Mercy nerf soon

Because she’s just an accessory for a skilled DPS to carry. If the DPS isn’t smurf level then she’s worthless. Which is why Mercy mains never carry and usually play in stacks. But there are a lot of smurfs and at highest ranks people can double tap you to oblivion. If you want her to drop from play (I do), you need to increase her technical difficulty so that people can’t use her as an easy get carried option.

Drop torb on this list. Add in hanzo’s storm arrow buff, and it’s perfect.

Diamond in general isn’t remotely difficult on any hero :skull:

I go Ana and Bap in GM and win with ease, they must be super easy too

They didn’t nerf everyone elses movement speed when GOATS was a thing. Nah, they nerfed lucios speed, mercy deserves the same treatment.

Merf Nercy soon? :yawning_face: :drooling_face: :sleeping:

You can nerf mercy’s healing per second to 20, remove damage boost, and remove her gun and I would still insta-lock her every game. Up to you to decide if you want a nerfed mercy on your team or not, because you’re getting a mercy regardless.


Is this bait? Please tell me this is bait…

OP, are you really trying to make game harder for yourself?

So are you guys going to report this person as a troll or should I? They made a thread, but clearly rather flame everyone who disagrees with them, instead of having an intelligent and meaningful friendly debate with them.

Then again I suppose having a “intelligent and meaningful friendly debate” requires more than 1% of your brain power, so nevermind. No wonder they don’t try doing that instead of flaming.


No. I consider Mercy to be best healer, precisely because she doesn’t mess up, regardless from who is picking her.

When your results already depend on other teammates, last thing you want to have is additional opportunities for failure.

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Doubt you will make everyone understand that. Adepts of mechanical skill worship Ana, even while Ana is best used on tanks…making whole “mechanical skill” argument kind of weak.

DPS players should want to have reliable tanks and supports, but for some reason they hate them instead.

I’m just keeping notes of all the stats.

Also-Hiya Reaper been a hot minute.

What do you mean “been a hot-minute”?

I go against Ana more than Mercy. :U

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thanks to ball+tracer, if you don’t play mobile supports it’s gonna be hell. The actuall problem is zen who somehow has 13% wr against that, which hints like…

I don’t see any trolling here ty very much.

OP is right, a Mercy nerf is inevitable at this point, she is picked in almost every game.

Nerf her pistol then.

No, I think we should not allow her to jump.

Then she would be dead, since it’s nearly only way to use resurrect.

Mercy players will cry anyway that your opinion is stupid, and they won’t notice that their character is too good and need nerf… They are annoying