Mercy getting nerfed

This hero has always been unhealthy for the game. People often talk about the glory days of Overwatch with no DLC characters but mass resurrect was a thing, the most annoying thing in gaming.

Enabling smurfing, the biggest issue is resurrect being on cooldown, it’s an ultimate on cooldown. Sage’s ultimate is a single man rez in Valorant. Resurrect should be part of Mercy’s ultimate, Valkyrie or removed from the game.

Mercy’s pocket has too much sustain at 55hp/s and her healing is unlimited. It’s weird that they would nerf hitscans falloff but not supports, now support is even an easier role to play chilling in the backline.

Great mobility with GA being on cooldown every 1.5 seconds/ super jump making her hard to punish.

Looking forward to OW2, hopefully they either remove resurrect from the game or lower Mercy’s healing to 50hp/s.


She was a troll pick at 50 hp/s and it took Aurora + other dedicated Mercy mains who still gave a crap about Overwatch to get it buffed to 55 HP/S after nearly a year of organized constructive feedback. Including gathering the support of OWL, t500 and GM players greenlighting a Mercy heal buff.

Nope, because hitscan hegemony had to end, they reverted damage fall-off damage calculation back to launch status finally. Lo and behold projectile heroes have much better pickrates and the dps category is pretty close to being very balanced.

She has very difficult positioning requirements to survive. Mercy players have to prune out many unviable positional moves in order to find the best sequence of movement to survive. It’s very challenging, Samito commends Mercy players for that skill also.

Superjump is very easy to punish, this is an L2P moment.

OW2 fast pace as it stands already soft-deleted Rez. Sombra alone hard deletes rez from the game with her rework. You’ll just find another support to witchhunt.

But yes, let’s keep neutering balanced supports instead of problematic ones (Bap’s utility) so no obstacles stand in your path.


i honestly agree as a mercy main when i play against her i feel like holy crap i main this hero now i feel what other people feel


The only reason mas rez wasn’t an issue in the early days was because mercy was the one and only main healer in the entire game.

Once when they gave her invincibility while casting, it all went downhill from there.


Mercy was never a must-pick before her rework. Ever.


So go ahead and nerf mercy; then pray I don’t end up on your team.


you leave her alone skeletor!~


Hahaha, I am saving this clip

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Every hero sounds op when you list their upsides without talking about their downsides.


An already boring, unfun, and unimpactful hero getting nerfed because??? Pocketing???

So instead of a rework where shes the staple healer of the franchise (as advertised) ppl just want nerfs instead for OW2? A worse, more pathetic and easy to play sidelines sidekick DPS slave, amazing.


They can rework Mercy, as long as they get rid of resurrect.


I think in 5v5 rez on cooldown could be too strong. Maybe it would be better to add single rez to her ult and make it instant. Maybe give the rez hero some stat buffs for a little bit when they come back. This turns rez into a kind of nano boost. Valk could be a normal ability so this give Mercy players the solo carry potential they ask for.

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Internal testing has clearly shown she is right where she needs to be, and our limited understanding of how the kit plays out with the rest of the cast isn’t sufficient to question their expertise. Cassidy Mercy is fine where she is.

Am I doing it right?

Well im pretty sure most mercy mains would like to get rid of the 2 second self stun as long as its replaced with something that directly impacts the players actions, impact in the team fight, and isnt some sidelines sidekick pocketing nonsense


Again I have to ask, who was the streamer who whined about Mercy? She’s not meta-she’s not even in the top 3 for supports.

So I’m assuming it’s an echo chamber from some disgruntled streamer.


I don’t play Mercy so idk, but aren’t you able to cancel resurrect? Cause if you can then 2 second self stun is an tad bit of an exaggeration lol

Not intentionally. You can move out of the range but that’s it. You can’t cancel it at will like in the experimental.


There has to of been some streamer that mentioned mercy being played to much. That or its just the witchhunt of the week.


Ah true. Could be the rotation witch-hunt. Since the lack of Ana/Bap/Brig posts.

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Mercy’s pickrate spiked for like a week, now she’s lower than Lucio

I’ve never seen Mercy next to Moira in the high ranks before lol usually she’s at least in the middle.

Though Moira’s pickrate this week is 3.5% while Mercy is 9.7, so she’s still like 6% higher than Moira, but it’s weird to see her down at the bottom with Moira. This is a screenshot I need for my folder as I’ve never seen her this low before.

(talking about the highest rank GM, but I’m sure in a few days it’ll be another story and she’ll have gone back up lol, cause this makes 0 sense to me)

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