been blowing up about mercy for over a year now

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While I agree, Moira is still in a better spot BECAUSE Merc is so bad… and I don’t think that’s a good thing.

And this is coming from someone who mains Moira and WHOLEHEARTEDLY prefers Moira’s playstyle over Mercy’s (in any itteration)

Oh I know.

'Cause this rework isn’t that great.

So Mercy didn’t received any changes in a PTR update for once? That’s fine.

This patch is all about fixing a way more broken hero. It’s Torbjorn’s turn to get some balance changes. He was truly F-tier and unbalanced. I can’t say the same thing about Mercy.

She does need changes, but she is not in dire need of getting changes. Other heroes are.

Mercy can be addressed the next time along with the Roadhog changes.

Except she still remained the best without needing any compensation for those. She didn’t lose her perch until they touched the rest of her kit for the first time (which was also the same patch they buffed everyone else).

I’ll be honest, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

This issue only arises when you have both zen and mercy on your team, and only when they have damage amp on someone who is focusing discord orb.

That’s a very specific scenario, and I’m arguing it’s bad for the game’s health. That doesn’t mean I think zen or mercy damage amps are broken individually or would need nerfs, but I think stacking them leads to some abuse cases / damage for a specific character that was never intended to do so much.

Damage multipliers are a tricky thing to balance, let alone stacking them. I am honestly not overly concerned if this breaks some interactions between mercy / zen. It’s not really interesting to make it so Widow or Hanzo and body shot someone and it be an instant kill for instance. If I am to die instantly to them, it’s nice when it’s a headshot. It means they either outplayed me or got lucky. I’m okay with that! I don’t think it’s okay with in these edge cases which become more prevalent in higher rankings that the headshot factor is cimpletely unnecessary to killing me in a single attack.

i’d sell my left kidney if it meant we’d get a better HPS than what we got now and even possibly having mercy be fun again (i dont care in the slightest about meta i play to have fun)

How about number 11?