MERCY Bugs have not been addressed for a Year! A lot of them are game breaking

Hello! I’m a partner to a fellow Mercy player that has accumulated nearly 550 hours of play time on her. In this time, We have experienced several bugs and have compiled a list of them that have happened on more than one occasion.

We have identified the following as bugs for they were not features of the game before, but rather happen occasionally or all the time. They have been implemented into the game over the past few patches and have not been fixed. With every patch introducing more (and not being fixed) it has come to me that Blizzard is not aware these bugs exist. I do not have footage of some of them happening, so I will add them when I can.

Do note: These videos are on Console, but these bugs persist both on PC and PS4. A lot of bugs aren’t noted, so PLEASE if you have more footage or know of threads, add them here. Let’s make Blizzard aware, these bugs are here almost for a year.

Guardian Angel

1. Target selector appears through walls
2. Player cannot GA because the TS falsely appears

Description: There is an ally behind a wall, but the TS appears even though Mercy cannot fly towards it. The animation begins but quickly cancels which causes the player to be locked in position until the GA button is let go. This misinformation disrupts the player, as previously you could hold the GA button down until a teammate was visible through the wall. However, this bug means that the player has to spend valuable time judging if they are truly around the wall to GA. This is not caused by cancelling GA, as the ability is not put on cool-down . In kill cams I believe the enemy cannot see this happening.

This is not including situations where the player has ‘Guardian Angel Prefers Beam Target: On’ and the beam is connected to an ally around a wall.

Mercy Bug: Guardian Angel

Video description: The first clip is me testing it on a Pharah. The second clip is it happening in a game when trying to fly to the high ground. It happens once and the second time it stops and goes on cool down is because I let go even though I could have flown. You have to let it go or else it’ll keep the player locked in position, and I’m used to doing it because of the bug at this point.

3. GA towards a teammate through a wall

Description: Flying to a teammate (quite obviously) through a wall.

Mercy Guardian Angel Bug - Flying To A Teammate Through A Wall

Video description: Junkrat was on high ground in a room, yet I was able to fly towards him through a wall.

Caduceus Staff

1. Healing audio cuts off

Description: This one is simple; the audio for healing just stops. It is only for Mercy. It does not always happen and some times it will come back either while healing someone or re-attaching the beam.

This happens on for any hero the beam is attached on, no matter what skin is used (therefore not a skin or hero related issue). It is usually for a brief period before it fixes itself.

Mercy Bug: Healing Sound

Video description: In the first clip, the sound stops and starts several times on the tanks. For the second clip, it happens on Soldier.


1. Dead teammmate’s icon appears through a wall

Description: The icon appears to let the player know they are able to resurrect their teammate. However, this bug can make the player think they are able to Resurrect, when really they cannot. When pressing the Resurrect button, the animation begins but is quickly cancelled and not put on cool-down. This used to not happen and I’m sure it was not intentionally implemented.

2. Volskaya Industries moving platform

Description: Occasionally, Resurrect is cancelled when slow-falling off the platforms on Volskaya. The soul is clearly out of range some times when performing this resurrect, but I’ve had it cancel even while standing on the platform.

Resurrect on Platform Experiment

Video Description: Standing on the platform Resurrecting in range. 4 more clips of me testing it for range, slow falling and turning away.

Teammate Appearance

1. D.VA’s sillouette does not show when she is in and out of her mech for what I believe is only an issue for Mercy. This happens whenever there is a D.VA and continues all game.

Since posting this, I’ve noticed a person I was grouped up with (who was playing Reinhardt) was disappearing behind the wall for a couple milliseconds before reappearing. I can get footage of this and slow it down.

Mercy Bug: Teammate Appearance

Video description: A clip of D.VA not showing through the wall. Only the chevron does.


Most of these bugs have to do with LOS issues. Fix the TS appearing through walls and GA/Resurrect won’t cancel.

Thank you for reading this! :slight_smile: I really hope all these bugs get fixed soon and no more make an appearance.

Additional videos and links by comments


Lets start by fixing super jump first.


by redisigning GA and making SJ more reliable or by removing SJ
as mercy player im dont really care… i just dont like grey area situations when most players using bugs to play game =)


removing it ofc. She has no need of such extra mobility.


Unfortunately, I disagree. She needs it.


I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s not really OP and it’s a predictable arc. Definitely not like Genji’s ledge jump that launched him across the map.

If they removed it tho, they should remove a bunch of unintended movement extending abilities TBH.

Though I doubt they’re going to remove it, especially when it was showcased in an OWL tutorial.


Mercy’s had it for over a year now at least, and Blizzard are fully aware of it so I don’t think they see it as a bug anymore.


and moira had her “healing through barrier” bug also for over a year… and it still got fixed.

just because mercy mains on this forums can turn into an angry mob does not mean the devs should be afraid of fixing bugs. it only means they have not enough devs to fix bugs and should hire more people but thats a different story.


No she doesn’t. GA is already the escape ability with shortest coldown in the game and she has self heal too.


The Super jump appeared at around the same time when the other bugs started appearing.

Wouldn’t mind it being fixed if something would appear in it’s place. Either way it isn’t the main issue with Mercy, it’s her GA and Resurrection bugs near corners, moving objects etc.

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They considered Moira healing through barriers a bug since April 2018 at least. That’s not over a year.

Almost like that’s the trade-off for having some of the worst self-defense out of all the supports along with having to rely on teammates for GA.


Yes but she doesn’t need more than that.


And she doesn’t need less either. So superjump should stay.


That is just your opinion.
Superjump is an exploit however so it can get fixed at any time.


Ngl was expecting this to be a thread complaining about superjump.
Was ready to argue but now I guess I’ll upvote


Thank you for featuring this again.

I am sure if you ever played Mercy you may have stumbled upon some bugs during her gameplay. It has been a while since she had any bug-fix related patches. Even if this thread shows only most appearing bugs, Mercy has way more.

Probably the worst ones IMO are “Ghost resurrect” - when you keep clicking on rez it shows short animation but then cancels itself with no CD on it; And flying to allies through walls with GA and getting stuck in the air.

I am simply hopeful devs won’t turn a blindeye and wait another year to resolve this. Seeing how many people do play this hero they ought to at least know about this at any case.



Blizz stated that this WAS a bug and they implemented it as a feature. So no. She does not need a nerf.


Then never said such thing.

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They did. So no points for you here.


Well no, super jump is an exploit of her “angel bounce” which is what you are actually referring to.