Mercy nerf soon

Mercy in every single game. Every. Single. Game.

When is this hero getting nerfed? How can a hero like mercy be picked so much and have insane win rates with sich a high pickrate?
Jeff hello?


Aww they created another post because they were caught being wrong in another.

Doesn’t change the fact that Brig, Ana and Bap all have a high winrate.

Most hero’s seem to average a 52% winrate, so it’s not like she’s achieving anything different.


Popularity =/= power

Even if Mercy was the worst in the game she’d still see decent playtime because a lot of people who play her simply don’t care if she’s bad, they enjoy her.

So it’s actually in everyone else’s best interest to not have her be crap because that new crap Mercy will be on your team lol.

I bet you’d be the type to flame someone for picking Mercy after you got her dumpstered


like 4 seasons ago, mercy had terrible pickrate… now she have a very good pickrate because hitscans are stronger with the shields nerfs… and she transform the hitscans on monsters.


So… nerf hitscans? Or buff tanks back to being good against hitscans?

Punishing Mercy for the rest of the game changing around her damage boost- more or less the same as its been since launch- is a weird response



we want hitscans nerfs… a lot of players are asking for mccree, ashe and hanzo dmg nerfs… but dmg boots should get a nerf to.


My bad, I thought you were OP for some reason

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Look, at this point it’s inevitable that they will look at Mercy at some point. But before that address Echo. She should be priority #1. Then after that Cree despite all the talk about pickrates and historical performace- he’s slighty overtuned, nerf him a litte. Then revert S76 helix buff. Then look at Torb’s turret for a nerf in that area.

After those see where the game stands.


why nerf torb before than hanzo and ashe?


bruh ngl I legit forgot the odd storm arrow buff. Absolutely revert that. As for Ashe she feels ok for now (imo ofc)


Lol. It’s funny to see mercy one tricks say she isn’t even op when she’s been meta in the pro scene for a little under a year and has the highest pick rate in GM only beaten by ball for a solid 5 months. Not sure if it’s just me though


You know, when mercy had the 50hps healing beam a year or so ago she was AWFUL, LITERALLY TRASH TIER SUPPORT HERO. Yet, she was still one of the most picked support heroes in the game. She is insanely popular and the chance of getting a mercy player on your team is insanely high. They don’t nerf heroes who are appearing in every single game. If that was the case Genji would be “Insanely broken”, but he isn’t. He is terrible. But he is popular. Mercy has always appeared in a lot of games ever since the game came out. They don’t nerf heroes just because they are popular. Otherwise where would tracer and genji be? Where would Dva be? Where would Widowmaker and hanzo be?


Yes and do you see pros complaining about mercy nope, and since pros are the best players in the game i know they know more about the game then anyone in this forum, and blizz should be balancing the game around them


Kragie recently talked about damage boost being busted - former rank one support talked about how mercy needs to be nerfed as well once he saw the exp card.
A lot of Twitter complains from people like svb that talked about how oppressive damage boost amps are in this game.

We need sources lol, I can also say ML7 said Ana was op and needed a nerf.


so this isnt valid for genji but is for mercy, alr

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How isn’t it valid for Genji…? He is just as much popular as mercy. They still didn’t fix him… idk why. There are plenty of heroes who need reworks and nothing is getting done…

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I don’t want Genji to be dumpstered either.

I truly don’t want any hero to be that way, but I would welcome some heroes having lower pickrates due to my bias.

It is valid for Genji. I just don’t want Genji to be OP or overtuned.

I take all statistics cited on this forum with a grain of salt, even if it comes from Overbuff.

You also conveniently forget that Moira was extremely good several seasons ago, so that would siphon some off.

I’m not saying her pickrate won’t ever change with power. I’m just saying that popularity is not necessarily linked to power.

I would wager that Mercy was more popular at her worst than most other heroes were at their worst.

When she had 50hp/s her pick rate was half what is now, she’s overpowered.

Every other support has been nerfed besides Mercy. Last thing she received was a buff.