Mercy Mains Are Delusional

This is a game of give and take guys.

If your character is overperforming, they need nerfs to balance the game.

I do not understand this mentality with mercy mains after their character got nerfed initially, but no, this is not a punishment. It is just how the game works. Why does every mercy main treat game balance like a slight directed towards them or their ‘community’ and not just a fact of life that affects us all equally. We are never reverting back to S1 Mercy because she was egregiously overpowered.

You are not going to sway the Dev’s opinions on your character because they have the stats on them. They know what characters are overperforming. This is literally how they would treat any other character. If a character is good, they get nerfed/reworked. If time passes and they are STILL overperforming, they get nerfed/reworked.

If you were able to play multiple characters, you would not care nearly as much when Mercy gets balanced.


… So anyway, i pulled out my pistol and started blastin…


All of this is not the excuse to lie to community. Lack ot honesty and transparency hurts more than nerf itself

Community is a big joke because they don’t have the capacity to acknowledge blatant imbalance. All you get out of it is deflection, cope and hypocrisy. I don’t even know why people attempt to dialog with it.

Then they enter the 8th stage of denial and start trolling with the most ridiculous threads and “joke suggestions” I’ve ever seen… as if it will actually work to their favor.

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I dont mind if mercy isnt meta and around b or c tier, the stuff were mad abou the dev are nerfing her in the worst possibile areas, nerfing hwr ga and not touching rez or dmgboost. Why nerf the most skill demanding part of her kit when she has much much more low effort parts of her kit that are problematic

Isn’t that exactly what they’re doing? GA was always on 1.5 and that’s what it’s going back to. Yeah it’s 2s now when you bounce jump but that’s fine IMO. I didn’t have an issue with the changes in principle, what I did have an issue with is they implemented them without a single thought about how it would affect her play style.

Honestly season 4 Mercy will be even worse for those dps players who can’t aim, as she’ll be faster in valk, have extra self healing and they’re keeping in sympathetic recovery too.

What main likes nerfs? I was a Kiriko main until they ruined her. Switched to Lucio and then Brig. I won’t even touch Mercy this season. She’s nerfed really badly.

mainly it’s because of this formula:
Nerf 1: Players adapt.
Nerf again: players again have to adapt
Nerf once again: getting annoyed at the constant nerfing
Oh, it’s time to nerf again