Mercy nerf soon

I mean… when she was trash she was not played that much because effectiveness>>>>> popularity.

Genji is the clear living proof of this. He is extremely popular but also underwhelming in some cases thus he is not picked that much.

As much as you guys want to use the “popularity” card on Mercy, anyone with decent understanding of things knows that this is not the case at all.

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I am all in for nerfing Mercy.

The hero is in every game dude, her pocketing capabilites are annoying as hell, she enables dps heroes way too much.

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Mercy is the biggest sample of a balanced class balanced in every rank kthx.

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Was she though? She was sitting consistently at around 2-3% pickrate in GM, occasionally it went higher, and a much higher pickrate in other ranks. I am not suggesting to bring this back, I just think this is an exaggeration.

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Like I said above. If you didn’t cut the text in half, she was still picked a lot because she is extremely popular. If all the popular mercy streamers were being asked to switch because “Why you playing mercy are you throwing” then I don’t think it’s an exaggeration.

This game isn’t a popularity contest, especially in GM. They pick what is best.

It’s not like a lot of GMs like playing her anyways.

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Where do you think these mercy streamers like oshizora or whatever play? She had plenty of vids and streams where she was litterally being yelled at for even picking mercy on the hero select scream. There was once a time she got disconnected from the game and had to pick brig to avoid being yelled at even more. Again, doesn’t seem like an exaggeration to me.

That doesn’t really mean anything. If her pickrate and winrate were fine, she was too.

They were most likely yelled at because they were playing mercy in an unideal situation (i.e rein zarya kings row)

I would love to show you, but obviously the streams are old as hell now and it would take a long while to know which ones they are, considering mercy doesn’t have 50hps for a very long time now

Oh yeah, just like Moira or Lúcio. They aren’t bad, the players are just playing them on bad situations.

Huh? Moira doesn’t have a 2-3% pickrate, it’s like around 0.2% if I remember correctly. That may be because of bap being too strong though.

I don’t think lucio is bad himself, he just is bad in a poke meta.

I’d like to clarify I don’t want mercy nerfed at all.

I’m a GM support player. I hate to say it, but Blizzard really seems loathe to nerf Mercy -or even touch anything about her- because her diehard ‘Mercy-fans’ (and Mercy must be the most OTP’d hero in the game) throw absolute fits any time she is looked at for balance.

I’m also a female saying this; a really good portion of Overwatch’s female playerbase are support players…and a lot of those are Mercy mains. And Blizzard is very proud of the M/F ratio of players Overwatch has…I don’t think they want to do something that would anger this sect of players that they’re so proud to have. It sounds rough, but that’s my take on it.

Because she’s just an accessory for a skilled DPS to carry. If the DPS isn’t smurf level then she’s worthless. Which is why Mercy mains never carry and usually play in stacks. But there are a lot of smurfs and at highest ranks people can double tap you to oblivion. If you want her to drop from play (I do), you need to increase her technical difficulty so that people can’t use her as an easy get carried option.

Drop torb on this list. Add in hanzo’s storm arrow buff, and it’s perfect.

Diamond in general isn’t remotely difficult on any hero :skull:

I go Ana and Bap in GM and win with ease, they must be super easy too

They didn’t nerf everyone elses movement speed when GOATS was a thing. Nah, they nerfed lucios speed, mercy deserves the same treatment.

Merf Nercy soon? :yawning_face: :drooling_face: :sleeping:

You can nerf mercy’s healing per second to 20, remove damage boost, and remove her gun and I would still insta-lock her every game. Up to you to decide if you want a nerfed mercy on your team or not, because you’re getting a mercy regardless.


Is this bait? Please tell me this is bait…

OP, are you really trying to make game harder for yourself?