Mercy nerf soon

Somewhat a support problem, it’s more that poke-more tanks are just better right now, I mean with sigma ball, you can’t exactly expect rush/dive supports to be good, although moira is debatably horrible right now. It also does have to do with tanks and dps as well not supports is basically what i’m saying.

She is a VERY user friendly hero who doesn’t have to have ANY aim to do anything (unless you go on the offensive), with good mobility providing team mates are around and a solid healer…hell…the only MAIN healer in the game in my eyes. Everyone else can dps/kill pretty efficiently while healing decently to very well. Rez is still also a very powerful ability. Any nerf, even tiny, would butcher Mercy where she is at and make her useless. Honestly, she is still very easy to kill compared to the other healers.

lol this guy…

maybe i use this forum to try to argue what is my experience playing against those mercy duos??. im a player that like to play a lot of diferent heros… i dont like to see heros like mccre or ashe destroying everything when they are boosted by mercy.

im not using the forum to force you or blizzard to balance about what i say.

maybe more players can understand what is the diferent of one op hero vs one opressive/not healthy hero state.

sorry for my english :slight_smile:

Squishes and tanks get exploded by damage boost. Burst damage is stupid but amyplyibg burst for even more burst damage? You don’t see the problem with 260 DPS echo dmg boost beam?
I’m masters and I can tell you it’s broken.

Honestly dmg boost 25% and hps to 60
Mercy herself is balanced. Dmg amping isn’t

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I have over 300 hours on Lucio and haven’t actually played Mercy much in weeks, but sure keep living in your own little world

And this is my tank account where I’d rather play against a Mercy than a Lucio because She’s so easy to kill

Or is your aim worse than a “delusional Mercy main”'s aim?
How embarrassing…

Deep sigh

I wish I had mercy in my games when I’m on dps…

Instead of nerfing damage boost which has been the same since the beginning, I believe Blizzard should buff tanks survivability.

Yes damage boost has a lot of value now because of the strong dominant dps and weak tanks. Some say dps are balance but I think there is a problem if even without damage boost the dominant dps can delete tanks in seconds.

Even if damage boost was nerfed the dominant dps with continue to be the same and still shred tanks like wet tissue paper.

There was a clip a while back that showed reinhardt being killed in seconds even with a zarya bubble and no damage boost or discord.

he def got overall nerfed… thats just stupid to say

Are you dumb???


Your actually trolling me?

his Proj speed got nerfed, and he was META before the rework which nerfed him.

he got his recovery rate reduced, which cut his overall dps by 13%



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Why can Ana have a high pick rate without nerfs for years mm.

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Brig Zen or Merzy Zen

Mercy has only become popular because everyone has become so nerfed that she is now a viable option again.

hopefully soon. competitiveness of this game is a joke with an introduction character being meta / must pick at highest levels of play.
like does skill actually matter when you use a hero who switches between left and right click for value?

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Judging by the last time, give it 9 months :joy:


Aww looks like another mercy main on mercy forums.

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I mean, Mercy is like one of the most popular Heroes of the game, THE most popular Support… And since there aren’t that many Support heroes, it’s just normal people play her, since she’s loved by litererally everyone.

None of the claims being made justifying a Mercy nerf are true.

  1. She does not have insane pick rates. She has the pick rates of a meta character. Her pick rates hover between 6 - 8% depending on the rank and have been for months (occasionally going a bit higher, but not for long). Prior to that her pick rates were much lower. For comparison, the top characters often have pick rates exceeding 12%. Several currently do. Ana did for over a year.

  2. Mercy is not in every game, and she is not a must pick. Her pick rates are not even close to that. She’s either the second or the third picked healer depending on the rank. The top picked healer is always much higher than her.

  3. Mercy doesn’t have abnormally high win rates. In Diamond - GM her current win rates are somewhat below the average for her tier.

There is no doubt that Mercy is a meta character, but her numbers are not even close to indicating an OP character. This makes sense - she had this exact build for months after the 55 hps and wasn’t picked much. This is what a good, balanced hero looks like.

Who else are people meant to play? None of the other 6 supports have any real impact right now. Just run Moira with echo and McCree?

she has a high pickrate more because people just like to play her. I do think she needs a slight rework/nerf to damage boost tho

Girl you really think I care? I’m just correcting their false information.

Symmetra main FYI.

Wait wait wait so first Zen and now Mercy?

If we are nerfing damage boosting abilities then nerf Nano Boost and Supercharger :slight_smile: