Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Blizzard on purpose avoids buffing defense. Bastion, Torbjorn and Symmetra were/are good at defending areas, and not very good at advancing.

Overwatch moves into territory, where any kind of defense should be counterable by single hero, or it will be “unfun” and (omg!) will require team effort to win. Not just correct counterpick from one player, but actual teamwork and plan to break through defenses.

It will slow game down, and we all are aware, that Blizzard wants gameplay to be fast.

But his point was that “easy” heroes like Torb or Bastion or Symmetra (even though Blizzard’s own rating system doesn’t consider her “easy”) are deliberately made to be bad.

Not because they’re defense heroes. Otherwise, this would apply to Widowmaker and Hanzo as well.

Except not for lack of trying. They’ve specifically tried to buff them into viability several times. They just failed to do so.

Symm especially.

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They are not “oppressive” defense heroes, and can be used to support offense just as good. If Widowmaker or Hanzo are trying to defend area alone, they can be dealt with; if old Symmetra, Torbjorn or Bastion are holding area, they can be very difficult to eliminate without help. They are strictly defensive heroes, as they require setup time to be useful.


The point is it fails because they can’t just up there numbers so they can start blasting GM players because of the affect on the lower brackets.

Why do you think they don’t just up their numbers to make them GM viable??

I’ve recently come up with a suggestion to change rez. This is the only way that I can accept rez as an E.

In your dreams.

What’s actually going on, is that Blizzard is very aware of the niche Torb and Bastion have. And Jeff Kaplan has gone on record saying that they’d looked at buffs for both Torb and Bastion, but couldn’t find any that would not break them for lower ranks. There was no QQing from Bronze/Silver/Gold. That’s all between your ears.

If they are aware of that, then they should put warnings in hero selection, so no one will pick them, if they want someday to climb higher tiers…oh wait, we already have that kind of situation, with players being reported for picking them.

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Except reality is showing us that heroes who don’t depend upon mechanical skill can be balanced in all tiers; see Reinhardt.

And a Mercy that sustains 3 players at once with well-placed beams and evades two ultimates before turning around to quadruple-tap the enemy team’s tracer is very different than a Mercy who gets hooked and one-shot by the enemy Roadhog.

Because the developers are incompetent.

That’s the reason.

If you go through two reworks on a single hero and still can’t manage to bring them out of garbage tier, that’s not a problem with the hero’s design; that’s a problem with the people reworking heroes.

Except they literally never have been “too good” at any rank.

This is incorrect. The hero’s effectiveness scales with the player’s skill. If the player is of Gold skill level, they will remain in Gold.

Aside from the fact that we have yet to see a truly successful hero release (save for maybe Hammond) in regards to balance, how so?

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Wait-- what? I thought Moira’s release was pretty successful.

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Moira is ok! I think she could use some more healing on her ultimate though. +40HP/S then she’d really be a force to be wreckon with.

well reinhart needs his own specific skills as does winston

current mercy needs game sense and thats it

With that “bug” that was her being able to heal through barriers being patched out… she’s been pretty bad.

Psst. Check your Bnet.

Not only gamesense, but I will grant you that the current Mercy doesn’t give the player much to improve upon; that’s what the proposed rework is supposed to change.

can you give an example of what other skill she needs?

the rework at least gives her a ability that has aim so she will need more than one skill but i still think it should be a regular hitscan.

What are you talking about?!?!

Yeah, No CRAP!!! and Bronze - Gold players knew this when the game came out that is why they were complaining about it back than at launch. This is were that whole notation came from.

So they won’t buff them because of the frustration they put on the lower ranks which is literally what I have been saying the whole time.

So thanks for agreeing with me…I guess??

Honestly, If you think Auto Aim abilities scale with player ability the same as free aim abilities that get a bonus for headshots you fundamentally don’t understand the problem.

Yes, there is a difference between all Heroes at different levels of play. But some heroes scale much differently then others at different skill levels

Positioning. Healing prioritization. GA discipline. Damage boost utilization. Pistol usage.


Curious what Winston players would say to you then, as his weapon requires no aim at all.

Honestly, if you think that aiming is the only skill that matters or scales in this game, you fundamentally don’t understand Overwatch.